The years best memory

As the year 2000 draws to a close and you think back on what coasters you have ridden, what has been the most memorable coaster related experience this year? Mine would have to be my first trip on Top Gun at PC. It was my first inverted experience and it took my breath away. Topping the lift hill and then plunging towards the ground at 60 mph with nothing below you but air has got to be the greatest experience on the face of the Earth. But enough about me, what about yall?
What is life without ups and downs!?!?
Top Gun would also be one of my memorable coasters riding in 2000 but i think kraken gets the best acknowledgement of the new coasters i got to ride in 2000. But i have to dwell in say that the most memorable moment in coasters for the year 2000 was not the coaster i got to ride but the one that I didn't. The Boss, just looking at it impressed me. If I only would have been there one week later.

#1 Steel-Incredible Hulk
#1 Wood--Timber Wolf
In a year that I found myself on such coasters as Hulk, MF, SOB, S:ROS (SFA) and the aformentioned Top Gun: The Jet Coaster for the first time, it is hard to pick one coasting experience. In second place would have to be the great "family photo" we got on Sonny, but the most memorable moment for me would have to have been seeing and ridng for the first time...S:UE! That ride freaked me out to the point that I almost didnt get on. It was just too different. It really made the greatest impact on me. BTW 3rd place has to be when my friend yelped oh (manure) on Ice Dragon when we got to the castle duel!
My best memories from this year involve the people I've met more than the coasters I've ridden. It's the first year I've really circulated myself in the enthusiast community, and it's done me really well. Each and every person I've met this past season from Guide to the Point and rec.roller-coaster (didn't go out lookin for Coasterbuzzers, hehe) has made an impact on me, and I look forward to seeing everybody again next season!!

Superman: Ride of Steel is a close second though ;)

Oh, and that big blue thing at Cedar Point, you know...oh what's it called again? The 310 foot one? Corkscrew? Ah well.

CP Ride Operations '99-'00
I would have to say that MF was the biggest highlight of the year for me. Watching the train take the first train was mind blowing.

slithernoggin's avatar
I think I would also have to say Millenium Force was the highlight of the year. Though we got a real kick out of Mr Freeze at SF St Louis, rode that thing over and over again.
My best memory had to have been driving to PKI and seeing this huge brown mountain in the middle of the park. That was from about a half mile away even.
Another great/ sad moment was getting off the next to last public ride on the Steel Phantom. Sure most people are glad to see it go but it was one of if not my favorite looper.
I also had a few great rides on the Flyers at Knoebels. You know your a maniac when parents pull their kids out of line when they see you snapping the cables. The best ride had to have been when I scrapped the tail off the ground. My back still hurts. :)
2000 stats: 135 coasters in 26 parks
Not Too Shabby For A Summer

AOL & MSN IM Name: coasterpunk
Pure and simply, The Legend. CCI has given me my two most memorable rides ever. Ghostrider and the Legend. There were times on this coaster that defy reason. Things like, how does it negotiate unbanked turns at that speed without braking everyone's neck? How can you maintain that much speed from a 115ft drop? I laughed so hard on this coaster I almost swallowed my tongue!

Life consists of two kinds of people, those who accept, and those who sit back and cry...
My most memorable many of the people here was MF. I couldn't get over that first drop....that was phat!!
Well, this was my very first year to ever ride a coaster. I'm 16 so I'm starting a little late. I went to PKD on a class field trip and rode Rebel Yell as my first coaster. For some reason I can't imagine nowadays, it freaked me out so I didn't ride anything else that trip. This summer, I went to Dollywood with a good friend of mine. My fears and apprehensions were maxed out after riding Rebel Yell (ie. "If Rebel Yell was that bad, this must be worse"). Finally, I got on Tennessee Tornado. The WORST memory this year was the lift hill. The BEST memory was the rest of the ride. This was the first large, steel, inverting roller coaster I had been on. It's also the cause of my current coaster obsession. The moment I realized that going upside down was FUN, was the moment I was hooked. Other notable memories were riding Apollo's Chariot and Alpengeist in darkness, my first ride on Volcano, and riding an Invertigo (scared the heck outta me).

Veni, vidi, coasteri!
(2000 - PKD, Dollywood, SFA, BGW)
I would say that my years best memory was opening day at cedar point.just seeing the force for the first time was incredible.
Wow, Josh you should bottle some of what you have and spread it around to the rest of us. I remember when I first started riding coasters, and that feeling you get when your let loose in a park for the first time. Keep it. ;)

Life consists of two kinds of people, those who accept, and those who sit back and cry...
My best memories include my 100th ride on Top Gun in the front seat at night and of course, my first ride on Millennium Force, which luckily was in the front seat.
Soggy's avatar
Wow, lots of great memories this year, here are a few highlights. This was also my first year as an "enthusiast."

Ghostrider: My first CCI, enough said.

The Raven: Proved to me that it is not about size, records, numbers, or measurable things on a coaster. This ride is pure power!

Shivering Timbers: The best "Front Seat Photo" ANYWHERE, period.

Millennium Force: "I'm 310 feet in the air, and on a roller coaster!"

Magnum XL-200: As I crested the second hill I found myself thinking "Holy crap! Arrow got THIS one right!! No wonder why it has been #1 for so long!" (comparison to Desperado)

Stealth: I kept singing the "Superman" theme in my head. This ride got a lot of smack-talk, but I loved every second of it.

2001, HERE WE COME!!

"X" marks the spot in 2001!
Getting to know the Villain at Six Flags Ohio
My best experience this year was when I got on Hulk and the launched incline totally took me by surprise. I really got into to coasters this year. I have always loved them but this year I took it up a couple notches. Can't wait till I go to Great America again in May.

See you in 2001 for twice the fun (hint, hint)
john peck's avatar
Stark Raven Mad, Baby!
2000 was my first year as a coaster enthusiast, and having clocked up over 100 coasters this year, the best experience for me, was the "The Beast". I've had lots of great experiences and can't wait for 2001, but will the Beast be tamed?

Millennium Force
riding Apollo's Chariot 10 times
"I know I'm mean but I'm real sorry," MXPX-"Cold and All Alone"
Jeff's avatar
I didn't even get everywhere I wanted to go this year, but I sure did make a lot of great memories.

It started at the Kennywood preview day, where I had my first ride of the season (Phantom... ouch). The park was nearly empty and I got to ride everything but Racer. I was irritated I hadn't been to the park before that. There I met future moderator Neil.

The SFO media day was a nice right-place-right-time event. I had no plans to go, but ended up inside when I had my pass validated. Ten laps of non-stop CCI goodness, 20 total on Villain that day. Great new rides on Batman and Superman. Sadly, it would go down hill from there as the season wore on.

The first ride on Millennium Force... that was something special. After growing up with that ride over the course of the winter, it was great to finally get the pay off. I yelled the whole time, which caused my arms to fall asleep before the first tunnel (screaming + arms in the air + strong, steady G's = not enough blood in the upper half of the body). It was the closest to God I've ever been. The subsequent media events would also be good fun.

The next biggest deal was probably the chain break on SFA's Superman a few weeks later.

Everything at BGW was a good memory, and I might have to return this year.

SFGAm in the rain, alone in June was also outstanding, because I had the park to myself. It also changed my opinion about Six Flags, indicating that all SF parks were not created equal.

Ending at Halloweekends at Cedar Point was bitter-sweet, and took my last ride of the season on The Force with Pete, rounding things out to 50 laps. Less than I hoped, but still a great summer.

Then there was IAAPA. I hate trade shows (the company I work for in my day job produces many of them), and IAAPA really isn't much better. However, as a journalist, it was way cool to cover the thing in real-time posting updates from the show floor. How cool is the Internet?
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