What coaster revolutionized the coaster industry?

I was thinking the same thing, Spacecase8310... lots of home parks and favorite coasters making the list. 
While I do have my personal favorites... I would hardly call any of them "revolutionary".   

When I think of revolutionary, I think of coasters that changed the industry and made "other things" possible... not simply coasters that were the first of their kind. 
For instance...  While Magnum was the first coaster to top 200 feet, I don't consider it as revolutionizing the industry.  However, I do consider the first coaster way back when that used upstop wheels to be revoultionary.   (i.e. the 200 foot height was an inevitable step, however with out the invention of up stop wheels, we would still be riding on coasters with small dips, not near vertical drops nearing 200 feet).   Same with all of your loops and cork screws...  They may be new elements, but the perfection of tubular steel track (Materhorn) is what freed the designers to come up with these out rageous and twisted designs. 

As for SOB beign revolutionary... true, it is the first modern wooden looper... but then again, I haven't exactly seen these things popping up all over the place after that.  It is unique, but I don't think it is going to start any industry revolution.
"I wasn't always this cynical, but then I started kindergarden..."

*** This post was edited by SLFAKE on 2/20/2002. ***

SLFAKE said:

While Magnum was the first coaster to top 200 feet, I don't consider it as revolutionizing the industry.  However, I do consider the first coaster way back when that used upstop wheels to be revoultionary.   (i.e. the 200 foot height was an inevitable step, however with out the invention of up stop wheels, we would still be riding on coasters with small dips, not near vertical drops nearing 200 feet).  

LOL!  Perhaps we can say that Magnum revolutionized the industry in both ways by actually proving that you need upstop wheels on a hypercoaster, not plates.  Out of all the stupid things he did, this one really makes me say, "What the *heck* was Toomer thinking??"
-Nate  (who thinks that Magnum was in no way revolutionary)

*** This post was edited by coasterdude318 on 2/20/2002. ***

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