Where do you plan to go next year?

matt. said:

I've only ridden it the past two years but it's running insanely well, I'd think. You'll be very pleased on your return. :) Such an underrated coaster.

Sweet, I have very, very fond memories of this ride as a huge airtime machine, looks like I wont be disappointed :).

2022 Trips: WDW, Sea World San Diego & Orlando, CP, KI, BGW, Bay Beach, Canobie Lake, Universal Orlando

Holday World
Six Flags St. Louis
Beach Bend
SF Great America
Branson parks
Cedar Point
Kings Island


Hershey Park
Knoebels (really want to make it)

Plus maybe a few more.

JVC Everio 30 gig hdd camera Nikon d70s
CP whenever i feel like it, because im moving to sandusky.

KI and im thinking about a trip to SFGAdv if i can afford it.

Im a poor young adult. :( *** Edited 11/4/2007 2:04:04 PM UTC by Toledo Toby***

id rather walk there.

DantheCoasterman's avatar
SFKK & Holiday World (multiple times), Carowinds, Hard Rock Park, Cedar Point, Kings Island, Beech Bend, and maybe SFStL, and SFOG.
For sure:

-California's Great America

-Six Flags Discovery Kingdom

-Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk


-Six Flags Magic Mountain

Possible But Not Probable:

-Knott's Berry Farm

-Lagoon (Utah)

coasterqueenTRN's avatar
PPP and HWN are definites. I will go to both every year for the rest of my life if I can help it. ;)

I usually visit CP, KI, DW, and Camden Park a few times a year. :)

I REALLY want to see the Texas parks, as well as NorCal as I never been to either. I have been "through" Texas (Dallas, San Antonio) and have seen a lot of the sites but that was WAY before I was aware of any parks in the state. ;) Add Schlitterbahn to a "must do!"

I have been meaning to visit the relatives in Southern MO for years now. I have never been to St. Louis and it's been about 20 years since I have seen SDC. Never been to CC.

I am still needing to revisit Disney World and Universal as I haven't been in 13 years. I have never been to IOA, Tampa or Cypress.

I am still figuring out what bank I can rob to afford all of this. ;)

Ultimately I want to do a Europe thing, but that will probably be a few years away. :)

This year I have only travelled to the "home" parks which rocked out, but next year I want to travel a lot more. It really depends on the $$$.

Oh, and Hard Rock Park. That is a VERY "must do!!!!" ;)


*** Edited 11/4/2007 7:57:04 PM UTC by coasterqueenTRN***

I have two gameplans right now. It's all dependent upon money and whether my parents go with us.

Gameplan #1

If we have money and mom & dad don't go...

SFOG, Georgia Aquarium, Hard Rock Park/Myrtle Beach, and Carowinds

Gameplan #2

If we don't have much money and mom & dad do go...

Kennywood, Waldameer, Presque Isle Beach, Splash Lagoon *** Edited 11/4/2007 11:50:33 PM UTC by Floorless Fan***

Now officially a Halloween Haunt Cornstalker for Fall '08! www.freewebs.com/chadmicah
My usual KI, plus Coney and Stricker's. I'm really looking forward to checking out the new Zoombezi Bay as well.

Major trip plan is for Cedar Point. Might also do a daytrip to SFKK for their opening day.

No one going to Geauga Lake's Wildwater Kingdom? ;op hmmm...
Lord Gonchar's avatar

xX eNeRtIa Xx said:
No one going to Geauga Lake's Wildwater Kingdom? hmmm...

So nothing's changed. ;)

Precisely. Guess we'll see.
MidwavePC's avatar
2008 is going to be slim pickin's for, due to my transmission dying on my car, and opting to buy a newer vehicle rather than fixing the older one....

IX Indoor Amusement Park



Pioneer Waterland

still unsure...GL's WWK (season pass option) & Darien Lake vacation (season pass option)

Waldameer, Kennywood, and maybe Knoebels and Hersheypark.

"What we do in life, echos in eternity." Top 3 Wooden Coasters: Voyage, Thunderhead, The Raven. Top 3 Steel Coasters: Griffon, Magnum XL-200, Apollo's Chariot. 100th coaster: Voyage
I have been to most of the big parks east of the Mississippi (that I really want to). All that I have left that I really "NEED" to go to are Holiday World and Kennywood. I haven't been to Kings Island in a long while. I think that those three will make a good trip in June. My August trip is up in the air. Should I go to three parks in Texas, three parks in Missouri, or three parks in Illinois/Minnesota ?

Busch Gardens Europe Is The Best !
My plans are looking like:

Weekend day trips to Dorney and Hershey often due to season passes. Along with the must attend PPP again.

A weekend in Cincinatti for a Reds game and Kings Island

A weekend at Cedar Point

Kings Dominion and Busch Gardens either in a long weekend or two weekend trips.

A week in Florida with friends but probably not much riding that week as a few of our number don't ride.

Possibly I will go to Moreys, Atlantic City, Coney Island as they are all day trips for me.

A slight posibility of a return to Great Adventure, Six Flags New England and Six Flags America... Still not sure I want to end my boycott.

Other than those things may pop up for me to do at any time. *** Edited 11/12/2007 7:38:40 PM UTC by dragonoffrost***

Watch the tram car please....
Kick The Sky's avatar
It's been a few years since I've had a real banner coaster year. Only did Six Flags Great America and Central Florida this year. Didn't even go to the Dells.

So, for next year, I think definites will be Six Flags Great America, the Dells, and Valleyfair/MoA.

I do want to get out to Hard Rock next year, so I may see if I can't bargain out a trip to "that part of the country". I know Dollywood is pretty far from there, but I want it to be considered part of "that part of the country" as I have yet to go and it will be a bargaining chip for my country music loving wife.

We have a time share deal for NYC to use, so Coney Island is in the definite probability column. I'm gonna try and throw in Jersey shore and SFGAdv in the mix as well. Maybe this time I will actually get to ride Ka. (last time I was there it was a week after it opened and it was already broken)

I doubt if Disney will be in the cards next year as we did Disney World the last two years and Disneyland last year.

As for some possibilities, I would like to get out to the Point next season if at all possible. I want to hit up Maverick and I miss Millenium Force.

Certain victory.

This post season is going to be wrapping up with a first-ever trip to Dollywood next weekend.

Next year will be the usual suspects:

Kennywood, Cedar Point, Kings Island, BGE, Moreys, SFGAdv, Hershey, Holiday World, & Knoebles.

Been looking forward to Hard Rock for some time, and really excited to see it.

I've already got my 2008 Season Pass for Holiday World so I'm sure I'll go there a good dozen times or so.

Looks like work trips will put me in the area again next year so I should get to stop by Worlds of Fun again and maybe even SF StL.

My Mom & Sister live in Louisville and I'm there about once a month, yet I haven't been to SFKK since Chang's opening season. There's something about that park I just don't like. Maybe it's time to give it another chance. It's been years since I've been to KI and I'd really like to get back there. But then again I said I was going to make it there this past summer...

And if I win the lottery, I'd love to check out Cedar Point, SF Great Adventure and for some reason I can't explain Michigan's Adventure.

I also can't wait to see how Hard Rock does.

The nice thing about the off season is we all get to focus on the dream rather than the reality. Cheers!

Only thing that look certain right now for me is 10 days in South Korea next april. The rest is still in the air, depending on how much time off I got and where I can fly easily.
I have to be honest. I will be taking a break from Six Flags parks in 08. Nothing they are doing sounds very interesting to me. I live close to SFGADV and other than El Toro i am just tired of this mediocre park. They need to reduce the park size and get rid of some of their overrated rides such as Batman (worst inverted coaster and Nitro (worst hyper).
Cedar Fair is doing the complete opposite by spicing up many of their parks. Behemoth is first on my list and i will be heading to Kings Dominion to take a spin on the new Dominator.
I am mostly intrigued by Farenheit over at Hershey. Cant wait to ride this thing!

Top 5, in no particular order: 1. MF 2. Maverick, 3. Kraken 3. El Toro, 4. TTD 5. Superman Krypton Coaster Top overrated coasters: 1. Incredible Hulk (Boooooring!) 2. Nitro 3. Expedition G-force 4. Goliath(SFMM) 5. Any Dive Coaster

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