What I hate about CoasterBuzz...

...is all these people who post to the forums whining about the moderation and how their topics got closed or their messages got erased.

Folks, this is a moderated forum. If you don't like it, go elsewhere. If you disagree with the moderators, take it up with the moderators or with the webmaster VIA EMAIL. After all, if you whine about the moderation in the forum, guess what's going to happen.....!

And finally...Don't whine about it in other forums, rec.roller-coaster, for instance. Because ya know something? Outside of CoasterBuzz, NOBODY CARES.

Thank you. End of my rant for the evening.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
I totaly agree RideMan.

MF Drops-16
SOB Rides-2
I agree too dave.
another thing that pisses me off is when There IS a bad topic how people reply to it by saying

"5 4 3 2 1"


"Hmmm... I wonder how long it'll be before this is closed?"

or something to that effect. I mean if you KNOW it is a bad topic, and you KNOW it will be closed, then why reply? Why say that? It's a waste of your time and it's simply annoying.

Same here

As long is there is never a Six Flags Sandusky, I will live a happy life.
1 thing that REALLY pisses me off is how Ive repeatedly sent you my site(www.ed7rctxtreme.homestead.com) for the directory, yet it stil hasn't been listed for an entire month!
Personally, I hate when people begin to "look" for things to complain about...
kpjb's avatar
1 thing that pisses me off is that people think that a free site is obligated to not only essentialy advertise their (possibly crap) site for free in the directory, but complain when it isn't done right away.

Want it listed that bad? Send Jeff some $$ and advertise it.

I refuse to add a signature. Damn, too late.
I agree with about everything up there:) But other than that I think CoasterBuzz is a great site.

No Bad Coasters, Just Some Better Than Others.
I love coasterbuzz!
IT'S the best.
I did it like this, I did it like that, I did it with a wiffle ball bat.. ohhh
Geek *** This post was edited by CoasterGeek6 on 5/8/2001. ***
kpjb's avatar

Did you even bother to read the other posts? No one (except licwyx) is complaining about the site itself.

Oh, and the contraction for "it is" is spelled "it's".

I refuse to add a signature. Damn, too late.

kpjb said:

Did you even bother to read the other posts? No one (except licwyx) is complaining about the site itself.

Oh, and the contraction for "it is" is spelled "it's".

I refuse to add a signature. Damn, too late."

sorry.. I truly am a geek, and I.. well, I have no excuse!
But I do love coasterbuzz!

only 4 more days until I'm at CP!!
I did it like this, I did it like that, I didn it with a wiffle ball bat.. ohhh
kpjb's avatar
Oh, well... I guess all is forgiven in the wonderful world of coasterbuzz!

I refuse to add a signature. Damn, too late.
Amen, Rideman,Amen!
Liqwyx, I am guessing (and am pretty sure I am correct on this) that the reason Jeff hasn't added your "site" to the links section of CB is that your "site" stinks.

I counted more spelling and grammatical errors than the number of hits your "site" has received.

Oh, and that's another thing...A website has more than one page! Ok...fine...you have some links, but the first one (RCT Demo) is a blatant (and lousy) rip of the one from the official RCT website. The next three are trainers and workbenches that are readily available at many other - and better designed - sites. Then, the ultimate insult, you downloaded two Badnitrus movies and placed them on your site without giving them credit. And to top it all off, your last link to the "Alien Movie" doesn't even work!

"It's Deja Vu all over again." - Yogi Berra

Liqwyx said:
"1 thing that REALLY pisses me off is how Ive repeatedly sent you my site(www.ed7rctxtreme.homestead.com) for the directory, yet it stil hasn't been listed for an entire month!"

Geez, man. You really ought to remove those movies RIGHT AWAY! Copyright infringement is a serious thing. The nice folks at Badnitrus work really hard, and I'm sure don't like their content placed on another site!

- Peabody
Mmmm, ditto.

Above all, let's leave the moderating to the moderators. While we all have our differences of opinion from time to time (and they're certainly entitled since they have to read every post), they have done a remarkable job of letting everyone be as opinionated as we want to be. I have never known a thread to be closed/deleted just because it disagreed with what the mods think. That's better than a lot of forums, and Coasterbuzz has many other features that most of us take advantage of: track record, polls, news, site reviews, coaster/park stats, etc. And they even let us pass along suggestions for what they can do to improve the site.

No problems here. :)

Po!nt of View: A different look at Roller Coasters.
CrystalKat, I most strongly disagree with a couple of things toward the beginning of that paragraph, but I'll keep my mouth shut. Just letting you know that not everyone who enjoys the site thinks highly of everything here.

PLEASE READ: This post wasn't meant to offend or anger anyone; I apologize in advance if it does. So please don't post a reply just to rant about it. :)

Liqwyx said:
"1 thing that REALLY pisses me off is how Ive repeatedly sent you my site(www.ed7rctxtreme.homestead.com) for the directory, yet it stil hasn't been listed for an entire month!"

Maybe he doesn't add it because it's pretty crappy.
.:| Brandon Rodriguez |:.

RideMan said:
"...is all these people who post to the forums whining about the moderation and how their topics got closed or their messages got erased.

Folks, this is a moderated forum. If you don't like it, go elsewhere. If you disagree with the moderators, take it up with the moderators or with the webmaster VIA EMAIL. After all, if you whine about the moderation in the forum, guess what's going to happen.....!

And finally...Don't whine about it in other forums, rec.roller-coaster, for instance. Because ya know something? Outside of CoasterBuzz, NOBODY CARES.

Thank you. End of my rant for the evening.

--Dave Althoff, Jr."

Dave, you have a point. However, I have to disagree with you on the ranting in another forum. This is a moderated forum, yes, but you are ranting about people on the board, which will stay because it's not against the moderator. Now, if you get to vent publicly, why can't other people vent publicly? I see no problem whatsoever in venting online in a non-moderated forum. If the other people outside it don't care, then that's up to them...they don't need to read the post, or comment on it. That's the beauty of the internet. Free speech. It's a wonderful thing, and if someone wants to do it outside here, more power to them. It seems to me that you find it OK to rant about people on the boards, but yet you are telling other people not to complain about what they don't like. (i.e., you don't like people who complain about moderation, they don't like moderation) It sounds a little hypocritical.


When I first read the title I was expecting to defend coasterbuzz. The thread you made was for a "good cause" good work. So, I have to totally agree.
Georgia Scorcher...OH yeah it's fire baby!!!

Closed topic.

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