Tomb Raider thoughts.....

I thought the ride was awesome. I was very suprised with the theming. I was not expecting what the ride acculay was..... it did not feel like a top spin at all. I was caught up in the scenery i couldnt tell if i was high up or at the ground. I loved it and i waited 2 hours, only because it was freezing and everything eles had about an hour line. Im going back sunday to ride again. What are your thoughts on the ride?

Hmmmmm...Top Spin in a box themed to a large chested video game character...


Heh what if I haven't ridden it yet? I'm trying to convince my dad to get out to PKI this summer. Maybe a little side trip to CP, SFWoA, and KW wouldn't hurt, either, lol.

-Kyle Brylczyk
KoRn - Untouchables, June 11th, 2002

Good luck getting your dad to get to a park over 500 miles away, why don't you jsut head for Lake Compounce and Six Flags New England? they're a lot closer and you're missing a whole lot of thrills up in New England.
Seems like Ripsaw at Alton only indoors. By the way, thats also some incredible theming they have covering up that gigantic aluminum building.

"This time I think ... I think it's ... it's going to work!" - Dr.Bruce Banner

Yea I wasn't suprised with the preshows I was expecting more to happen, but the ride WOW. The face first dive to the lava pit thats awesome and flying into the stalagtites. Wow. This is one great ride and I hope that they let vines grow up on the siding. It would make it a little more exotic.
I want to ride this ride bad, but it looks like I have no chance. From Turning 16 this summer, getting a 99 yellow mustang and spending a month in canada, I can only hope for a chance to hit cedarpoint on halloweekend and maybe indiana beach to ride their new reinvampment of superstious mountain. I was skeptical at first on what this ride would be like and really wasn't to interested in it at first but after hearing peoples opinion on it after riding I can't wait!
Tomb Raider is definitely 1 Awesome Ride!! Theming is Great & The Ride itself is Incredible. I wasn't sure what to expect when I heard it was a Giant Top Spin but WoW!! And I agree, The Lava Pit & Stalagtites/Ice are Very Cool!!
I'm really glad you guys liked it. I thought it was one of the biggest disappointments I have had at an amusement park since CP put in Avalanche Run. I felt like I waited 1.5 hours to ride a glorified carni ride with some decent theming. I didn't think the theming was any better that the on ride theming of Adventure Exprress (their mine ride). I have no desire to go back and ride it again. Thatsa OK less person if front of the people who did enjoy it.


Just curious about something. Did you expect the ride to be something else? I have noticed that the couple people I have heard negative comments from were expecting a coaster, similator, or something else that the ride clearly isn't.

For what it's worth, I think the whole way the ride and walk-through area is done in a way that no other park has come close to touching in this area, but that's just me. I can't think of another park in this part of the country that has theming like this. To be honest, I am not the largest fan of theming for the sake of making a ride 'look' good, but when the theming actually plays a role in the way something rides is a big plus in my book.

Too bad you won't be back at the park again to ride it. I know I will.

-Sean (who actuall liked Avalance Run also) F.

Giantwheeljay, I kindof agree with you about the carinival ride. I did like it better than I expected but the thing I disliked the most was the end. You had just done a flip up high and then it just kindof lowers you, you sit there for a few sec. the lights go out on the themeing and come on the car and your done. I wish it was longer but then again the line would be longer so I don't know.

I'm not saying it was a TERRIBLE ride. I just don't think it was worthy of the hype and the long line I had to stand in. If I had to wait for the zipper at a carnival I would have thought the same thing. I like the zipper. I knew going in that it was a Huss Top Spin...but I had never been on one. I also don't think the theming was terrible, but when you are stuck in a room for 15-20 minutes there is only so long that you can admire fake cobwebs and a tomb facade. I think they should have done something like Outer Limits to give the ride more of a story feel to it. This of course would then take away from the authenticity of the tomb theming. The part of tomb raider that they showed before you get on was a nice touch but the volume is not high enough for everyone to hear. The ride itself is too short IMO. I also heard this as probably the number one complaint from other guests. Another minute would have been good. Like someone else mentioned, this would also lengthen the time in line. Ideally they would have two rides going at a time to increase capacity. I know the price would be crazy for this but would decrease wait time and increase ride time. I'm not saying I won't ever ride it again, I just won't wait that long again.

Vertigo said:
Good luck getting your dad to get to a park over 500 miles away, why don't you jsut head for Lake Compounce and Six Flags New England? they're a lot closer and you're missing a whole lot of thrills up in New England. I don't think that this topic title had anything about SFNE in it.

Sit up right, hold on tight!

*** This post was edited by son of beast on 4/7/2002. ***

*** This post was edited by son of beast on 4/7/2002. ***

That ride had to be one of the BEST rides I have ever been on. I wasent dissapointed one bit only that it was kinda short. I went today(Sunday) and there was only a 30min. wait. When I walked onto the Escape Vehicle I would have never thought that all of those special effects were in there. I rode it 3x and I thought it was the best!!!!

So all of you all cn say what you want but you know you really loved and I suggets that everyone make the trip down Hwy. 71 and ride it!!

Sixflags+no money+airport=Sixflags Kentucky kingdom

**** something told me I should have went today. I'm going next Saturday and getting my ERT and riding Tomb Raider a couple times in the morning. If The Beast is open I'm lapping on it!

One of the biggest wastes of my time and energy that I have ever experienced at any amusement park. Theming was cool, but to wait 45 minutes for a two minute long flat ride was a waste. The promotions, and build-up was fantastic, but I would not recommend the ride.


My thought is that the ride is neat, the synchronization of the ride with the show is very well done, but the ride has certain problems. People who don't know what the ride system is are going to be blown away by it, but anybody who recognizes it as a Top Spin and knows what those things can do is going to be mightily disappointed.

Thing is, they're doing very little with the ride system...they are using the ride system to point you at the various sets in the box (above, below, in front of you) but they aren't doing much beyond that. Second problem: The volcano scene is too damned long. At that point you are in a face-down head-down position with the blood rushing to your head and you are held there for far too long before swinging away. If that scene were as long as the stalagtite scene, I think it would work better, plus allow some time in the cycle to do some Top Spin-type things. Finally, the biggest problem with the ride is that it has no ending. When the ride ends, the gondola drops back to its starting position, the lights go back to the original configuration, and there is really no cue that the ride has ended. Perhaps if the building went completely dark as the loading bridges come down and the voice-over accompanied the bridge lowering instead of accompanying the tub reset...or last night I was thinking perhaps a bit more light on the tub from overhead as the bars are released to indicate, "You may unbuckle, stand up, and exit now."

It's a good ride, but I think it might could use a little tweaking.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

Good point Dave.

And I think the tweaking is still underway. The themeing and effects changed throughout the day during the media preview. Over the weekend, I noticed suttle differences each time I rode.

The park already has ride surveys taking place just at the exit. The only consistant negative response I have heard was that people felt it was too short.

I agree that it has the ability to do a lot more flipping swooping etc. But the theming and timing (as it exists now)dictates otherwise. The great news about this ride is that it CAN change. This is not a coaster. Coasters basically offer the same exact thrill over and over. No single ride has to be the same on this.

I guestimate that PKI may actually be "warming" riders up to this experience. I am seeing persons who would never get on, say FOF or Vortex hopping on and loving it. A year, or two from now, PKI may just decide to throw in some changes, just to keep riders on their toes. That is a pretty cool option.

The ending was the only down note IMO. I love everything except the abrupt "It's Over?" feeling. Everything up to that point was really well done and, pardon the pun, over the top.

Ironically this ride is turning into a terrific example of the different perceptions of coasters vs non coasters. Enthusiasts readily wait upwards of 3 hours to ride a coaster that does the same exact thing each time you ride and often does not last as long. Their response? That was cool! Totally worth it! But on the flip side a wait for a non coaster attraction can be deemed as not worth the time, although many other elements make it a standout.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I am much more of a park buff than a coaster buff. I love the broad horizons all new rides offer, not just coasters. TR has opened up a whole new world in seasonal theme parks. I believe this is the FIRST in a line of similar immersive attractions we will see at PKI.

To be really frank.... I am getting a bit bored with coasters. I am looking for something new, exciting and different. Even parks and manufacturers are realizing that a coaster simply does not hold the attention of guests like it once could. Hence numerous new dark ride/flat ride/ interactive additions.

Finally, to the average guest, PKI now has what I consider an incredible 1-2-3-4-5 punch. FOF, Beast, TR, Drop Zone, and Nick Central basically cover all the bases and offer 5 incredible and incredibly different and fun experiences. PKI is doing a great job covering all their bases and getting guests in the park. that is what is important.


A.K.A. John K.

JordonDunham said:
"From Turning 16 this summer, getting a 99 yellow mustang and spending a month in canada, I can only hope for a chance to hit cedarpoint on halloweekend and maybe indiana beach to ride their new reinvampment of superstious mountain."

What type of parent allows a 16 yr old to have a Mustang? Especially a male child. 16 yr old males are too young, dumb, and full of C@#% to be having a "speed machine" like that!

I'll be sure to add you to my prayer list :)
Besides, if we were really shutting down people we disagreed with, would Jeremy (2Hostyl) still be around? :) I think not. - Jeff 1/24/02

I would combine Shaggy and Dave's posts and would pretty much come-up with my thoughts on TR as well as the directions it could go, and what parks may be looking for in the future.

As Dave had mentioned, I thought the pause was longer than I would have liked with the hanging upside part of the ride. Also the ending did seem to just end. And while that is fine and is part of any ride. A ride which builds upon your anticipation, has extensive theming along the way, has a new sensation type ride for many, just seems to need to finish with some sort of finality.

I will also piggy-back part of Shaggy's last post in my thoughts of the amusement industry looking for new areas to build-upon. Our family enjoys going to 10-15 parks a year. My kids are getting old enough to ride most of the rides at a park we visit, and it becomes a "whole day experience" for us. I also have one foot in the "on the edge, whatever coaster is out there I will try" area as well. I enjoy being able to take my family to parks for a fun and entertaining day, as well as my wife and I getting to ride new state-of-the-art rides and well built coasters. I would think some parks are looking at that aspect a bit more these days, with many families starting to make-it a regional/national trip type thing with amusement parks in their plans. I remember several years back how Las Vegas started marketing to families more heavily. It wasn't because they just wanted to do that. They were aware that once you saturate your key target market, you need to find other targets with the disposable income to hit-upon. Over the past few years, PKI has seized-upon that area with the upgrade of the kids area, marketing WaterZone more, and installing "thrill rides".

PS. I enjoyed looking-at the 1972 Kings Island park map in the Goldpass 2002 Calendar. Quite a few changes, as well as things which have come and gone after that map. I wish other parks would do that. It would be enjoyable to see how things have changed at some of the parks we visit.

I just realized I left out an important comment. Shaggy touched on it, but...

The one consistent comment I heard again and again, not only from people who got off the ride but even (via quotation since I didn't actually talk to him) from David Mandt himself is that the ride is "too short."

The thing is, it's every bit of a two-minute (or longer; I didn't time it) ride from bridge-down to bridge up. It's one of the longest flat-ride cycles in the park (not counting load and unload...the Monster beats everything if you go that route...). AmTech warns Orbiter owners not to run the thing longer than about 90 seconds lest the riders start...well, you know. Flight of Fear is only a minute and a half. Tomb Raider is actually a quite a long ride! And yet people are complaining about it being "too short."

My thought is that the ride isn't too short. It just spends too much time feeling like it isn't doing anything, and it's the relative lack of action that makes it feel short.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

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