Tips for SFA?

Vater said:

coasterguts said:
Personally out of the parks I went to last year, I found SFA exceeded the majority in terms of customer service, cleaniliness and took safety just as seriously as the other parks on other chains do.

SFA has been my homepark since it opened in '99, and I have yet to see it run efficiently. I keep hearing from different people how much it improves each season. I'm sorry, but it's my opinion that these folks are dillusional. Since day one, SFA has had rude employees, a disregard for safety, uncleanliness...and I think the park's layout was designed by this guy.

Hey, I will give you that the park layout could use a connector between Coyote Creek and Batwing and that the park layout could be improved but the efficiently part, I question your sanity.

Listen to Jes on this one...

Actually, I don't think I will, Jess has only visited the park once and will not keep an open mind about coming back.


Perhaps if SFI would stop spoiling the big 4 & put a bit more effort into some of the parks like SFA

Didn't SFA get 4 major new coasters in 3 years?

I visited in 1999 and found the park to have a nice atmosphere, be clean and efficiently run. E.g. Roar, Wild One, and JJ were all 2 train operation despite extremely light crowds. A few of the employees were a bit rude but nothing to get worked up over.

If employees are jeapodizing saftey they should be warned and sacked if they ever do it again. However, things are blatently not as bad as Zero G would have us believe.
*** This post was edited by Mr Rush 4/14/2003 7:11:47 AM ***

Listen, I hate rude and/or disinterested employees as much as the next guy, but it's typical of what you would find at a McDonalds. These are typically kids on their first job. With apartments going for $700-$800 in the area for a single bedroom, you're not going to find too many college-aged people who would work at a themepark, unless they got into management. I have at times despised some of the clientele. It's not everyday, but there are days where the offensive language and attitudes get to be a bit much. Some days I have walked out because I didn't feel safe. When you're a season pass holder, you put up with more. Someone who doesn't have a season pass will probably write the park off.

BFSFA, you are so offbase about Six Flags spoiliing other parks. I count four new coasters, and three new flat rides being added since the changeover. Some of the other parks would kill for what we got. We are getting a new ride this year, let's try to enjoy it. Adding another big attraction is not going to solve any existing problems. First and foremost, the park needs a family-oriented roller coaster such as a wild mouse or a ride like Blackbeards Pirate Train at Great Adventure. Sure I would love another big ride, but I think the focus on family attractions is more in SFA's interest if they're going to have any hope of keeping people from going down to Doswell, VA. Paramount has a big leg up on Six Flags by having the Nickoledean franchise, which includes the red-hot Spongebob Squarepants.
If you have a problem with clones, the solution is real simple—Stop traveling.

Vater's avatar
We're not talking about McDonald's here, but since you brought it up, there's no excuse for rude employees there either. However, there's less of an excuse for rude employees at a theme park, for crying out loud. I don't appreciate paying an outrageous fee for admission (along with parking) and having to put up with lazy, rude employees. I've been in both theme parks and fast food joints that employ would-be bitter high school age kids where the management doesn't stand for that kind of crap. I don't care where the damn park is, good customer service is good customer service.

And I agree that SFA is certainly not overlooked when it comes to new additions. What other park that gets five MAJOR attractions in five years could you possibly consider neglected?

'These pretzels are making me thirsty.'
Take a ride...

Vater said:
We're not talking about McDonald's here, but since you brought it up, there's no excuse for rude employees there either. However, there's less of an excuse for rude employees at a theme park, for crying out loud. I don't appreciate paying an outrageous fee for admission (along with parking) and having to put up with lazy, rude employees. I've been in both theme parks and fast food joints that employ would-be bitter high school age kids where the management doesn't stand for that kind of crap. I don't care where the damn park is, good customer service is good customer service.

'These pretzels are making me thirsty.'
Take a ride...

I disagree Vater, there are some parts of the country that kids would kill for a chance to work at an amusement park. But Washington, D.C. is not one of them. Example, My local Wal-Mart, the place is trashy and dumpy with poor customer service (check that, no customer service), if I drive an hour or more north, and go to the Wal-Mart there the store is clean and customer service is outstanding. What's the difference? One Wal-Mart store is urban where there are plenty of jobs and employees don't need to compete for a position. The other is in a blue collar town where there are not as many jobs, tourism is the main strength of this community and take more pride in their work and happy to be working for a company like Wal-Mart. If a SFA employee doesn't like where they are working they can't just quit and have a job at Wendy's, McDonald's, Wal-Mart, the Bannana Republic down the street from them where they can see there friends and socialize while working, all of the people working at SFA know this. In fact, SFA needs them more than they need SFA. In fact, I know of three people on another board that have already quit working at SFA and found better jobs elsewhere, one received a phone call back from SFA saying they really need ride ops. Now you tell me, how do you motivate a employee to provide good customer service if they make $6.00 an hour and could afford to get fired for providing poor customer service but have a job within the next hour making more money.

First, I think I've only been to a few parks with layouts that weren't seriously compromised. Parks with a history usually have less than perfect layouts. SFA not only has a history, it also has crazy zoning and a historical site on the property. Not to mention lots of politics.

SFA's customer service has improved over the last several years. It's not Cedar Point yet, but it is getting better. Someone compared SFA's customer service to SFOT, SFGAdv, and SFOG. These are the best run parks in the chain. I've found that SFA's customer service is as good as any of the smaller SF parks and better than some. There was little to fault seriously on Sunday.

I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't be interested in going again if I were in the area, simply because the coasters are great. But if I do, I plan on taking a notebook and writing down everything I see that disturbed me.

I might have encountered the park at it's absoloute worst, and I would be willing to bet the park's employees aren't as bad normally as the day I went. But in the amusement park industry, you only get one chance because you have to assume this is the guests first, last, and only visit to the park. The fact that I had a bad visit still speaks to me that they don't quite understand how important every guest is

Jes's Roller Coasters DJ Jes
Six Flags Worlds Of Adventure Ride-Ops Crew 2002-2003(Find Me, Win a prize!)

You know Jes, I generally respect your comments/opinions and I do not argue that you experienced a type of day that should *never* be condoned in the amusement park industry. But it is time for you to lay off of SFA if for no other reason than the fact that *every* comment you have made about SFA has been made about your park, SFWoA as well. The fact of the matter is, both parks are not what you would call the "gold standard" of customer service.

Now, I do not doubt that you try your personal hardest to improve the small area of SFWoA that you work in. But before you go to SFA with your "Park Inspector" notebook in tow, I'd think that you'd be better served taking that same notebook to your *own* park and re-hashing the issues with your local superiors. At least there you have the potential to make a significant impact as (I believe) they consider you a valued employee.

lata, jeremy

Who doesn't want to see Russian lesbian teens singing in the rain?

Well said 2Hostyl,well said you were very precise & to the point.When I was at the park this past sunday everything was much better then it was last season,there was no line jumping,most if not all of the "problematic rides" (cough Batwing cough cough) were running with no problems at all & the staff wasn't rude or inefficient at all on sunday best of all fastlane wasn't being used & they were loading all seats :).

The only problem the entire day was with Mind eraser but other than that you couldn't have asked for a b etter park experience & the way I see it now if this trend continues then they are looking to have a great year.

Now I've heard some horror stories of how bad the service at SFWOA has been over the past few years but does that happen everytime you are visiting the park? on rare occasions even at the best run or most popular parks you're bound to have an off day,even at CP of all places I'm sure there's at least one guest who probably complains about less than top notch customer service.

SFA has had some management problems in the past year or two but this is the start of a new season so give the management there a chance to show us what they can do,perhaps things will improve this year over last & if you don't like the park then don't visit & please just avoid posting in any topic that even deals with SFA.


2Hostyl said:

I'd think that you'd be better served taking that same notebook to your *own* park and re-hashing the issues with your local superiors.


Thanks for understanding where I'm coming from, but regarding the notebook, what makes you think I don't do that at my own park already?

While I agree that Six Flags Worlds of Adventure has had more than it's fair share of guest complaints (Some of them unwarranted, I might add), I guess I personally don't see much of it simply because I am a busy worker and I work hard to make guests are having a great day. Hence, I don't really see the stuff people talk about on here, regarding something at Six Flags WoA that upset them at some point in the day. The stuff I mostly see guests complaining about are things that I'm not able to fix, and what I consider to be "Normal". The same problems that you would expect to see at any amusement park occasionally, mainly rides closed down due to weather or (with regards to the area where I worked) a rare technical problem with a ride.

I guess if I was in a situation where I could see these things happening at my park, I'd be more understanding of people's complaints towards my park.
Jes's Roller Coasters DJ Jes
Six Flags Worlds Of Adventure Ride-Ops Crew 2002-2003(Find Me, Win a prize!)
*** This post was edited by Zero-G 4/15/2003 5:41:36 PM ***

ApolloAndy's avatar
Well, on the original topic, I'm deciding between a half day (10:30-3) Fri. and a full day Sat. at SFA this coming weekend (18th or 19th). Also thinking about lo-fast-bot-lane-Q.

Anyone familiar with the park and it's crowding (and spring break patterns in the area) have a recommendation?

Be polite and ignore the idiots. - rollergator
"faster, cheaper, and more often" that's somebody's new sig -UpsideDawnGrrrl
My shirt in my photo seems to be for "Aging Bull"

I haven't been there on Easter Saturday to know how crowded it will likely be. It's usually light on other spring weekends. You may also want to look at the weather forecast when making your decision.
Like I said before they weren't using fastlane when I went this past sunday so maybe,just maybe you'll get luckey on your visit as well & given the fact that it's easter sunday I wouldn't really expect large crowds.

ApolloAndy said:
Well, on the original topic, I'm deciding between a half day (10:30-3) Fri. and a full day Sat. at SFA this coming weekend (18th or 19th). Also thinking about lo-fast-bot-lane-Q.

Anyone familiar with the park and it's crowding (and spring break patterns in the area) have a recommendation?

Be polite and ignore the idiots. - rollergator
"faster, cheaper, and more often" that's somebody's new sig -UpsideDawnGrrrl
My shirt in my photo seems to be for "Aging Bull"

I think Saturday will be the nicer day to go, Friday is suppose to be cloudy and cool with a chance of rain. Got to love that Washington, D.C. weather.

LOL,tell me about it because it sure was a hot night last night with lows in the 70's!

Today's gonna be another hot one as well with temps in the 80's,ApolloAndy if I were you I would go today because tomorrow's forecast calls for a chance of rain all the way through friday.

As for saturday I'm hearing that it might be overcast for a good part of the day with a slight chance for rain

ApolloAndy said:
Well, on the original topic, I'm deciding between a half day (10:30-3) Fri. and a full day Sat. at SFA this coming weekend (18th or 19th). Also thinking about lo-fast-bot-lane-Q.

Anyone familiar with the park and it's crowding (and spring break patterns in the area) have a recommendation?

As was mentioned, weather-wise, Saturday would be the better day of the two. If last weekend was any indication, the crowds will be very light. Even with one train operation on most coasters, the waits were 15 minutes max...No need for fast-lane. To give you an idea of how light the crowds were last saturday, we did all the coasters (at least the ones that were operating...Two/Face was down) and saw a couple shows and even got some re-rides, and were out of the park by 3:30.


"Ever hear of Plato, Aristotle, Socrates...Morons!"

coasterguts said:
I suppose attitude reflects customers. I suppose if I had a couple of customers like Zero-G and Freakylick then I would have a bad attitude as well.

I just love when people judge people that they don't even know. How would you know how I am as a "customer".


"Ever hear of Plato, Aristotle, Socrates...Morons!"

Vater's avatar
Good point, freakylick...and even if, hypothetically speaking, you were an irate customer, it's still no excuse for an employee to give you attitude. What the hell happened to 'the customer is always right?' I've worked in a customer service environment since I started my first job, and if I am ever rude to a customer, no matter what the circumstances, there will be consequences. I dunno, maybe I'm old fashioned...or maybe I'm RIGHT.

Have you ridden a Toboggan?

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