Tsunami now a sensative word?

CoastaPlaya said:
You are more than merely unfunny...or less I should say. You completely lack the ability to put Point A and Point B together into a coherent conclusion.

But you're so smart because you can insult me? That makes you such a great adult. (cheap insult removed because I'm better than that)

What I'm saying here AND there are the exact...same...thing. Don't you get it? Exactly how thick are you? To what extent does your family tree have to closely resemble a low-lying, densely populated shrub to miss it?

Nice. I live in WV and you accuse me of being an inbreed. Let me start slinging prejudice racial slurs to you and see what happens. Oh, thats right. I'm better than that. Apparently you are not. I'm glad the extend of your trollness has come full circle. Plenty of us have said it for a while, now you're just showing it, and are pissy because more than one person are attacking you.

But lets look at what you DID say in that thread again:
Another thought: 'Blitzkrieg' was the term coined for the German style of battle in WWII...so why aren't there protests every Football Sunday when the coach calls for that play?

The same reason that alot of us don't care when we hear of a wave pool, coaster, or flat ride named tsunami. And you say I'm thick skulled? How oblivious.

You can't compare events that happened decades ago and events that are still happening NOW and fresh in people's minds. I said that in that thread (regarding WWII terminology) and I've said that in this thread. Again and again.

Yes you can! People do! But again, just because you are offended now dosen't mean we all have to be. But as moosh points out plenty of times, but you keep rejecting, just because you think it does not make it so. You really are Oblivious.

Maybe next time I should add little review questions at the bottom of my post and a few dozen people to repeat the same thing you just read twelve times over. Would that help?

Or you could just argue like an adult instead of some kid not getting his way. You underestimate my intelligence by far. At least I'm not telling you you are wrong for feeling a certain way, just that you are wrong for thinking everyone else should feel that way.

Oh, and by the way...the tsunami isn't something that happened. It's something that's happening. They're still counting bodies. People are still dying of tsunami-related injuries and hardship. A few good-hearted donations didn't make all that disappear last week.

No, the tsunami happened. Past tense. The destruction happened. Past tense. Death is and has happened, but we aren't calling wave pools and coasters "death by tsunami", now are we? You said it best yourself, it is happening right now, and people are sensitive. But that still makes no sense when changing a name of an attraction. I agree with moosh and jeff, if a park wants to change the name, it is up to them. But it shouldn't have to happen just because you say it is so.

Heaven forbid this inconvenience us in the form of perhaps three coasters on earth changing names. Oh, the damage to our track records. What a world, what a world.


Kids, what he really means here (I'm translating from whinanese) is:
"Heaven forbid someone disagree with me because I'm right and I keep accusing people of being insensitive because the disagree with me, even though they really could care less about their track records, unlike someone who had a signature forever about having 100 coasters that no one cares about. Oh the damage to the Oblivious one's reputation"

And that, Kids, Is Obvious.

PS(I guess Playa didn't think I could do this days after the argument as well):

Playa added after the fact:
PS - Did I call this or what? Watch Tekno twist, moan and wail cuz I implied something about West Virginians. Watch Gonch say it's not nice. See what I mean? When it's their toes or someone's toes they know, watch them whine. Oooooh, stop it stop it stop it!

You called nothing. You had to wait till the thread was closed just so you could edit your post later and make yourself try and look better. Didn't work, BTW. You said we're insensitive because we don't think existing rides called tsunami should have a name change because it happened. But instead of arguing like a man, you threw out a prejucidial statement about my life(now that, folks, is really hypocritical). I just pointed out that I'd be just as bad as you if I threw out racial slurs. You're a biggot because of what you said, just because I showed the world that dosen't give you the right to piss on me. Next you'll be calling me honky or something else...whatever.

A prejudice and/or racial slur (which you did throw out) is worse than naming something after a tsunami. It shows you lack the capacity for compassion based on one's place in life. Nice going. Maybe you should cover your face in a sheet, it is the same thing.

But the body count from the zinger? ZERO.

Apples and oranges. Boy, and you call me dense? But that does bring up my point. A word does not kill someone. Tsunami didn't kill anyone, but a large wave did. I could call you a name, but sticks and stones and all that. God, you're a jerk. That is totally imbicilic(is that a word?;)).

Yet anyone who's had relatives lose their homes, livelihoods or lives are supposed to shut up and tolerate watching a make-belive tsunami--cuz they should be able to distinguish the difference. Ha.

Again, that is playa putting words in peoples mouths. I never said no one should have a different feeling towards the name, I just said I think it is selfish for one to be more worried about the name of an attraction because it only affects them.

That stench you smell? It's called hypocrisy.

Yes, and I've just proved you got that smell all over you. Go soak in a bath of tomato juice. You're more of a troll than I could ever have dreamed. Look at how every one turned on the Capn. Hilarious. Now go finish pouting like a good lil boy.

Thanks for proving my point...

And that, kids, is CoastaPlaya dipping to a new low. He waited till everyone was out of the room and then started the argument back up after the fact, just cause He thought no one would catch him. Images of a scrawny little nerd hiding behind a computer screen yelling "No! Tekno has Foiled me again!" comes to mind, but I'll leave it alone. *** Edited 1/12/2005 9:55:23 AM UTC by TeknoScorpion***

Oh, and by the way:

CoastaPlaya said:
But we don't live in a nation where everyone thinks like you...or even close.

Wow, now that really is Oblivious. Yet you keep saying that everyone should feel like you. You are right, everyone else is wrong. Yada yada yada.

If the Majority rules, and the majority makes it 'right', then how many people in this thread have stated they think you are wrong and a troll as opposed to not? If the majority say's you are an idiot and they want you to leave, will they be right and you can sail off into the sunset to help disaster relief while we sit on a coaster message board and complain about how things will affect our track record?

Well? I'd be willing to take a vote and see.

Edit: Now that i've read dannerman's post, I say Bravo! I couldn't have said it any better myself. If only 1 person was killed, it would have been a disaster. But that still dosen't mean they absolutely have to change the name.

Edit #2(if Playa can, then so can I!):

At once, a breeze blows by on the subtle plains of the mid west, a tumbleweed rolls by, and CoastaPlaya, AKA, Capn Oblivious looks around, sees everyone is gone, and starts arguing with no one. Little did he know that Tekno, a God among men, could hear his foolish arguments and accusations of hypocracy(how ironic), comes back, and smotes another post by Capn Obstinate. (Deja Vu, anyone?)

The End.(for now) *** Edited 1/12/2005 10:09:45 AM UTC by TeknoScorpion***

To quote a former washed up rapper, now resorting to waiting tables on a reality show,

"Ice Ice Baby, Ice Ice Baby
All right stop, Collaborate and listen
Ice is back with my brand new invention"

Me? I'm dishonest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly. It's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly... stupid.
Um. okay.
Anyone remember CP Re-naming Banshee to Mantis due to beliefs in certain coutries.

How bout the Chevy Nova which means NO-Go in certain languages.

Jeff I understand buisness decisions. If its better for the park to do a change then so be it. I don't however find a ride already named something before the incident to be derogatory or offensive.


TeknoScorpion said:
Kids, what he really means here (I'm translating from whinanese) is:
"Heaven forbid someone disagree with me because I'm right and I keep accusing people of being insensitive because the disagree with me, even though they really could care less about their track records, unlike someone who had a signature forever about having 100 coasters that no one cares about. Oh the damage to the Oblivious one's reputation"

And that, Kids, Is Obvious.

Clint, be nice to your elders, and Playa is. You know what they say about older folks being stubborn and single minded. Well, I think Playa is older than I am now. Nice to be 39.

An Old Coaster fart that refuses to grow old, I just wish many of my friends could have as well!

Changing a name is a costly business decision, especially if your Ad campaigns are already printed up. I have to agree with freakylick on this point. I also have to agree with those that say it is a business decision and up to the owners of said enterprises. To be offended by a name is totally being insensitive to the businesses that feel their trade or ride names are innocent.

Coasters are named after fearful things, it is supposed to induce fear and trepidation before you even get on the ride. Wave pools are a different story, people should not fear going into the water. So would I change the name of the wave Pool and the Coaster? For the fear factor alone, yes for the Wave Pool and no for the Coaster.

As far as the short attention span for American People, I do agree that is a National problem, we do tend to let important facts slip from our minds in a short amount of time.

We have experienced a tremendous international horror, 10 years ago, we would not have had pictures for a day or 2, 20 years ago, we would have not known for a day or 2 or pictures for 3 to 5 days. You know what, 20 years ago, people would not be effected as they are today since we would have had very little live shots of what happened. If you have not made a donation, please do so.

As for the the number of people killed in this disaster, by going by the shocking number of deaths last week, versus the number of people that died in the hurricanes, in the Carribian, and the Bahamas as well as the US Mainland, as well as the displaced and homeless in those areas is demeaning to the people effected in those areas. They are people as well and they were dispatched by a force of nature to be feared. As someone said earlier, 1 death is a disaster, no less to be mourned over than a horrendous 150,000. Just because the number is so much greater, the loss of life is not greater. We should mourn for all of the people who died in a horrendous year of natural disasters all over the globe. Is it fair? In the general physics of living on earth, it is. Whether we like it or not, we live on a volatile planet and our lives could be on the line at any second while we inhabit Planet Earth.


This thread's really doing nothing more than repeating itself over and over again at this point, but maybe parks should just "test the waters" and keep the name. If they get enough complaints, they'll change it. Besides, why should we care? It's still the same ride...

I've often wondered from time to time, how to write good poetry- and make it all... Work.
On a very small level, this whole thing reminds me of one of the local OC newspapers interviewing the spokespeople at Knott's after the Perilous Plunge incident. They asked if the park planned on changing the ride's name 'cause the name "Perilous Plunge" is exactly what happened to the woman - the plunge she took was in fact a perilous one. Obviouloso, he park didn't buckle and give into it.
I agree with alot of what you say, ed, and when I don't agree, I respect your differing opinion.

Key word, though, is respect, which goes both ways. I can not respect an opinion of someone when they feel they are the only one entitled to an opinion. I also can't respect someone who can't have an adult argument without trying to talk down to, belittle, or insult someone the way Playa has and always does. I use to tolerate him, but not anymore.

I find his posts of recent to be hypocritical and childish. Boo-hoo for him because he feels bad and not everybody agrees. His grabs at attention as of late have been trollish, infantile, and absolutely uncalled for.

It is a (failing) attempt at being what he may have once been. Like I said in another post not too awful long ago, he is slipping.

I won't say who, and hope the person dosen't get mad because I'm posting it here, but this PM sent to me (no it wasn't moosh, he just coined the term Obvi-ass) sums up my feelings almost perfectly:

Anonymous said:
The decline of Playa is just sad. I don't even read his posts anymore, they're not worth my time, and he used to be one that I payed attention to. There's no point, he's just like the people trying to get all reference to "tsunami" out of everything - making a lot of noise to get attention because when Jeff took away his minivan of justice, all his 'friends' left him and no one cares about what he has to say anymore.
Lord Gonchar's avatar

chillforce5x said:
We have experienced a tremendous international horror, 10 years ago, we would not have had pictures for a day or 2, 20 years ago, we would have not known for a day or 2 or pictures for 3 to 5 days

Wait, you're saying that in 1984 it would have taken a day or two for people in the states to know a Tsunami ravaged several nations?


I don't seem to recall having to write letters and giving them to that nice man who rides the horsey to communicate with others as a kid. :)

Tekno said:
Nice. I live in WV and you accuse me of being an inbreed.

So now wouldn't be a good time to make a "tracing the family stick" joke? ;)

*** Edited 1/8/2005 5:06:21 AM UTC by Lord Gonchar***

Gonch, ed may be only 39, but his brain is signifigantly older;). He has a problem with remmebering that we're now in 2005.

Either that, or he broke his post, either/or could be an explination, trust me;).

P.s., you can make all the jokes you want. You're from Pitt :-P *** Edited 1/8/2005 5:08:41 AM UTC by TeknoScorpion***

Lord Gonchar's avatar
Yeah, the funny thing is that WV jokes are practically a recognized sport in this area.

Somehow these people don't realize they're barely one step away from WV - both in distance and culture.

I kid. I kid because I love. :)

Edit - still can't spell

*** Edited 1/8/2005 5:19:38 AM UTC by Lord Gonchar***

Gonch, we may have heard a blip about something that happened, the scope of what did, would not have been known for that amount of time. That is what I am saying.

Clint, I don't care how you feel about another mans thoughts, you still respect him for being a man. Although I have never always agreed with Playa, I still respect the man. He has the right to think his way and as much as you disagree, and as obstinate as he has gotten, he is still a good man.

Playa, your worse now than when you were on URC, thankfully you passed on :)I will always respect you for being the person you are. (See Clint, I will not say man, I say person as I don't want to give Playa any thoughts he is better LOL)

An Old Coaster fart that refuses to grow old, I just wish many of my friends could have as well!

Okay, poppa ed(or is that grandpoppa ed?;)). I shall strive to be better.

Oh, and Gonch, Pitt is WV's biggest city, didn't ya know? Oh well, as I like to point out to Brett, WVU will never be as bad as PITT ;).

Sharing the love...

Ya know, I knew the meaning of obstinate, but wanted to see what the correct def. was just to make sure it was being used right(i knew it was, but still).

Maybe it should be CapN Obstinate instead:

1. Stubbornly adhering to an attitude, opinion, or course of action; obdurate.
1. Difficult to manage, control, or subdue; refractory.
1. Difficult to alleviate or cure: an obstinate headache.

I'd say all three apply here.

Tekno, I just realized.. if we're going to make everything PC, you and I have to change our user names - 'dannerman' is insensitive to the women, and 'TeknoScorpion' offends anyone that might have lost a loved one to a scorpion bite. Every time they see your user name on a post, they remember.


"Life's What You Make It, So Let's Make It Rock!"
Yeah, but Clint is too easy to distort and make into an insensitive word that could be sexist, and Beavers(last name) is ditto. Where do you draw the line!!?!?!??!?!;)

TeknoScorpion said:
Ya know, I knew the meaning of obstinate, but wanted to see what the correct def. was just to make sure it was being used right(i knew it was, but still).

Maybe it should be CapN Obstinate instead:

1. Stubbornly adhering to an attitude, opinion, or course of action; obdurate.
1. Difficult to manage, control, or subdue; refractory.
1. Difficult to alleviate or cure: an obstinate headache.

I'd say all three apply here.

Clint, didn't I ask you to be nice? Playa has been around a long time like myself. We have seen a lot, we have done a lot. Just Playa looks at a different world, one that has passed him by years ago.

An Old Coaster fart that refuses to grow old, I just wish many of my friends could have as well!

Jeff's avatar

Charles Nungester said:
I don't however find a ride already named something before the incident to be derogatory or offensive.

"I" being the key word. That's the only thing anyone is trying to get at here. One size does not fit all. I don't understand why the conversation keeps steering toward any individual's opinion. It's not about what you or I think.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

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