What has happened to Coasterbuzz?

To... much... to... read...

Emerging from the ashes of Eric 013...

ApolloAndy's avatar
Rock hard evidence? How 'bout M:TR? Or would that be limp floppy evidence?

Be polite and ignore the idiots. - rollergator
You must be this dumb to ride Viper. -SFGAdv.

yep, it has run its course. Now back to our regularly scheduled programs....coasters

No, I need this thread! Its one of the biggest things in my life right now! I need it! Please dont die!

edit: Ha, found another double meaning post!

SOB crew in 2002
TRTR crew in 2003
.....Yeah, I think that smoke is supposed to be there.....

*** This post was edited by SOB_TOM on 1/28/2003. ***

Mark W. Baruth said:
Feel free to make fun of me from now on.

So in other words, CPSilly is now a real part of the Cbuzz "family" as we all make fun of you, Mark! ;) ;) ;)

--George H
---Superman the ride...coming to a SF park near you soon...

Are we all out of tomfoolery? ::goes to borrow a cup from the neighbors::

"The moose says you're closed, I say you're open!" - Clark W. Griswold
Proud member of the Walley World Park Security

*** This post was edited by JFNJ on 1/28/2003. ***

Look at yourselves resorting to witch hunt like tactics to find cpnut. Give the kid a break. And kid give everyone here a break too. I know you still read this crap. Sorry for accusing you cpsilly.

'out the 100Base-T, through the router, down the OC3, over the leased line, off the bridge, past the firewall......nothin' but Net.


We know CPNut is back, he admitted it. He is now using the ID - Peter Soint and - SO FAR is behaving himself...if he continues to do so, I for one, would be willing to give him a 12th shot here ;)

--George H
---Superman the ride...coming to a SF park near you soon...

Oops my mistake, ummmm so anyone waiting for the state of the union?

'out the 100Base-T, through the router, down the OC3, over the leased line, off the bridge, past the firewall......nothin' but Net.

Charles Nungester said:

Is that the number of post in this thread up till that point.

So you believe that you are studying us, then kindly explain why you are the ones trapped in your seats.

Agreed nasai. I'm not out of monkey business and horse puckey, but interest right here is steadily wearing off. : /

-Danny, the show must go on, but you wouldn't believe what that kangaroo did to this courtyard

*** This post was edited by Koaster King on 1/28/2003. ***

rollergator's avatar

What HAS happened to C'buzz.....I go away for one day, and ALL the fun drains away as though someone pulled their finger out of the dike.....you guys are a bunch of *l4m3rz* if you can't keep the fun alive for 24 hours without my input...so we're behind by a few points, ya gonna go home and cry to mommy or something...I don't wanna call anyone out in specific, but even the CPGers sound so somber...

Now you get out there and create some havoc and have some FUN....cause that's what we're HERE for in the first place....my goodness, you'd think we'd stumbled onto a funeral home website or something......now, there IS something behind the *other* thread, and I would like to get back to WELCOMING new people....we can (and should) set them straight when the need arises in regards to simple netiquette, but they came here in the first place because this IS the best damn site on the web, with the bestest peeps having the most fun talking about a FUNTASTICAL hobby.....enough of those frowny faces guys, let's get BACK on the hrose and raise some ruckus....cause that's what we're GOOD at.....let's go "win one for the Gipper"....and let's make sure we are INVITING, yet never any less than totally *off the hook*....the buzz, the way we want it to be, is within our grasp, and we can MAKE IT HAPPEN!

Don't make me do this again....;)

Mamoosh's avatar

'Gator sez:

"I go away for one day, and ALL the fun drains away as though someone pulled their finger out of the dike."

So that's what that smell is....

Moosh - b4c1 \/\// 4 v31\1g31/1c3 ?

Welcome to the New & Improved Coasterbuzz...now with 25% more tomfoolery!

Gator's State of Coasterbuzz Address

Who's inspired? :)

Bill: what are you doing in 2004? It's not too late to get your name in for the Democratic primaries....

Dawn, also a fan of another persuasive speaker from the south named Bill

ahh Moosh, you're back in fine form ;)

*** This post was edited by dawnmarie313 on 1/28/2003. ***

That brought a tear to my eye, gator. I don't know whether to cry or go out for the second half. :)

My K'Nex Coasters
Coming to Wyandot Lake in 2003: Hi-Striker's Revenge

*** This post was edited by jimmybob on 1/28/2003. ***

rollergator's avatar

"Democrat" dawnmarie....what gave me away...;)

Really sad I missed you guys today...:(. Had to set a couple people *straight*, so to speak, as to what my *duties* are, both here AND at work....I know it MAY appear that I don't work all that hard at my job, but believe me, I take my work pretty seriously, and now I think they have been made AWARE of that once again....and so I need not deprive you of my smiling face for THAT long again.....;)

certainly not that "Gipper" comment
ApolloAndy's avatar

rollergator said:

as though someone pulled their finger out of the dike.....Had to set a couple people *straight*

For those playing along at home...

Be polite and ignore the idiots. - rollergator
You must be this dumb to ride Viper. -SFGAdv.

*** This post was edited by ApolloAndy on 1/28/2003. ***

rollergator's avatar

Watch it AA...you're dangerously close to one of those verboten double entendres...;)

dawn, I really DID try for something a little less.....conservative, but it WAS a halftime speech ya know...;)

edit: Page 31, 1200th post....what else can I say....*I love you guys*....

*** This post was edited by rollergator on 1/28/2003. ***

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