What are you thankful for in RCT2?

Two words: Scenerio Editor! This feature makes the whole thing worth while.

I was, and still am disappointed by the lack of new flat rides but the editor is by far the most impressive feature of the new game. It makes everything worth while for me.

I found the scenery bulldozer tool useful when I deleted a rollercoaster that I had built with the scenery. I start to right click on every little wall and roof until I remembered that bulldozer. It saved me a lot of time because all of those things were removed right away.
Kick The Sky's avatar
Cricket: I am thinking that flat rides may come in the expansions if there are any. Most of the coaster world has been covered in this one release so I know Chris Sawyer sees all those RCT2 wish lists and knows that more flats was a huge request item. If he is planning expansion you cant give it all up in one release...

Bob Hansen

A proud CoasterBuzz Member

Wanna Ride A Woodie?

Maybe I'm weird, but I really love the new Mini Coaster (no, not the little Zierer Tivoli, it's now a Galaxy-type coaster). I built one in "Electric Fields " around a bunch of silos that everyone loved.

Tons of other stuff too...

I honestly can't think of anything I dislike in the game at all. I know I thought of something that annoyed me, but since it was so insignificant, I can't even remember it now.

My single fav. is when the guestswatch the rides they take out a camera and take a picture also gotta love the banked drops overbanked turns finally

Top 3

1. SupermanRoS 2.Hypersonic 3.DejaVu


I also love the new mini coasters. I built three intertwining ones in Eletric Fields. The sounds are great to. I also like the faster lifts on the water rides.

84 coasters and counting

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