Walt Disney World gets green light for affordable housing project

Posted | Contributed by Jeff

Despite local objections against it, Walt Disney World recently received the green light for its affordable housing development. The project hopes to build 1,369 units of mixed-income housing, with 1,000 of these being reserved as "affordable" homes. The new community will be located a few miles away from the Magic Kingdom Park. County Commissioners voted 6-1 to approve, with the dissenting vote coming from the commissioner representing the nearby Horizon West area.

Read more from Newsweek.

Jeff's avatar

I'd love to understand what this "infrastructure can't support it" thing even means. Disney already built the massive complex for the college program folks, and there are a bunch of hotels and retail, too. There's an interchange to SR-429 right there, and Western Way goes directly into the Disney property. Not only is the infrastructure there, it's largely already developed and being used right now. The few neighborhoods just to the west that are in Horizon West are mostly built-out too.

But as you might expect, the locals around me are delusional and don't pay attention. I've lived in the area for a decade now, and my house, and the one I lived in before that, sit on what used to be abandoned orange groves. It was all zoned for a balanced mix of residential types and commercial stuff. It was a plan made decades ago by the county. They've been building up roads during that time, while the school district has built at least eight schools that I can think of. If these folks moved in thinking it was going to stay rural, they didn't do even the most basic due diligence.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

I drove through those orange groves and nearly killed myself on those curvy roads long before your house was built.

Outside of the Interstate I'd argue the immediate area round WDW has developed far more effectively and efficiently than most other urban communities. And where Disney has had near total control, they've done even better. Case in point...the direct access to Disney Springs from I-4.

"You can dream, create, design, and build the most wonderful place in the world...but it requires people to make the dreams a reality." -Walt Disney

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