Whats next from B&M in the US?

Whats next from B&M in the US after Talon and Nitro? Anyone know anything?
I think a standup. I don't think their day is over and none were built this year.
May 5th, Gurnee, Illinois...Oh wait! I'll be in Florida. In that case, May 5th, Tampa Bay Florida, "I'm sprinting for Gwazi!"
Perhaps that long rumored stand-up @ SFA, SFEG, or SFDL?
Stand up? pff.. enough with the standups! I -hope- that B+M finally will come to Canada in 2002 with a hyper or a multilooper...

As for the states, I picture another floorless, or two...

Dust myself up
and I scream at the sky
-Max Cavalera
A giga at PKI. ;)
I dont think a giga will happen....

I am praying for a flying. It looks awesome!

WOW! It's just like "Speed 2", only it's a bus instead of a boat!

Koaster King said:
"A giga at PKI. ;)"

I wouldn't expect to see a B&M giga anywhere for a long time. I thought they commented that they wouldn't build one, but I could (likely ;)) by wrong. I hope the inverted craze has gone away, but that's probably too much to hope for. :) I'd sure like to see more floorlesses though.
dont forget b&m had woldfire this year(everyone does even though it looks like one of b&ms best coasters yet.) i say they get a huge invert and a hyper and a floorless, since none were built this year and its a pretty new thing, and the year after that a dive machine.

kbf deserves one more than any other cedar fair park for a few reasons, (A) they get almost as many people as cedar point and dont have nearly as many quality coasters, (B) it in a great vacation spot so more peep out of state will visit than any of cf's other parks,(C) they havent had anything for a while( pp and ss couldnt have costed them that much over 3 years, and(D) they are selling wj which = $$$. come on knotts you can do it.
I would like to see another really big floorless hopefully at Knotts or and this is really dreaming here the adventuredome at circus circus.
I know B&M is building a coaster at Dorney Park. B&M sells their coasters in 2 or more "packages" so each park will get two. There is some excavation going on behind the lazer. Im predicting a Floorless with, say 5 or 6 inversions.
Riiiiight, GreatAdventureAddict... tell me how you know that.

I personally believe that Carowinds is getting a B&M hyper for the year TWO thousand TWO!

The Jet Coaster ROARS!
HAHA Jetcoaster, I remember you submitted that into the rumors a while back, and tried to validify it with all these falsifications about zoming in the county and talks you hald with Werner-Stengel reps, give it up.
You all forgot the B&M Prone coaster! Unless Alton Towers has exclusive rights to this (SW5) for a few years.

Lothar said:

Koaster King said:
"A giga at PKI. ;)"

I wouldn't expect to see a B&M giga anywhere for a long time. I thought they commented that they wouldn't build one, but I could (likely ;)) by wrong. I hope the inverted craze has gone away, but that's probably too much to hope for. :) I'd sure like to see more floorlesses though."

I wouldn't either. Cedar point went to b+m for them to build MF and I guess they told them they were crazy and refused to do it or something.

"HAHA Jetcoaster, I remember you submitted that into the rumors a while back, and tried to validify it with all these falsifications about zoming in the county and talks you hald with Werner-Stengel reps, give it up."

Okay, fine. Don't believe me, that's fine. Besides, you live in Allentown, PA... you wouldn't know ANYTHING about Carowinds except a few things. In fact, you don't have an attitude that the exec's would even consider talking to. I've talked to B&M, Stengel, Susan Lomax (VP of Paramount Parks), etc. It's your problem that you don't get to talk to those big guys 'cause of your attitude.

Oh by the way, the zoning/etc. are public information and can be accessed via the internet. It's not a big deal.

Be happy you get Talon soon.


The Jet Coaster ROARS!

CoasterGod said:
"You all forgot the B&M Prone coaster! Unless Alton Towers has exclusive rights to this (SW5) for a few years."

I was wondering if the Toussauds Group bought rights to the flying coaster like they did with Oblivion. Honestly, I don't see why they would do that. The fierce competition that would pounce on that B&M flying machine would be in the US, and not England I would think.

Did their deal with the dive machine do them any good? I don't think that the park G5 is in is owned by the Toussauds.
- Peabody
I would happy to see two B&Ms on US Soil ...

- A Dive Machine. Why haven't Parks picked on this?
- A Flying Coaster. But at the rate that the Vekomas are going up ... Im not seeing it.

I would love to see a Nitro using those 8-across Oblivion Cars ... that would be something!

If Lifes a Rollercoaster, I want a Flawless
I think SFGA is going to get a very big coaster from them!,, its gonna be very suprising!
AMERICAN EAGLE!! (RED TRAIN)BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The design for the Dive Machine requires specific landscape, or so I think...

Subbie 18, you are probably right. A ride Op back in August (where the super-boomerang rumor came from) said there could be a floorless He said the floorless would replace the Whizzer.

It depends if the Whizzer breaks down a lot this and next year. If the ride Op is correct, we will see the fourth B&M in Illinois by 2003.

WOW! It's just like "Speed 2", only it's a bus instead of a boat!

*** This post was edited by rct_2000 on 4/5/2001. ***
I would not really be surprised to see a B&M come to Knotts.

Home Park: Knotts Berry Farm!
but also Disneyland and DCA

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