What do you want in a themepark?

Intamin Fan said:
First off JOberts15, you shouldn't be so defiant about everything. What I think you meant was that you definitely wanted some rides for the thrill seeker and you definitely wanted a big highly-themed Intamin.

Oh, and I think you meant to say that you wanted an Arabian-themed invert, as arabiened is not a word. Seriously though, how are you going to get your investors to take you seriously if you can't spell?

Lastly, doesn't Disney/Pixar have a lock on the whole Bug's Life thing? I would think your concept might raise some eyebrows of a few lawyers out west. Good luck with your park.

Welcome to Coasterbuzz and the (usually) good-natured ribbing

Well first off I'm only 13. Arabian aka Saudi Arabia. Go to a google image search and type in arabian. I'm pretty sure I have plenty of time to work on my spelling and this project. Right now I'm in the smart class and making very good grades and plan on going to a good colledge so I can make all of this happen. Just don't discriminate me for standing up for my dream and myself.

P.S. thanks for the welcome wagon. *** Edited 6/2/2006 11:37:57 PM UTC by JOberts15***

Mamoosh's avatar
Did they teach you how to spell "colledge" in the smart class? :)

When you agreed to the Terms of Service to activate your username and profile you agree to use grammar and spelling properly. In fact it's the first item listed in the TOS:

1. Spelling & Grammar usage:
There's a difference between a typo (which we all make) and chat shorthand ("r ne of u lamerz?") People like to read real, spelled out words, with capitalization and punctuation. You don't have to add pointless emphasis!!!!!!!???????!!!!!!!!!!!! THERE IS NO NEED TO SHOUT, we can hear you just fine. Please utilize your shift and caps lock key properly. Respect for the English language is important, and that means chat shorthand is not welcome.

Thankfully because we're human and make mistakes Jeff has provided an 'edit' button at the top of every post. If you see an error you can go back and correct it after you've submitted your post.

As for your dream I think we all dream about opening our own parks someday although few will ever see it become a reality. I truly wish you all the best and hope you can make it happen!

Welcome to CBuzz, JOberts ;)


PS - there's no 'd' in C-O-L-L-E-G-E

I want everything!

Here's To Shorter Lines & Longer Trip Reports!

Makes me scared to think about the "not so smart" class. :)

I think there should be a park where people are prohibited from wearing shirts... oops, wrong thread.

OK, seriously, I'd like to see a themepark with a (large) section dedicated totally to classic rides, even rides that had been defunct. Take the ambience of Lost Kennywood, mix in what Knoebels is doing with their coasters and the Looper, and throw in a few more flat rides from the past (still waiting for my Lindy Loop) and re-creations of classic coasters.

I suppose the "human roulette wheel" or the "scenic spiral wheel" wouldn't be feasible in this day and age. But the park would have to have the carousel that once stood at Lakewood Park. Not asking too much, am I?

Just remember, JOberts, use any ideas from here in your themepark, and we get free lifetime season passes. :)

I am only 14 and i'm in the smart A$$ class. Yes,Yes,moosh there may be no D in college but there is a M in roller coastersm. The point is that your dreams can come true, all you have to do is believe and then take action. Good luck with your dreams JOberts, and welcome to CB!

Get three servings of Family Guy every day. It's healthy for your soul.
matt.'s avatar
Pancakes? Waffles? Dip n dots? Gravy?

Basically I want a park completely themed to Coasterbuzz-food-related in jokes. *** Edited 6/3/2006 1:02:38 AM UTC by matt.***

I second RatherGoodBear. Modern versions of some of the more infamous rides of the past century (Crystal Beach Cyclone and PKI's Bat, for example), mixed in with some truly timeless flats (Wave Swinger, Pirate Ship), the old stand-bys (Ferris Wheel, Carousel), and maybe a few rehabbed classics (a Schwarzkopf Shuttle Loop perhaps?).

My advice? Intamin and B&M are nice and all, but there are few parks that can re-create the feel of the parks of old. Theming is great and all, but a well-done, nicely-landscaped park is all you need to get me interested.

Sorry Sorry bout the "D" in C-O-L-L-E-G-E. I'm more in to math and science than english anyways. Remember when Disney told his ideas and everyone thought they were crazy and wouldn't happen. Well anyways I HATE BEING A NOOB. I have to watch more on the grammer and stuff.

Well getting back on track I want a theme park that has really advanced technology.

Yeah I remember being 13 and wanting to build my own park. Unfortunately Wonder World USA never came to be. Of course 25 years later not much has changed except the park name, Kimberly Lake. I'm just one Powerball away.

Good luck Joberts and have a backup plan just in case.

Everyone hates being a NOOB, but I would think that you're probably a freshman in high school, so you're used to it by now right? And if you're not a freshman yet, you'll get plenty of experience next year.

There's nothing wrong with your dream. When I was your age (man, does that make me sound old), I used to dream of having big coasters in my amusement park too. I actually drew a few gigantic coasters that would've been impossible back then. Once I "grew" up though, I was more content to actually visit the themeparks then actually own one.

Mamoosh's avatar
I'm 40 and I still dream about starting an amusement park! ;)
In 8th grade I was CEO of the 50 kids in our theme park unit in integrated studies. I even designed and built the best model of a coaster that I designed in class. It was hard trying to micromanaging all the kids and I had the same level of authority of the teachers.

Our class' theme park theme that I came up with was a World continent theme.

To answer your question, beautiful women.

Advanced technology is overrated.

Grammer = incorrect. Grammar = correct.

Earl of Funk, Duke of Cool, Ayatollah of Rock-and-Roll-a.
My dream park:

-Would be themed on the level of Disney/Universal

-Would have three woodens (out and back, cyclone/GCI coaster, and a ride that could rival the Beast,) hyper/giga, launched, indoor, suspended, inverted, floorless, water coaster and a mouse that I could ride over and over again. Im not looking for records, just great rides.

-Would have a fantastic transportation system that would include a skyride and a train (BGE being the model in this regards)

-Would have great shows

-Would have a Spiderman dark ride, but be themed to the Justice League because the DC Comics deserve a ride/themed area like Marvel has but instead are shafted by Six Flags into paper cutouts.

-Have the best of the old (whip, turtle, kangroo, catipiller, etc.) the not so old (enterprise, paratroopers, troika, etc.) and the new flat rides

-Have a Shoot the Chutes, Rapids and Log Ride to die for (not to mention the water coaster)

-A scare your pants off haunted house and a shoot um up dark ride on par with MIB

-An attached waterpark that uses transportainment, but has rivers like the old section of Shlitterbahn does. It would also have to include a Proslide Tornado (but have more of a pre cone ride, kind of like Holiday World's but longer,) a set of racing mat rides, and a black tube family raft ride full of effects like the ones in Water Country USA's Aquazoid and a wave pool exactly like Typhoon Lagoon.

-Friendly Employees and a clean park

-Be in an area surounded by trees, which also would feature heavily in the park

-A night firework spectacular to rival Disney's

-A wheel and spokes design, with the park having some interesting topography that of course the coaster designs would take advantage of.

-Some icon at the middle of the wheel that works as good as the castle does for Disney

-My park would be open until midnight every night during the summer, 2 am on Saturdays.

-During my Halloween event, every light on my coasters would be doused so that they ride in complete darkness, this will also be done during the last hour of operation during the summer.

-Be in a climate that it can be open all year.

2022 Trips: WDW, Sea World San Diego & Orlando, CP, KI, BGW, Bay Beach, Canobie Lake, Universal Orlando

We can all dream.....

Unless we had 2 billion dollars laying around.

Even the most brilliant mathematicians and scientists need to communicate their ideas to the rest of us. So like it or not, you'll need to know how to spell and use proper grammar. No one will take you seriously if you misspell every third word or use poor grammar.

Instead of starting from scratch, why don't one of you just buy Williams Grove and build it up?

Cedar Fair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mamoosh's avatar
What about it?????????????
For me, the best example I'd follow is Busch Gardens Williamsburg/Europe.

- very detailed theming

- park food that is above standard park fare

- beautiful landscaping and LOTS of trees

- top notch shows and entertainment

- well-thought out themed rides. Big Bad Wolf and Alpengeist come to mind.

I'd also would put in quite a few more flat rides and eventually a wooden coaster to the mix.

X Factor

I'll go for huge financial backing, and extremely short lines.

Ok, seriously. A fun atmoshpere, good coasters/rides, and good food.

Now officially a Halloween Haunt Cornstalker for Fall '08! www.freewebs.com/chadmicah

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