Track Records

How do you edit your track records? I know this isn't exactly a suggestion, but I was wondering. Thank you

Cedar Point is the best, is the best, is the best. Cedar Point is the best, is the best, is the best.

Are you a member of the Cbuzz Club?

Im the #1 Canobie Lake Park Fan!!!These are my top 3 coasters:
1. S:RoS @ SFNE 2. Yankee Cannonball 3. Cyclone/B:TDK

Draegs's avatar

How does that answer his question?

Assuming you are a member and can edit your track record, this is what you need to do:

1) Either click on the "Parks" link at the top of the screen and find the park with the rides you want to add, or click the "Coasters" link.

2) Find the specific coaster you want to add and click it's link.

3) On that ride's page you should see a + button next to the ride's name. Click that and you will have added the ride to your track record.

Hope this helps :o)

James Draeger
-Proud co-founder of the Coasterbuzz street team

thank you

Cedar Point is the best, is the best, is the best. Cedar Point is the best, is the best, is the best.

how come you have to be a member of the Cbuzz club to keep a track record. I have a track record on coasterbuzz but now i can't get to it or edit it because i'm not a member

because this site wasnt really making money, so jeff had to make people pay an annual price for it. I would do it but i see no point.

It was all financial, not that he just doesn't like us and wants to make money off of us.

I'm sure Jeff knows more than me, lol. That's just what I think he said...not sure though.

I believe Jeff does it for the reason that coastingohio said. I am unfortunatly not a member, but all my money is being put towards a car. I plan to join in the future however.

I like the fact that Jeff does it, afterall, this is a free site for us, but not for him. He has to pay the bills and such, so it is a good thing.

I agree 100% with ya ducky. I'm trying to save for a car so I can drive to Sfwoa, Cp, and maybe Kennywood or Lesourdsville/Pki. I'm really looking foward to just being able to drive my own car to a park whenever I want.

Back to topic, um, yeah!

There are 2 main reasons I am glad I joined the club...

1. I wanted to do something to help maintain this site that I truly enjoy and get daily use from

2. Ad-free. to me this is the best feature of the club site, especially when I am browsing from home on a 56k.

I know for the younger and jobless amoung us that $20 is a lot, but for the rest of us you will only miss $20 for about 30 seconds. If you enjoy this site as much as I do, think of how much you would miss it if it disappeared.

signature withheld for no apparent reason

Jeff is NOT doing it to "make money off of us". He is diong it so he can pay the BILLS to keep this site running. I don't remember the exact figures but this site costs BIG $$$ to run monthly. I paid the $20 simply because we have a good thing going here and I would like to see it running in the future.

To each his own.

There is NoLimit when it comes to Roller Coasters.
Check me out sometime on MSN Instant Messenger. Address: Name: Sarah

Who cares if he is doing it to make money!! Don't you think if someone provides valued service to thousands of people, that they deserve to earn some money for their hard work?

signature withheld for no apparent reason

Jeff's avatar

That's what kills me, is that people are offended by the possibility to ever make money. It's like being offended that DirecTV or your cable company would want money from you. Gasp!

But the sad reality is that I'm not making any money and I still have a normal day job, so you need not worry. I just want to recover the cost of writing big checks to Sprint every month.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -,
"Let's stop saying 'don't quote me,' because if no one quotes you, you probably haven't said a thing worth saying." - Dogma, KMFDM

Draegs's avatar
You actually write checks? I always figured you the type to do online banking :o)

Someone sitting in a NOC like yours, writing an old-fashioned check out, is amusing to me...yet I don't really know why.

James Draeger
-Proud co-founder of the Coasterbuzz street team

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