Why I'm glad I'm here(coasterbuzz), and not there....

Okay, this may get closed, but I had to speak my mind. I know alot of people have bashed rob alvey, nd I'm sure they've had their reasons(I've even poked a bit of fun, but I dont' know him), but I've always felt that he seems nicer from what I've seen him post on other forums than most let on.

That has all changed today. This guy gives true meaning to Enthusi-Ass, more than anybody on this site ever could. Scroll down this page and listen to his heartless posts. Edit: Opps, forgot the link:):

********link removed***********

Here at the Buzz, some people get on my nerves, and I theirs I'm sure, but I've never heard anything this sick and disgusting from any of the regular members on this site. Even if we don't agree, at lest CoasterBuzz has some class, and as such, I'm glad to be part of the community(even if I am the Villiage Unfunny One). And for this, I thank Jeff, and all the regular posters.

An accident happens, and for good reason, some coasters close, but some people feel that someone deserved to lose their life.

Even if this was the same situation that happened @ SRM, no one deserves to lose their life, but we all have to pay for our actions. That still dosen't mean we should have to die.

Sick and disgusted, I felt the need to talk to whomever would listen, and even if it gets closed(or deleted, though not by me), Thanks for reading my rant!

Peace Out~
Clint B. *** Edited 5/14/2004 12:28:50 AM UTC by TeknoScorpion*** *** Edited 5/14/2004 2:42:13 AM UTC by Jeff***

So umm, what did Rob say now?

Fate is the path of least resistance.

nasai's avatar
Clint. Rant recognized. Back to the important things, though. Who here, who lives in Washington State, will buy insurance from me? Auto, Home, Fire, Life?

Any takers? I'm serious. ;)

The Flying Turns makes all the right people wet - Gonch

Um, Shouldn't you be going door to door for that? I could give you pointers;)

seriously not trying to hyjack my own thread...

Kick The Sky's avatar
Rob: Can you give me a quote for auto insurance in Wisconsin?

Certain victory.

Back to the original link...that's some pretty interesting reading. I never knew he had that mentality about'em. Never would've thought that he would go so far as to label fellow ACE members with larger body proportions as the "fat camp." Then on a side note I'm also surprised that ACE members of all people would get mad because they couldn't be properly restrained in a ride. I always thought that they would be more understanding than the average guest, but that's a whole 'nother story. I guess Robb'll just be Robb.

-Look past the flesh...and see your enemy-
Gemini's avatar

Sounds like the ****** got what he deserved...and now WE are all paying the price for it!

Got what he deserved? All I can say is, wow.

This guy redefines the term "loser." He's said and done some stupid things in the past, but this goes way beyond enthusiass ... he's just an ass. All the attaboys are pretty sad as well, for many reasons.

*** Edited 5/14/2004 1:13:55 AM UTC by Gemini***

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz

Rob -- if you give me a car, I'll happily get my insurance from you :)


Hmmm - let's see if I know how things are in this guy's world:

Unauthorized cameras taken on coasters to get on-ride footage, despite rules against same = good.

Girlfriend riding a coaster with the bar 3 feet above your lap so you can get max airtime, complete with picture of same = good.

Being ejected from a ride and being killed, forcing whiny enthusiasses to be deprived of riding for a few months = bad - moreso for the enthusiasses, of course.

Being a whiny enthusiass who shows zero class in a tragedy, because I can't ride a coaster because someone died = good.

This guy is enthusi-ass defined.


I'm stunned.....absolutely, stunned. That's the most immature, insensetive, insulting, (and other words that start with "in") post I've ever read.

Pretending I had respect to start for him, it's all gone down the tubes.

Bashing another person or site aside, I do think Clint posting this has merit......it's called "what not to do" and "how not to act". Even if you do think things like that you should never say them in a public forum for so many reasons (insert joke about him wanting to get banned from more parks this year here...)

Real Cbuzz quote of the day - "The classes i take in collage are so mor adcanced then u could imagen. Dont talk about my emglihs" - Adamforce
Oh, and about the discussion at Westcoaster -- well, people are assholes. Fat people, unfortunately, are still one of those groups it's a-okay to make fun of, insult, laugh at, blame or discriminate against with impunity. Hell, over there, he can do it and be supported for it!

I don't expect for coaster enthusiasts to be any less ignorant than the rest of the population, really. In fact, I'd imagine that the coaster community represents a fair cross-section of a larger society. So, while not surprising, it is a bit disappointing to be shown, undoubtedly, that people are so vile and disgusting. I hope that each become that which they revile most so that maybe they'll learn something about decency and humanity.


Oh lord...and if you go further he changed his sig to "Robb "Plain and simple...if you're too fat, don't ride and f**k it up for the rest of us!" Alvey "

Un believeable.

Real Cbuzz quote of the day - "The classes i take in collage are so mor adcanced then u could imagen. Dont talk about my emglihs" - Adamforce
Here's an idea: Take it up with Robb himself instead of bashing him on a site I'm pretty sure he doesn't frequent that often.

Edit: Had to specify pretty sure : I don't know for a fact :) *** Edited 5/14/2004 1:18:53 AM UTC by CKCoasters***

Gemini's avatar
CKCoasters: Maybe Robb should take it up with the family of that poor guy who lost his life instead of bashing him on a site that I'm sure his family doesn't visit at all.

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz

WHile I would agree, CKcoasters....I do think this is a great example we should all take to heart over what's wrong with the enthusiast community. We need to recognize this problem if it can ever hope to change.

I can picture him starting a "coaster concentration camp" to get rid of the people who might ruin his fun......sigh. *** Edited 5/14/2004 1:26:16 AM UTC by Peabody***

Real Cbuzz quote of the day - "The classes i take in collage are so mor adcanced then u could imagen. Dont talk about my emglihs" - Adamforce
that is really crappy. horrible even. a person DIED.

I love coasterbuzz too though.

Nothing says clASSy like urinating on body bags. Wow.

Gemini said:
CKCoasters: Maybe Robb should take it up with the family of that poor guy who lost his life instead of bashing him on a site that I'm sure his family doesn't visit at all.

Maybe so. But two wrongs doesn't make a right :) (The wrong in this case being the bashing of people on sites they most likely don't visit.)

Kick The Sky's avatar

CKCoasters said:

Gemini said:
CKCoasters: Maybe Robb should take it up with the family of that poor guy who lost his life instead of bashing him on a site that I'm sure his family doesn't visit at all.

Maybe so. But two wrongs doesn't make a right (The wrong in this case being the bashing of people on sites they most likely don't visit.)

Well then I'm gonna create an account on Westcoaster and tell him what a pompous little ass I really think he is. All I have to say is I hope he doesnt show up at any events I am at...

Certain victory.

Yeah.....someone needs to speak up on that thread!

Real Cbuzz quote of the day - "The classes i take in collage are so mor adcanced then u could imagen. Dont talk about my emglihs" - Adamforce

Closed topic.

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