What very famous roller coaster...

Ok, I am a dork. I think I am the only one that did not understand the question. :(

coastergoose said:
"Montu is too smooth"

That's a bad thing?

What's wrong with Magnum? I loved it when I rode it in 1999. I guess it had a really bad year or something.
There are currently 11 coasters with the name Batman, 8 with the name Superman and 22 with the name Boomerang. Batman and Superman: The Ultimate Chiller Knight Flight Krypton Escape Ride.
There are a few...

Dueling Dragons
Dueling Dragons
Steel Phantom
Dueling Dragons
Thunderbolt (Kennywood)
and one last one...
Dueling Dragons

I am not saying that these are "bad" coasters, but they were disappointments. With all the talk and hype about them, I was expecting something spectacular, breath taking, truely incredible.

My main target, Dueling Dragons, didn't work for me. I thought both sides had bad pacing, one element after the other that you couldn't even comprehend what was going on, both seemed rather short (I guess because of the fast pacing), and visually they were a bit hard to comprehend and not very spectacular. Also, the dueling aspect only works onthe front seat (as I have said before) and seemed lost to the rest of the train. As someone said, a nobel idea but a bad execution. The Queue line was more memorable than the coasters. Again, it is a good coaster, but not a GREAT coaster.

The next day Dragons flaws were even more apparent when I rode Montu at BGT. Well paced, visually striking, and alot of fun, this only magnified my disappointment with Dragons. This one I classify among my list of great coasters... (other's opinions may... no, WILL... vary)

I promise I won't go off on a rant about those @#$%^&*! Toboggan's again.
*** This post was edited by SLFAKE on 5/1/2001. ***
Like on most B&M inverts, I get shaken around a lot (not bumped around). But on Montu, I was in my seat the entire time and didn't once budge out of my seat. Don't get me wrong, it's an OK ride, but it was nothing to write home about.

Another coaster I thought was boring is Judge Roy Scream at SFoT. All I here about it is that it is a great ride for beginners and die-hard enthusiasts. I thought is was a tiny ride and very slow, and the only reason I went on it was because its beautiful setting right next to the lake.
You know what really sucks, MAGNUM XL 200!!!

It sucked!

"Riding High"

Magnum and Raptor! Magnum was rough and had the worst trains in history, and Raptor was a bore! I'm used to B:TR of course though.


"Hold on tight, with all your might, and enjoy your flight on the Raven!"
I really don't like this ride.
raptor is too slow batman just is so much more action packed. if batman wasnt cloned to death i bet it would be on alot of peps top 10 lists

I must say.. I love almost all rollercoasters, but I hate the Wildcat, and I strongly dislike the Bluestreak. And if you sit in the any of the third cars on the magnum, it's one rough ride.

I'm a dude, hes a dude, she's a dude, we're all dudes. HEY!

Koaster King said:
"I'm glad I got to ride The Hulk or just any coaster in general before it was overhyped.I usually have to most fun on the coasters that people say are bad and I'm pleasantly surprised."

I think that's one of the reasons that I liked Sonny so much. I was expecting this terrible, femur shattering ride that was going to have be running to the insurance company. But I instead found a powerful, awe-inspiring ride that I loved to death.

I'm really afraid to go to SRM and ride Legend and Raven because I have heard entirely TOO much about how great they are supposed to be. They've been put on so many pedestals that the hype is simply unattainable. So I am currently *purging* myself of all the opinions I've heard...
--1. If there was no negativity, how would one know what positivity was?
--2. Did you ever think to simply skip to the next topic?
--3. Sit upright, hold on tight and enjoy your ride. (that's an order!)
I know alot of Coasters that need to be burned down and replaced.
Pyhcosus at sfmm
uMMM Raging Wolf Bobs at Geuga Lake ( Like i said before i dont care what its called now)
Any coaster Built and designed by a carni.
No the Magnum is not the best it shouldnt be Burned down though it shoulde be expanded on, and made even better, with some 4d seats, and some more trrack length The Magnum would Kick ***\
Ghostrider needs to be burnt down. Its not all its cracked up to be.
I love them all and see plenty of positives in every ride I experience. However, to play this game, after an 18 hour drive to ride the BEAST, yes you got it, the BEAST, I must say I was not as impressed as I had been up to the point I rode this thing. The BEAST was a let down, especially knowing all the potential this thing has/had.
I agree with everyone earlier!!! Magnum sucks!!!
I rode it before I got on Millenium Force too!!! Morgan's hypers (Steel Force and Wild Thing) was more enjoyable than Magnum!!!
Let's see, I hate:

All the Coaster's in all the world except for Penslyvania, all the coasters at Dorny Park,Knobels, and all other Penslvaynia parks except Kennywood. I also hate ThunderBolt, JackRabbit, Exterminator, Steel Phantom/ Phantom's revenge.

( I hope you know I'm making fun of you)

And for the prize of a handsome set of luggage, what is the only coaster I do not "hate"?

Kraken's Big List of Coasters that would not exist if Magnum had not been built:

Steel Force
Wild Thing
Pepsi Max Big One
Apollo's Chariot
Raging Bull
Steel Phantom/Phantom's Revenge
Son of Beast
Steel Dragon 2000
Fujiyama(I beleive tha's how it's spelled)
Superman-Ride of Steel

*** This post was edited by Kraken on 5/1/2001. ***
sflflake how can you not like kumba!
john peck's avatar
Alpengiest. It didn't do it for me. And I rode it 3 times to change my mind.
Neither did the Batmans. Or Volcano.

I like inverted coasters, though. Don't get me wrong.
Well Jeremy, in that case, Raven and Legend both are horrible, and HW is a very bad park.:) See you at SRM!


"Hold on tight, with all your might, and enjoy your flight on the Raven!"
Although I don't like MF, I still think it is a decent coaster. I love MAGNUM!I love Raging Wolf Bobs, the most vicouse coaster i've ever been on, night rides are amazing!WE ALL LOVE COASTERS OR WE WOULDN"T BE HERE! (:

www.geocities.com/coasting_ohio for Real/Defunct/mini coasters and parks for RCT

DeJa Vu+ V2 said:
"raptor is too slow batman just is so much more action packed. if batman wasnt cloned to death i bet it would be on alot of peps top 10 lists"

Just becuase Batman has been cloned doesn't change the ride any what so ever. When will everyone understand that?!? *sigh*

T i t a n
Yea, the Coney Island Cyclone was cloned a bunch of times! And look at it now, it sucks! the Cyclone being really, really fun and exciting just ruins the whole thing!

(I hope you know I am being sarcastic.)

How to tell if I am joking: If anything I say makes you want to sue me, ha ha, I was joking.

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