What's so good about TA2K?

I've heard about the TA2K in Japan. I hear is hits 105mph. Anyone know that layout of that? You'd think it would have to be longer.
I think the ride will be great. However, will it be worth a 3-4 hour wait. It will only have a capacity of 960 per hour. That is why PKD is already looking into a fastpass type of system for the ride. My biggest disapointment is with PKD management once again putting in a low capacity prototype coaster that in 2 years no one is going to care about. They need to stop putting in one trick ponies and build a major steel coaster or a GCI or CCI woodie.
Jephry's avatar
Gawd, you people... I am still hearing all this crap from people who like Power Tower and things like that. Only this coaster will have you going straight up and facing straight down. It will also go 80mph, thats 30 faster than Power Tower.

Also most of you are forgetting THIS IS A PROTOTYPE. Get over it. It will get BETTER. You all are once again hating on a roller coaster that you have never ridden. You will probably end up like all the people who doubted Millennium Force. Frankly I hope you do (tone:not anger, just stressing a point)

Best Coaster: Millennium Force
Worst Coaster: Project Stealth
Yeah, look at Stealth! Why do you think Batwing & X-Flight are being built?? (Came back to this controversial point in edit - too confused to work it out. You do that in a post!) Don't forget once Hypersonic has wowed everyone and paid itself off, it can always be bought by a small park & replaced with a better version.

I'm very excited about HS due to it's reported acceleration and vertical hill. The turn looks pretty intense and the bump should give loads of airtime. 80mph is still darn fast, faster than anything in Aussie other than ToT. The aircraft tires are brilliant, the smoother, the better. So what if that's all? This is nothing compared to what can be done with the next generation!!! Don't forget S&S can always extend HS with anything. Anyone know if there's room to do this?


I adore acceleration (Tower of Terror - Intamin RFF is awesome. So is STE & the Hulk. HS should be even better!!) and airtime and the rest of what makes a coaster!

7 things;

1) People complained that Volcano's final drop is wasted and are doing the same with HS!

2)Also anyone reckon the brakes on HS will be brutual? The train will be moving at 70mph or so when hitting the brakes! My point is I hate extreme braking as this is a pain in the neck, literally. Also in extreme cases, the brakes will make me nauseous! Weird, as never feel that on ANYTHING else!!!

I drank a yellow Gatorade before riding the Demon (Vekoma Boomerang) 3 times in a row. On the final ride, the train was empty and practically stopped on a 10 cent coin (Dime to you yanks! Just kidding). Oh my stomach! Got off feeling really queasy & held it in as didn't want ride-ops to see. As I walked down the exit path, my mouth started to water uncontrollably. Around the corner, out came GREEN Gatorade!!!!!

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Sorry guys, I think you may be thinking about the ride in slightly the wrong way. I think of it as a roller coaster, like none built, like a combination of roller coaster and free fall ride or something (but being all coaster), and I'm telling you that at 250 foot they cannot get much taller than that, because the effect of the ride seems like it would be switched from air scary to climbing a big tower scary. The taller that thing is going to be, the slower it is going to be as it starts back towards the ground. Granted, racing a few hundred feet down would be exciting, but I think around 200-260 foot would produce something more exciting in the floater department. Even if the train almost stops for its crest, you're gonna be doing you know what, and if that doesn't happen for some reason, I'll cuss S&S because thier drop towers are useless to me, for I am scared of them and I like the S&S guy, cool dude, I want to be able to patron his products.

For the train capacity, people are going to be scared. That thing goes straight up then straight down, that's probally enough for alot of people. I know I will be scared the whole time for first ride, heights are what scare me and only the lifts of coasters make me uneasy, but that's why I like them. Not saying that lines will not be long or anything. I like a shuttle loop so there'll be some kind of amusement there for me if the gold doesn't pan out. The launch part, I mean.

*** This post was edited by p_c_r on 3/2/2001. ***
I totally agree CoastaPlaya I hope VF gets a inverted soon.

Randy Hutchinson
You build it, I'll ride it...eventually
Correct me if im wrong, but isnt 350ft the same limit as the space shot... I would still love to see a 1300 ft hill, lets all call the Stratosphere tower!

I'm 2 for 2 so far!!!
Can anyone please answer the questions in my (ahem, cough, cough, ahem, so sorry it's a very long post, cough, ahem) post? :):)

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