What's The Best Thing About Your Home Park Besides

What's The Best Thing About Your Home Park Besides Coasters? My home park is SFMM and I think it's the Ride-ops. They can make your visit so much better by saying something funny.
Dorney its 15 min. away and i got lots of friends who work there. free tickets are always cool. Its not the best park but its a park, and on a hot day the lazy river really hits the spots. But if i'm broke me and my fiance will go to Buskill park which is 1/2 hour away. The Pretezel is an awsome ride, its old and scary, one of the few dark rides still around. And they have real bumper cars they kickbutt. I like buskill its like going back in time basically. They also have a real fun house, but thats semi borin unless you go with the right people, and the tilt-a-whirl is whicked. and basically other then a bunch of kiddie rides (including dorneys old clown ride alfunzo is scary) thats the whole park oh yeah theres also a train and a rollerskating rink.

Hershey park happy Hershey park proud
so much fun stuff to see and do Hershey Hershey Park:)
Short lines on weekdays!


Another Coasterbuzzer
no bad crowds at sfne. and ride ops move fast and if there is nobody in line for your seat you can stay and ride again.
I like the atmostphere at PKI. they are trying not to make a thrill park, but a family park. And its working

all about PKI
the Beasts` Den
SFoG, well, it is a beautiful park. Lots of trees, plants, flowers, etc. But staff wise, they could go " The Extra Smile" They could try to make a person's day more enjoyable.

Vekoma: Hey! Let's See How Long We Can Delay Deja Vu!
At PKI, my favorite thing is the smokers in line. No, actually no, it's the screwed up priority and gold pass parking. No, maybe it's their great themed rides. No it's not that either. Actually, I guess the only thing other than the coasters is Dodgem!!!


Skyline chili, blue ice cream, all of the memories from growing up there, the serenity in line for white water canyon, the cool ride ops on the train, phantom theatre, sitting in front of vortex and just looking at it....i mean, c'mon, it just looks amazing, watching TR:TR being built, the ace walk backs.....

i could go on forever with my love affair with PKI.

The day that I spend more time analyzing the rides than screaming my head off like a moron is the day that I hope someone will kick my in the love sausage and tell me not to be a moron. - Jeff
i dont have a home park :( (i live in AZ)
Cedar Point - Great ride ops, great atmosphere, good food, and good location. Not to mention that it houses the first roller coaster I've ever been on (Magnum) and that it was the first theme park that I ever went to.
Life's too short to mind,
Just keep on with the sweet up and down
I'd have to say the great line on Batman: the Ride, at SFGAm. I know, but it's not the ride. Also the way they keep the coasters smooth (they recently made Iron Wolf much less head hurting). Another thing is the diversity of coasters.

Ah, Roller Coasters.
An hour wait for a two minute ride.

Rock on.
Oaks Park,Portland Oregon.Its' fairly close to my home,relatively inexpensive,good bumper cars,nice setting next to the Willamette River( pronouced will-lamb-et for you non Oregonians)One thing that I think this park desperately needs.A CCI COASTER!
The best thing at my homepark, PKI, is that there's something for everything and plenty of it. You can't get through the park without a full days of enjoyment for every member of the family. Even the atmosphere and looks of the park are so wonderful that you would have the time of your life just walking around and exploring without getting on a single ride. I love the park and even without sentimental value, it's definitely one of my favorites anywhere!
The best thing about Hersheypark is...

"The Sweetest Parade on Earth!"

Every day at 7:30, the "Sweetest Parade on Earth" comes by my ride. I always jump for joy to see the costume characters, like the 5th Avenue Bar, Reese's, and York: Peppermint Patty. The 15 piece band really can strike up a tune and the 5,000 people carrying flags that say "The Sweetest Parade on Earth!" really adds to the experience. They let me know that I'm watching the "Sweetest Parade on Earth!".

In reality... I'd say that the Chocolate Factory tour is the best part. It's completely free (you don't have to pay anything, even admission to the park) and you get a free, albeit small, piece of chocolate afterwards.
Dorney Park has many things that I think is great. They just don't have great coasters, but they have the flat rides as well, which is a plus. Also the water park is pretty good, and free admission to it is nice also.

Dorney Park is da bomb!
Although not my homepark, Holiday World has unlimited FREE drinks. They have virtually all of the Pepsi products and then some set up in drink stalls all over the park (might I add that the stalls are highly air conditioned, AHHHH). Anyway it's a real nice touch, especially for families, which HW caters to.

Hey Ron, I just moved away from Portland, but I loved those bumper cars, if only the operator would move faster. I accidentally hurt someone b/c I didn't realize the power behind those cars. He was ok. I hate to break it to you but its Orygun, you know its true ;) You'd think these straight talking mid-westerners could pronounce all the states correctly, but I guess not. Anyway, enjoy the new Six Flags up in Seattle. Too bad I won't make it back to the area for a while. p.s. Looping Thunder is the best coaster on the planet, NOT.
Looping Thunder at Oaks Park may not be the best coaster around,but its' all we have to ride here in Portland,OR(better than no coaster at all)It was probably all they could afford at the time they installed it.Incidentalist,did you ever ride the bumper cars at Oaks when they had the Lusse cars?They looked like 1940s Packards.
I don't think I rode those cars you mentioned. I only lived there for three years and I just moved out of there last month. Don't get me wrong, in three years I've turned into an Oregonian, at least in heart. I don't want to live anywhere else but right now I don't have much of a choice. I always laughed at looping thunder because I'd be walking around the park down by the bumper cars and you'd hear people say, "We're going on the coaster, the BIG one." I sometimes felt sorry for them because you know lots of those people have never ridden a coaster bigger than Looping Thunder. I rode that coaster a lot because I lived in L.O. but spent most of my time in the Sellwood area. Everytime I'd drive to Philadelphia's (you have to go there for a cheesesteak) I'd drive that one road above Oaks that gives a great view of the park and the city. Hope your summer is going well up there and hope the energy rates don't skyrocket this fall. BTW I'm in Ohio now, so it's exactly backwards of how it used to be. In Portland I loved living there and everything about the city (outdoors and such) but no coasters. Now I can ride coasters at several different parks but quite frankly, I HATE OHIO. Oh well, it's also only a temporary predicament. Maybe by the time I get back to the NW, Six Flags will have installed several new coasters up in Enchanted Village.

I think I am finally back to the forums. Hi again! Any, the best non-coaster thing about my park is the unique log flume. Only one that goes backwards in the entire hemisphere. :)
I agree that the best thing about Hersheypark is the "Sweetest Parade on Earth." Every day at 7:00, the band and characters are in the area of my ride and it keeps me mildly entertained if no one is on my ride at the time. It is nice sometimes to hear something other then the carrousel music.

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