Tomb Raider to PKD!

Seen in this Photo is has become clear to me that Kings Dominion is going to add some ride about Tomb Raider: Cradle of Life. No other details are available, but thats from the old Diamond Falls site.

I'm guessing that it will be a Top Spin like the one at Kings Island. There are also rumors of construction near Avalanche for another flat. My guess is that it will be a Giant Frisbee like Delirum at Kings Island as well.

This is a welcome addition because Kings Dominion needs more flats. Sure, I'd gladly take a new coaster, but this is better than nothing. The GP will be split in deciding which flat to ride, meaning lines will be half as long! I'll be on Drop Zone! ;)

Free Falls on Drop Zone: 5!
Batwing Flights: 7!
Superman: Ride of Steel Airtime-age: 10!

when would it open then if theres already all that stuff
Wow, I'm surprised they're starting this early. I don't think it will be quite as eleborate as the King's Island site because the plot of land isn't as big, that is unless they relocate some things again.
If you have a problem with clones, the solution is real simple—Stop traveling.
coasterqueenTRN's avatar
Although the ride is OK, I really don't think we need another Tomb Raider. Oh well. :-)


Feel The DragsterGasm....

I wonder how this ride will differ from the one at Paramount's Kings Island.

Intelligence is a God given gift: Know how to use it.

After looking at the construction pics I've come to the possible conclusion that the tomb raider ride might be going in the area over by Avalanche & not directly on the DF site.

The other new attraction (most likely a huss delerium) will probably be going on the DF site instead.

Well, I must say I'm impressed. I figured on a Scooby Doo Dark ride and/or a Runaway Reptar. I think PKD and PGA are the only 2 left with out a variation on one or the other..... I'll be happy w/this though, as I've yet to ride Tomb Raider. Is it just me, or does it seem as if Paramount Parks are trying to add the same rides to all their parks? Not that I'm complaining in the least, the parks are no where near each other, and I only hit one every couple of years or so....

Yeah, if coasters WEREN'T men we'd have Raging Cow instead!;)

Does this maybe just have something to do with the limited Tomb Raider show that is touring all the Paramount parks?


Where did we make the enormous leap of logic that suggests this is at all related to Kings Island's attraction? I'd expect that you're just looking at some tie-in with the new movie and nothing more.


It probably is related,I mean look at all the paramount parks & you'll see they each have a drop zone ride as of now.

TR:TR is just gonna end up being cloned at all of the paramount parks just like DZ & delerium for the most part were,the only things PKD is now missing are a face off clone,a reptar clone,a scooby doo dark ride & some sort of version of SOB,in PKD's case themed after Grizzly with a name such as son of grizzly.

Unlike SF which clone a ride/coaster (usually a coaster) at a handfull of their 40 parks paramount seems more interested in cloning major rides at all of it's parks.

Where is the rule that other Paramount parks must get a copy of every ride at PKI?

Son Of Grizzly, yeah right.

Paramount likes to use the same names but other then Grizz and Hurler, and the Kiddies the rides are all different.

God bless Intamin, Company that I love. Stand beside her, and ride her, from the opening to the closing of the day.

...And Grizzly West is far different from Grizzly East.

ah, yes, I forgot about the Tomb Raider touring thing, this could just be part of that. I was thinking PKD would get a super saturator, Runaway Reptar, or Scooby Doo ride, but they could pull a fast one on me and do this. I'd like to ride TR:TR, and hope to before year's end, but in all honesty, I'd like something a little more origional @ PKD, if they don't go with the above....
Yeah, if coasters WEREN'T men we'd have Raging Cow instead!;)
I think Maddie has it right. In any case, I think PKI said that TR:TR would be an attraction exclusive to Kings Island. I do picture PKD getting a Huss Giant Frisbee next season though.

Coaster Insomniacs
SFDL Ultimate Guide
Amusement Graffix International

Are you sure that picture is legit? To me, it looks edited

Scooby High Score: 1830 as of May 3!

The pictures are not fake. Check out this site to view other pictures and information.
Join Rideworld, and tell them that coaster-freak sent you!!!
*** This post was edited by coaster-freak 5/28/2003 12:09:01 AM ***

I see a fence and some advertising for the film--is that enough proof to declare that the park is getting this ride? I think the state of that area is enough to warrant a fence covering it; perhaps the movie props being there are just a coincidence?

Six Flags Worlds of Adventure Online

The pictures are not fake. It only seems like the Tomb Raider Stunt Show will be at Carowinds, Great America, and Canada's Wonderland. The other two have not mentioned it(atleast not yet). All signs seem to point that PKD is getting a Tomb Raider ride themed to this summer's upcoming movie, meaning the ride will most likely be a little different. The statues, the props, and I am sure the ride scenario will be different than PKI's version. It is not exactly adding all the same rides to their parks, mostly the same names, but it is kind of a given to add a Tomb Raider ride to PKD considering they do have a Congo themed area.
Trust me.... PKD is not getting a clone of PKI's Tomb Raider....

But there is something interesting going into PKD next year.....


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