What parks do not have a B&M coaster?

My backyard could use one (I know, "You better have a big backyard."), but seriously, I think that PKD would be a nice home to one.

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~From the brilliant mind of Homer J. Simpson.
Soggy's avatar
There are no B&M's at Holiday World. A nice sitdown looper or floorless would rocket this park into near perfection.

"X" marks the spot in 2001!
All of you are wrong. Kennywood desperatly needs anything besides a flat ride. They should get something that goes upside down since they took out the inversions on The Steel Phantom.
I think Michigan's Adventure or Holiday World should get one because both parks have a spectacular woodie(s) but no spectacular steel.
Jack, who can't wait for opening day 2001...
Don't expect Holiday World to get one any time soon, as I think they want to work hard to keep their little 'quaint' thing going. Besides, they don't have that much money. Raven and Legend were relatively cheap.

Some parks are just like that. They don't want a monster steel coaster to disrupt their feeling of a back-woodsie environment.

Chain parks, however, are different. All should have a B&M or other respectable coaster. For loopers, there's really no other choice, until Arrow gets back on track that is.
I can strongly say that SF Elitch Gardens DESPERATLY needs a B&M coaster. Hell, we need a new coaster period.
For god's sakes, and the last time!!!! SFEG DOESNT HAVE ANY ROOM!!!!!!!!!
Holiday World dosn't but they don't need one. Just look at Legend and Raven!

Hosted by the Atomic-Online Network
I think PKI should get a B&M floorless. or, maybe a flying coaster. They have the room. It would be cool to be on a flying coasters flying in, around, and above the trees. Name it Revenge of the Bat.

Webmaster@ http://www.islandguide.8m.com
SFA doesn't have a b+m, but it wouldn't matter. I think SFA has some of the best coasters around(S:ROS, JJ, Roar, and soon Batwing) and not one of them is an b+m.
Parks for 2000: CP, Great Escape, Great Adventure, SFA, Islands of Adventure, Kennywood
how bout knotts berry farm. a nice sitdown megal looper would be awesome!
In general, large corporate parks will have a B&M, as they are the only ones who can afford one.

SROS221 said:
"For god's sakes, and the last time!!!! SFEG DOESNT HAVE ANY ROOM!!!!!!!!!"

They could make room if they wanted to.
"Put out an APB for a male suspect, driving a... car of some sort; heading in the direction of, uh, you know, that place that sells chili. Suspect is hatless. Repeat, hatless."- P.C. Wiggum
I'm still pulling for a B&M inverted at Kennnywood...

Matt Lynch, who wouldn't mind an Intamin, either...
Co-Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard
I think that some Adventureland in Des Mois, or whatever it's called, needs a B&M or at least a few more loopers. I slso think that B&M needs to come up with new types of coasters

What is life without SFA?
I've wanted to see a B&M in New England for several years. Any kind would be really good. Oh well, we'll see what 2002 brings....

Webmaster: Theme Park New England
Mongoose said:
"Hersheypark doesn't have a B&M."

They don't? I'm awfully sure that the Great Bear was a B&M, even though it's not the best. Hersheypark could use a GOOD B&M.

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