Why do stand-ups get bashed?

I've noticed people are turning their noses up at the thought of building or riding stand ups. Why? I've been on my share, and I found them to be enjoyable.

Its kind of suprising , youd think stand up would be the most biggest thing.. Like, To me, I think its the most special kind of ride.. But I think the ride cant be that intense.
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Jeff's avatar
The TOGO stand-ups should all be destroyed. They're not interesting, the restraints are bad and they generally don't interest me.

B&M restraints are better, but they're still the central problem. I like Mantis and Iron Wolf, but between the slow loading and less than comfortable "seats," I can see how a lot of people dislike them.

Bottom line, any of the B&M stand-ups probably would have been more comfortable as sit-down rides.

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
I consider a Stand-Up to be very thrilling, even scary. Mantis is a great ride and I think it's comfortable. I believe people who find these coasters uncomfortable, but I don't understand.
After waiting in line, standing up, who wants to continue standing on the ride? I personally don't get much out of the stand-up effect. All they do is cause boarding problems. They might as well suspend riders by their tongues.

My only fond memory of a stand-up is on Intamin's Shockwave during it's brief stay at Great Adventure. It was my first complete circuit looping coaster - front row center.

*** This post was edited by millrace on 4/17/2001. ***
I don't know why the stand up coasters get bashed on so much. I love the stand up coasters. I rode Mantis for the first time last year, and it was a blast!!! I do agree with Jeff though, all Togo standups should be broken down and distoryed. I hate all togo standups. I rode Shockwave at PKD about two weeks ago and that coaster is just pathetic. It has a nice drop but the loop is pretty sorry, and the helices that funnel downward and lousy. The bunnyhills are just downright painful. I hate the Over the shoulder restraints compared to horsecollars which are used on most coasters. Most Over the Shoulder restraints that togo used on Shockwave at PKD are not used much anymore.

Standups get a bad rap because they do not do well with capacity. The lines are long and slow moving. I waited an 1hr. and 30 min. for Mantis when the line was not that long.

Also, the seats are not comfortable at all. The little bike seats hurting people's butts and are sometimes painful to sit on.

janfrederick's avatar
I really like the idea. Riddler's Revenge is awesome! But I'm getting old...I like to sit down. (:

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Yeah, I really enjoy Riddler's Revenge. However, I really don't think standing up changes the ride that much at all. The only thing different is your calves burn a little, but it feels exactly the same as a sit down. I also would like to rest my feet after so long in line. So I must say: I love riddler's, but would probably like it more as a sit down, or better yet, a floorless.
I think stand-ups are great. I'll put in another vote for the mass destruction of Togo stand-ups, but I think B&M stand-ups (all 2 that I've ridden :)) are intense, fun, and comfortable. Plus, they add variety. I think most inverted layouts would be better sit-down (please don't start pointing out stupid details, like being upside-down - you know what I mean ;)), but I would not want to replace all inverts with sit-downs. I say keep the stand-ups (and all other coasters except Premiers with OTSRs) coming!
I'm not quite sure why they're so unpopular. I loved Mantis, it was my 2nd favorite coaster at CP. I didn't really find it too uncomfortable, and it didn't hurt my legs at all, except in the inclined loop. So I think people should lay off stand-ups.;)


"Hold on tight, with all your might, and enjoy your flight on the Raven!"
I am definitely a stand-up fan even though I've only been on one: Mantis. I loved that ride better than Raptor, and tied with Magnum (this was before the Force). The graceful transitions from left to right turns are phenominal, and I loved the straight drop, and the first three inversions. I wish more parks would invest in this type of coaster.

Webmaster: Theme Park New England
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The only standup I've been on was Mantis and it was great! I don't see why people don't like 'em. It was nice and smooth, and things were actually going pretty fast, and there was no pain... Perhaps the haters are weak-leg people.

Cedar Fair hates valleyfair... boohoo.
I'm honestly a big fan of stndups... even Togo standups.(don't ask, I'm crazy) They're more intense than a sitdown and seem a little more graceful than most steel.

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Soggy's avatar
The only standup I really enjoyd was Riddler's. All the rest I have done are just too rough to be enjoyed fully. (Mantis, PGA Vortex, Batman:TE, King Cobra) Actually, I liked the TOGO one more than Mantis, Vortex and B:TE.

All in all, I think it is the banana seat from hell that has made standups lose their appeal.

"X" marks the spot in 2001!
I think stand-ups are the best design going right now -- even Togo stand-ups are decent. The inversions and overall feeling I get from stand-ups are completely unmatched. I'll admit that they're not as comfortable as sit-downs, but is comfort the only thing you ride for? The banana seat is not too comfortable, but then again it's not meant to be sat on. Maybe people should push the seat down further when they get on -- I always do that and I've never had any pain or even been uncomfortable on a stand-up.

I see stand-ups as being like Premier rides and Arrow megaloopers (but much better, of course): there will always be plenty of people who bash them, but they have much more support from others and will remain popular.

Home Park: Silver Dollar City, Branson, MO
I love stand up coasters, they are a blast. You get a feeling (no, not a feeling of pain) on stand ups that you doint get on any other type of coaster. Mantis is one of my favorite rides ever, King Cobra was ok, I did like the helix on that one.

MF Drops-15
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Overall, I don't like the new B&M stand-ups(Mantis, GS, Chang), not for design(which I'd love for a sitdown or floorless), but just the comfort. It doesn't scare me, effect me at all and the positive G-forces really bother my legs. I do really like KC(a TOGO)at PKI and Iron Wolfat SFGAm(B&Ms first SU?). I think it has to do with jerkiness and airtime. I can't get that at all on B&Ms. So I don't want stand-ups to be destroyed, but I would be thrilled out of my mind if I could get the choice of which train I want to ride on the B&Ms(I still need to try RRv though).

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I don't find stand-ups uncomfortable, but then I raced bicycles for 10 years, so my back side is used to the saddle.

The Togos are just plain boring rides and would be no matter what position you were in.

The B&Ms are much better coaster. I would love Mantis stand-up, sit down, floorless, or inverted.
On Shockwave @ PKD, my first looping coaster, I was so scared. At the top of the lft hill my legs gave in and I had to rely on other sources of standing up...ouch.

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