The surgence/resurgence of Wild Maus/Mouse coaster

I think wild mouse are great rides. The entire family rides them- little kids look at them as being a big 50 foot tall "big" ride compared to some parks 50 foot long kiddie coasters with a 5 foot drop, and also the rest of the family go on the comfortably- and i really think the sharp turns (hershey parks wild mouse) can be a really awesome thrill. Plus, if your at a park that has one contrary to a park that has one of the little kiddie coasters i mentioned above, you can get on it without a little kid under the 48 in. line. (more coasters on your track record!)
"who needs drugs when you have coasters...they're like a natural high"
Here is a 1960 Herschell "Mad Mouse" coaster i used to operate in a small park called " Enchanted Forest" in Northwest Indiana when i was younger. I miss this ride. It went on the auction block in 1997 as the park went bankrupt  because the owner turned the park over to her daughter and she made a shambles of it as she didn't pay any of the creditors. This could have become a great park. Here is the link and a picture of the mouse as it now stands. I really miss  my baby. 

Beer,coasters and Hooters. Is this a great country or what?

Intamin Fan, I'd love to visit Kennywood and check out Exterminator but it's a bit of a drive from Texas!  I have seen some of the positive reviews, but  would you consider it a 'family' ride or a 'thrill' ride?

The 'mouse' might have an image problem too.  I think many people still associate them with carnivals.  I've only been on 2 in the last couple of years (Magic Springs' Zamperla and BGW's Mack ) and these weren't themed so they didn't look that much different from carnival installations.

Hasn't Mack started building Bobsleds?

TrBiggar said:
CP's Wildcat is a Jumbo Jet as far as I know. It's not a mouse, Schwarzkopf never built any.


Actually CP'S Wildcat is just that...A Schwarzkopf Wildcat. The park did have a Jumbo Jet which was removed prior to the first Wildcat.

I agree with Jeff on this one (especialy about the cheese on a stick, LoL).  Exterminator at Kennywood is my absolute favorite mouse coaster.  The mouse up at MI was fun, but nothing compared to the spinning mice.
MF Drops-25
SOB Rides-4
The mouse at BGW looked like it would be no fun, so we always skip it. You can always see the people stopping during the ride. The Arrow mouse at Myrtle Beach is lots of fun, but it's getting scary. Some of the lapbars need to stay into position, because you really feel like you could fall out, it's pretty crazy. Other than that, it flies, just hold on.
So am I right in thinking that a Jumbo Jet by Schwarzkopf is in essence a Galaxie like the Pavillion in MB used to have?
I rode "X" and never went upside down.
No, they took the Galaxie away after '97(?) and built the Arrow Wild Mouse. I think a Galaxie is a Galaxie, I'm not sure. They look like a Wildcat, but I can't remember.

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