Why no Wild Mice, Six Flags?

Yeah, the Seabreeze Bobsleds is certainly fun. Although it's more of a severe Zyklon than a mouse, its an interesting ride.


I have never been on Exterminator, so I can't say too much about it, but I can speak for the Crazy Mice that I have been on. I found them to be much more interesting and fun than standard mice, and many others seem to agree. Of course, Jeremy always seems to take the road less travelled when it comes to giving opinions :)

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Amusement Advantage is a mystery shopping company the evaluates some of our favorite parks including one of our favorites in southern Indiana and several in Pennsylvania.

rollergator's avatar

I got to do a "secret shopper" gig with McD's WAYYYYYY back in college...that was quite fun...let's see here, bathrooms filthy - check, POP current - check, wait time before ordering - 3 minutes, oooh, that'll hurt...

Man, I would LOVE to do that again, what a BLAST...of course, wearing this gator head, it's a little hard to be "inconspicuous"....;)

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