TOS quiz...

I just got an idea.

How about implementing a required TOS quiz for registration. It would deal with basic stuff, not the liabilities of the site, etc.

What I mean is stuff like "True or false: a topic like 'who makes the best coasters' is acceptable."

Or say, "True or false: Using shortenings like 'u' for 'you' is acceptable?"

It might be hard to implement, and there might be a fuzzy line of where the # correct necessary to register is, but such a quiz does not need to be hard, and at the very least, it would make people pay attention to the TOS and not skip over it like a EULA...

That's a really good idea, why didn't I think of it sooner? ;-)

87 different coasters for this year and counting... 149 total!

Hey, thats a GREAT idea!
But every current member should take it! some current members need to

Be nice to ride op's. No matter how slow unfriendly and uncaring they may seem Most work hard to make your day great.

*** This post was edited by PKIEMPSOB on 9/24/2002. ***

Interesting idea. Only problem is people will figure out that you can open up a second window.

Window 1: The TOS quiz

Window 2: The TOS itself.

It would kind of be like an open book quiz. :)

2 superheroes in Gurnee next season? Oh the humanity. :)

I think the point of it is to force people to actually read the TOS instead of skipping it and hitting the button. it doesn't matter if its open book because the people would still have to read over the TOS.

-Bob (formerly Coaster Jedi)
Do any of you know how to build a sundial out of a pen and a donut?
uh oh, sounds like someone has a case of the mondays.

Exactly, SFGA Bob. The point is to make sure they;ve at least seen the ideas within the TOS.

At the end you could have a question like, "True or Flase: If my posts violate these rules, they can be deleted."

Food for thought.

Hey, dont get me wrong, I like the idea, but people will just copy and paste in the answers and move along not even paying attention to it.

Jeff already prompts everyone to read the TOS every once in awhile. Does it help? I am sure it gets a few peeps attention but with so many new members signing up, its hard to tackle the problem.

2 superheroes in Gurnee next season? Oh the humanity. :)

It's not a copy and paste thing though. It would have to be multiple choice. Throw in about 3 double negatives, and then they really have to think about the question! :)

It was just an idea...

Jeff's avatar

You already have to agree to the terms, so as far as I'm concerned, if you've posted, you've read the TOS. No one should be surprised if their stuff gets nuked, and if they do, it really isn't my problem.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -
"There's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, when it's all in your mind. You gotta let go." - Ghetto, Supreme Beings of Leisure

Good point. If members want to go on and do their own thing, they should know that something could become of their posts/membership if they don't read the TOS. I still don't see why people don't read them. Maybe some just want to go by their own rules.

I was asked to describe X in one word. The word? -- OhmygoshwhathaveIgottenmyselfintothisisthescariest

rollergator's avatar
TOS......(Tons Of *Suggestions*). Perhaps folks are just unaware that that's where the RULES are...;)

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