Tower of Terror groper caught in on-ride photo at Disney's California Adventure

Posted | Contributed by Jeff

Anaheim police Monday were looking for a man who groped a woman on the Tower of Terror ride at Disney's California Adventure theme park, adjacent to Disneyland. The victim has an on-ride photo showing a man with his hand stretched out toward her.

Read more from KTLA/Las Angeles.

In California the photo is taken right in the beginning before the first big drop from the top of the tower. Why do we continue to discuss Florida? It's irrelevant.

ridemcoaster's avatar

Perhaps for illustration of the differences between the "similar" ride at different locations..

Sides, you have been on CB for quite a while.. Why do you ask why a thread A.D.Ds to another park/topic? It happens.

Lord Gonchar said:

Juggalotus said:
Isn't the ride completely random? If the drops are programmed to be random, wouldn't the light and camera also be randomly timed?

But even if it was random doesn't the photo happen at the beginning of the sequence? That is to say the photo happens as the random sequence begins - which means the photo still happens at the same time every time.

Or am I way off?

I've only been on the Florida version once, so I may be way off and was just throwing that out there.

I'm surprised DCA doesn't have a random profile. The profile was added to MGMs version 2 years before that one opened.

robotfactory's avatar

I can't believe that we're on page 2 and nobody has yet said "Pics or it didn't happen."

I'm disappointed in you, Internet.

- Julie

LostKause's avatar

Wasn't there a pic in the news story? Isn't that what we have been discussing? I don't understand, robotfactory.

The photo show that something clearly happened. The man could have just tapped her on the shoulder for all we know.

As serious as the allegations are, I laughed out loud the first time that I read the title of this thread, because how incredibly stupid, and desperate, would someone have to be in order to do something like that? What a loser.

On the other hand (no pun intended), she could have been tapped on the shoulder or something, which is highly unlikely, and the circumstances could just be helping her to seek attention.

No matter where the man touched her, the photo clearly shows that he did touch her, because she wouldn't be looking his way otherwise. The question is where. It's not a very strong question, because the only person to speak out, the woman, said that the man touched her breast.

Last edited by LostKause,

It clearly shows that he touched her? I see a man with his arm extended toward a woman who is looking at him with a puzzled look on her face. That doesn't clearly show anything other than that.

Carrie M.'s avatar

So what reason is there to dispute it? I don't understand that. Given the limited facts we have anyway, what's the point in speculating that what she has reported isn't true?

"If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins." --- Benjamin Franklin

ridemcoaster's avatar

The left side clearly isnt have as much fun as the right side is.. (overall).

Hands up (and across).. Huge grins.. Left side could be watching snow white show for all I know.

But i tend to miss the point of most media reports. :)

Watch it turn out to be a couple looking for publicity like the balloon boy incident!
They were posing for this picture this way on purpose....

I've seen worse gestures than this done on purpose. Look at Mean Streak on-ride photos

Last edited by JoshuaTBell,
BDesvignes's avatar

The photo makes it look like he's saying something to her and motioning towards her. It doesn't look like he did anything to her. So really it's just her word against his, if they find him.

Da Bears

What a tool. Can you imagine this guys family watching the news and seeing him with that stupid smile and his hand reached out? Now that's priceless. Imagine explaining that to good old mom.

Since it's dark for most of the ride, what's the point of gesturing toward someone? And what reason does some random guy have to touch another rider's breast, shoulder, big toe, or wherever? Unless she was on fire, I'm sure if he had something to say to her or show her, it could have waited until the ride was over.

LostKause's avatar

As I reread my last post, it sounded like I was insinuating that I believe that the man was just tapping the lady on the shoulder. I meant for it to be understood that I believe the lady account of what took place; there's no reason not to believe her. But if the man was ever caught, he may have an easy way to get away with it, by lying.

I also wanted to make the point that I think that the man is a loser. :p

LostKause, as someone already said that photo doesn't show any of what she is accusing this person.

There's no reason not to believe her? Really? What happened to the video footage that I believe exists? Why is there no statement from the police in the news story? Why is she having to go to the media to get this story out? Why is there no witness from the back row to back up the story? I see four people seated immediately behind her. Could it be because the police determined no real crime took place or there is a serious lack of convincing evidence?

In the United States you're innocent until proven guilty. That's a very important thing for our country that many have forgotten.

You've already concluded that he must be guilty based simply on her account and a photo that shows very little.

It's entirely possible that he struck her by accident. She may have then said something to him and he could have been reaching out to apologize at that moment the photo was taken. On the other hand maybe he did it, but even if he did in my eyes he's innocent until proven guilty in a court of law and based on what I've seen and read there isn't enough evidence to convict.

Last edited by egieszl,
ridemcoaster's avatar

Couldnt resist..

Last edited by ridemcoaster,
Carrie M.'s avatar

egieszl said:

There's no reason not to believe her? Really? What happened to the video footage that I believe exists? Why is there no statement from the police in the news story? Why is she having to go to the media to get this story out? Why is there no witness from the back row to back up the story? I see four people seated immediately behind her. Could it be because the police determined no real crime took place or there is a serious lack of convincing evidence?

Sgt Rick Martinez is the main person in the article providing details of what happened.

You are basing your position on video you don't even know exists. That's kind of strange to me, particularly given there is a photo that absolutely displays that something strange is going on at the very least.

You expect there to be up to four witnesses of a quick breast grab that allegedly occurred in the dark during an active drop ride? Come on, man.

No one is convicting the guy here. They are just forming opinions the same way you are. You are no more right than they and vice versa.

But the basis of America's justice system is not being compromised simply because some folks are willing to believe the woman.

"If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins." --- Benjamin Franklin

In all actuality, most sex offenses boil down to one person's word vs another. "He raped me, she consented. He grabbed me, no I didn't". The photo, coupled with her account of the event, should stir suspicion. What motive does the woman have to lie? I guess we don't know. But a jury would decide if they believe her or not. The photo would obviously be shown to the jury and I'm sure they would be wondering "why was he reaching out towards her" and why was she moving away and looking at him in the manner she did. She looked completely disinterested in the free fall ride she was on and focused on the guy grabbing at her. That is very compelling if you ask me.

Carrie M. said:

Sgt Rick Martinez is the main person in the article providing details of what happened.

You are basing your position on video you don't even know exists.

I stand corrected on the first point. However, I know video footage exists, because I got caught doing something on that ride (science experiment).

egieszl said:
Why is she having to go to the media to get this story out?

The story said she reported the incident to security who then called the police. She didn't go directly to the media. The police also released the picture in hopes the guy to the woman's left can be identified. Doesn't sound like they've determined nothing happened and they're just dropping the case. At the very least, if they find the guy, he gets to tell his side of the story. I would think you'd be glad for that.

egieszl said: I stand corrected on the first point. However, I know video footage exists, because I got caught doing something on that ride (science experiment).

Okay, there's got to be a better way to cure cancer....

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