To Eat Or Not To Eat

Before a roller coaster people say it is bad to eat food because it will make your stomach unhappy, but with me I need to eat because my body needs the energy. So do think it is better to eat before or after a roller coaster?
Eat if you have a good stomach. Well, you don't need that good of one, but if you get sick on any coaster, don't eat. But if your stomach is stronger, go right ahead.

Ken, Jake and Taylor conquered SFWoA :

Not eating anything before is the only time I ever feel sick on a coaster.
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It never really matters for me, but I usually don't eat @ parks. (I'm too poor....) I've never gotten ill on a coaster before, but one time I was VERY close. My dad and I went to the McDonalds right by SFGAm for breakfast. We got there, and for some reason did the Demon first, and I thought for sure I was gonna get sick, but didn't. (Yay!)
Eating is bad right before riding. Go see a show or sit on a bench for a while to let your stomach calm down. Some park food in particular can be hard on your stomach. IMO it can be worse than your local fast food joint.
Jeff's avatar
I frequently eat at Midway Market at Cedar Point. All you can eat for $10. Guess which big green thing is right outside? Guess what I ride every time after eating there, since the ride's lines are lighter at dinner time?

No problems here.

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I'm with Riddler0731 & PT300. I didn't feel too good riding RRV on a empty stomach, so ate a double cheeseburger meal from the restaurant to the left & rode it again. Much better!
As long as I don't pig out I am fine. Most of the time the waits in line gives my food enough time to settle. As long as you haven't had previous experiences with eating before riding I don't see a problem with it.

Jeff said:
"All you can eat for $10."
Geez!!! Now I remember why I always bring my own food into parks. I've never noticed any effect from eating while in line for rides or not eating all day. I don't think food has much to do with getting sick; it's all about how you feel getting on the ride. The more scared and uneasy you are, the more likely you are to get sick. At least that's been my experience...
i went to that cedar point pizza place right by raptor. bought a whole pizza then went on millennium force, front seat, felt kind of dizzy after the ride. i usally never get sick of a coaster. maybe it was just the ride!!!

Welcome Force riders how was your ride??
If I'm within walking distance of a coaster, there is no time to eat. That's what I serisously say. If I spend a whole day at a park, I'll have a slice of pizza and a coke at the most. But now I try as much not to eat SF food. Just bring your own; saves a lot of money. And about getting sick on coasters, I try to wait an average of 10-15 minutes, which sometimes is a length of a line.
There is no such thing as a stupid question, just stupid people.
This is my biggest problem, even though I have never even come close to getting sick, or even feeling sick. For some reason, I just have this fear of it happening, and how much it would really suck. I'll usually take a nice walk or catch a show, or something like that, before heading to the next coaster.

I'd Rather Be Riding Rollercoasters
I absolutely MUST stuff myself before riding. It seems like with each ride energy or food is drained from me so the more I have the longer I last :) No food and I get queasy

AIM: Vulcan91 ICQ: 55839810
Coaster Tracks Ridden: 50
I could go either way. I could eat a 10 course meal then hit any coaster and not see my lunch return. Usually when I'm at a park my body goes into coaster mode and instead of eating I ride coasters instead. My girlfriend usually yells at me for that though. :)

Hello, My name is Dan and I'm a coasterholic.
I don't really think it's going to matter unless you ate some really nasty food or there is a lot of g-force and throwing around and stuff in the ride. For me though it doesn't matter.

X is the best.
I wish I could spell

*** This post was edited by Mr. X on 6/2/2001. ***
Ok just from seeing friends do this.

DO NOT eat the Demon Nachos right before going on the Demon.

Ken, Jake and Taylor conquered SFWoA :

I'm with you coasterpunk. One my recent trip to PKI all I ate all day was two danishes in the morning. I got hungry once and only ate a cup of fries. I lasted the rest of the day and I didn't eat agian till about 9:30 at a Taco Bell on teh way home. In my opinion your at the park for one reason, RIDE, not eat you can eat anywhere.
I have a fear of that happening too. I usually just try and eat like Subway(If I am really hungry), fries, or dippin dots when I am at a park. I usually dont get that hungry when I am there anyway. BGW's food was really good though so I ate a lot :)

In My Opinion, I don't need to eat at an amusement park all day. Eveytime I go to SFMM or Knott's I only eat breakfast which is usually Lucky Charmes(best cereal in the world) and that keeps my boosted. Maybe that's why I only weigh 107 lbs. I'm only 15 BTW.
Deja Vu - Think you've experienced it before...think again!

X - Xperience the Xtreme - It breaks all the rules!
Idon't eat in the park,I know better!I save all my eating until all the riding is done. on the way home!

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