What parks do not have a B&M coaster?

Besides,PKI,KBF,PKD,Kennywood,and Disney what parks need a B&M and what kind would you like to see (Stand up,Hyper,Invert etc).
Worlds of Fun could use any B&M, but, I would like to see them get a floorless.
How about Vegas in general.They sure could use a B&M of any kind.
how about Six Flags America please!!!!!
I'd like to see SFA get either a medium sized stand up (ala Ga Scorcher) or a regular no-gimmicks sit-down looper like Wildfire or Kumba. Of course, if SFA didnt build another coaster for 3 years I would STILL be quite pleased with the park.
I want a B&M at PKI, PLEASE!!!

Maybe if I yell B&M a couple of times, PKI will hear me. (yelling B&M) :)

Bill Yost a.k.a. THE BEASTmaster

Can you take me higher? (CREED) *** This post was edited by THE BEASTmaster on 2/23/2001. ***

Six Flags Darien Lake is in desperate need of a
B & M!! Any type would be great, but ill go for a floorless! ~A
Welcome Back Raptor Riders how was your ride?
SFA and SFNE are the parks that desperately need B&Ms. Actually, with Batwing, I think SFNE should get a B&M more than SFA cause they are getting one of the coolest coasters around. That will keep up business for awhile, which is why SFNE deserves a B&M. But there is no argument, SFA will need a B&M sometime in the near future to compete with major parks.
Paramount Canada's Wonderland needs a B&M badly! Hell we need a decent coaster already! Not to say getting a Splashover, and a TopScan is not bad, but PCW has not had a quality coaster since Top Gun(If you call it quality)
I like B&M. But I think if Arrow can make the 4-D a success B&M is going to have a big problem on their hands. I got a little of subject sorry about that. Anyway I think SFNE needs a B&M but maybe not right away. 2002 is the year For a B&M in NE.

How you doin?
-Matt Le Blanc
A B&M at Michigan's Adventure would be nice :)
SFAW NEEDS A B&M COASTER so bad its not even funny!
SFEG could use a B&M. Actually they could use anything!
"Put out an APB for a male suspect, driving a... car of some sort; heading in the direction of, uh, you know, that place that sells chili. Suspect is hatless. Repeat, hatless."- P.C. Wiggum
Hersheypark doesn't have a B&M. Darien Lake doesn't either.

Why should a park HAVE to have a B&M just to be good?
PCW and SFDL! I think a hyper at PCW and a dive machine or stand up at SFDL would do well.

2001 "wish to visit" list...
Great Escape, SFNE, Lake Compounce,
Jazzland, Visionland(open?), SFOG
I agree with Justin, Wonderland is due.
I hope someone from Paramount is actually reading this...
-Dave Rutherford
*If things seem under control, you're just not going fast enough*

Hershey has a B&M inverted coaster called Great Bear.
Since Dorney has Talon, Valleyfair and Worlds of Fun should get one - both inverts.

SFWOA: An Unofficial Guide
michigans adventure needs a b&m badley.they have a great woody there,but are in dire need of a good steeley.
Goose --

While I don't think it's absolutely necessary for a park to have a B&M to be good, I find that I have the best time at a park when it does have a B&M. My top 3 parks all have B&Ms.

Millennium is spelled with two N's ;)

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