What has happened to Coasterbuzz?

Mamoosh's avatar
Bass - it is passe!

Welcome to the New & Improved Coasterbuzz...now with 25% more tomfoolery!

I think this is why Moosh originally said Humvee ;)

Coming in 2003-The Spawn Of Magnum!

I'm sorry(Pop!), but seriously can you guys (Six!) please stop using this r0x0rs (Squish!) nonsense, because it's really turning me on (Uh-uh!)!

It was cute(Cicero!) to begin with, but the placement of those 0s are socially irresponsible (Lip*****z!).

-Danny, he had it coming!

Mamoosh's avatar

LOL Danny! I've seen Chicago four times now. Amazing movie! My only complaint is that I've had songs from the movie running through my head for the past 2 weeks...LOL!

Moosh - all he cares about is love ;)

Welcome to the New & Improved Coasterbuzz...now with 25% more tomfoolery!

Moosh, I would have seen it two more times, but I really wanted to see The Hours and Adaptation. I think you would have (yes, you have to ;)) to agree with me than Catherine Zeta-Jones is HOT in this movie! Needless to say, I loved it as well. Cell Block Tango and All That Jazz are the two that have been stuck in my head.

Danny, who will put a stop to the "When You're Good to Mooshie..." jokes before they start :)

When was Catherine Zeta-Jones not hot in a movie?

- "I used to be in the audio/visual club, but I was kicked out because of my views on Vietnam........and I was stealing projectors" - Homer Simpson

*** This post was edited by Peabody on 1/27/2003. ***

jimmybob said:

rollergator said:

....and for my last try regarding King of the Hill and the *State of Coasterbuzz*..."Mama look what they done to your baby boy"...somebody please ID the episode and speaker....there's a cookie in it for ya.....

Yeah, I was surprised no one picked up on my Simpsons reference (somewhere back on page 21).

"Oh, a sarcasm detector. Oh, that's a REAL useful invention!"

If you can name the character and the episode, I'll give you TWO cookies (for an extra cookie, rattle off the episode number)

My K'Nex Coasters
Coming to Wyandot Lake in 2003: Hi-Striker's Revenge

I haven't read through much after that post, so I didn't see if anybody got the answer or not, but here it is:

Character: Comic Book Guy (I was just thinking about that quote all day, dunno why)

Episode name: They Saved Lisa's Brain

Production #: AABF18

And hell, if you want the original airdate...: 5/9/1999

So what does PeterSointNut get?


Peabody, you don't understand, she was frickin' on fire!! At least she's continuing to take on incredible roles past supporting Traffic. Her acting in the past (The Phantom, Zorro, The Haunting) wasn't very impressive, but she has razzle dazzled me now!

Plus, the point that Moosh might not always agree. ;)


*** This post was edited by Koaster King on 1/27/2003. ***

I wasn't speaking about her acting ;)

(Have I ever mentioned that my significant other looks just like Catherine Zeta Jones, but about 11 years younger? :) :) )

- Peabody

*** This post was edited by Peabody on 1/27/2003. ***

Of course, and that was the real extra spice in this case, so there you go! She is just plain hot no matter what though, lol. :)


Mamoosh's avatar

CZJ was definitely hot in Chicago ;) Who knew John C Reily and Richard Gere could sing? And what happened to Rene's boobs? I swear in the final number w/ CZJ she had absolutely none!

Cell Block Tango is my favorite number but I've had all the songs running through my head at various times these past two weeks.

Oh, and The Hours and Adaptation are the next two on my list to see.

Moosh - who never thought he'd pay to see a movie four times!

Welcome to the New & Improved Coasterbuzz...now with 25% more tomfoolery!

Damn straight Danny! :)

- "I used to be in the audio/visual club, but I was kicked out because of my views on Vietnam........and I was stealing projectors" - Homer Simpson

*** This post was edited by Peabody on 1/27/2003. ***

PeterS...whatever....something....I remember...something about...cheese fries...blank stare...


its the Britney Spears boob mystery all over again.

They're there, they're gone, they're there, they're gone.

You get the idea.

-Brent who says CZJ is good but there are a lot better.

Coming in 2003-The Spawn Of Magnum!

Mamoosh's avatar

So what does PeterSointNut get?

Pick your inside joke:

1] a lifetime supply of pancakes

2] a season pass for M:TR

3] Chitown's sausage

Welcome to the New & Improved Coasterbuzz...now with 25% more tomfoolery!

4) All of the above.

- "I used to be in the audio/visual club, but I was kicked out because of my views on Vietnam........and I was stealing projectors" - Homer Simpson

Renee's boobs change every damn movie, LOL.
The movies I've seen most in the theatre were Dr. Dolittle (7 times!! Ahhh!) and A Very Brady Sequel (6 times) back around 1995-97. Don't even ask, because I don't have a clue.

I liked Adaptation more and is my favorite from 2002 so far (be prepared for an insane final 20 minutes), but The Hours is excellent as well (very depressing).


nasai's avatar
Did you watch Clean-Shaven yet, Danny? :)

Some call me... Titan? www.tripowered.com

Mamoosh said:

So what does PeterSointNut get?

Pick your inside joke:

1] a lifetime supply of pancakes

2] a season pass for M:TR

3] Chitown's sausage

How much would you pay?... WAIT! Don't answer! You'll also get the best-selling book How to Win Friends and Influence People, and the complete first-edition set of interactive Coasterbuzz action figures, including the hard-to-find Captain Obvious with Ray-Ban accessories. Now how much would you pay?... WAIT! There's more!

You'll also get the talking Minivan-of-Justice playset (batteries not included) - just plug in your interactive Coasterbuzz action figures and listen to them spout out famous lines from classic Coasterbuzz topics. You'll also receive the complete Jeff Putz stalking kit, including binoculars, custom fanny pack, access to current Jeff Putz photos, and a diary to keep track of all of your "encounters".

Order now, and you'll get this bonus just for calling - an official Coasterbuzz BanHammer(tm) - you'll be the talk of the community when you shoe them your BanHammer(tm)!

All of this can be yours for only $19.95. Call Now! 1-800-DOH-NUTS.

(offer available only on days that do not end in "Y")

My K'Nex Coasters
Coming to Wyandot Lake in 2003: Hi-Striker's Revenge

*** This post was edited by jimmybob on 1/27/2003. ***

jimmybob.. Word.. looks like you are setting yourself up for Comedic post of the year.. in my eyes at least !!

HW & IB, I love living in Indiana!

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