Why have Arrow Coasters Aged so Poorly

How come Demon @ PGA is rough in the loops? I don't think there are any rough transitions there.

"I’m more than a bird..I’m more than a plane...More than some pretty face beside a train...It’s not easy to be me"-Five for Fighting "Superman" dedicated to all of the hardworking rescuers of the WTC...

Jeff said:
"Wheel hugging on older Arrows isn't going to fix anything. The flaw is in the violent transitions. Watching Vortex at PKI you can spot the rough spots from the ground just by looking where the train jerks into a certain position. It's the same motion you see on Shockwave/Viper/GASM as they enter the mid-course. Ouch!

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade""

Yeah, I know what you mean man. Right after the two corckscrews on vortex. Another horrible arrow transition would have to be on Corckscrew at CP. Right before the first corckscrew the track is banked WAY TO MCUH. You actually kind of "unbank" right before entering the inversion.

"Excuse me, is this Six Flags Lake Erie?"

When I first rode Desperado in 1996 it seemed smooth to me. When I rode it this year it was nasty!

I rode the Pepsi Max Big One last weekend and it was as smooth as it was when it first opened.

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Its all in teh transistions, they are very sudden and quick, the bending technologies etc. just weren't there and besides the fact that they were designed the old way, no computer stuff (not much anyway). Anyway teh only smoother coasters I have been on are Intamins and B and M's if you never rode either of those, you would never know that an arrow was rough.  Who cares tehy are still great fun and nothing beats getting whipped around the loops in the backseat, Ron Toomer was a genius.
Does CCI know how to make a bad coaster?

*** This post was edited by MagnumForce on 11/5/2001. ***

B&M's are not the smoothest coasters in the world! I have had better rides on Schwarzkopfs and Intamins. B&M's show age just as well, but no one seems to notice this. I get a horrible shudder on BKF, and practically lose consciousness on their stand-ups *cough* Iron Wolf *cough* (though Georgia Scorcher put the others to shame). ALL rides age. Roughness is due to many factors, including transitions, weather, and yes, even the space between wheels and rail, which Arrows usually suffer from. New wheels ARE thicker, and I notice a difference whith them on. The Arrow bashing MAY have a purpose in 10 years from now when we can see what happens to Tenn. Tornado......
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