The real good news on Kingda Ka thread....

Yes, you need to get to Dollywood. It really is just that good...

And it has the best Arrow I've ever ridden (and I like Arrows).

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Pretty sure that's illegal.

- Josh

When you give, you begin to live... - Dave Matthews
ApolloAndy's avatar
Given that they had at least two media dates and had to push the opening back quite a while after the beginning of the season (though it probably wasn't their intention to open it at the beginning of the season anyway) I'm not going to celebrate until I'm on the ride.

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

Rctycoon2k's avatar = XtremeCoasters

Also, our news man has been released, and we have a new news editor that's stepping in on August 1st.

Shaun Rajewski
Founder, Lead Developer
Epic Web Studios, LLC

When it opens I am going to make the trip. I'll go straight to Ka first thing and hope for the best. I was lucky enough to get on TTD at the end of its first season, and maybe I'll be lucky again.
I know that Six Flags was saying that it would be open in August, however, many people here were saying over and over that it would not re-open this year. I happen to think it will.
HeyIsntThatRob?'s avatar

You're darn tootin that Tennessee Tornado is the best Arrow out there. I'm a huge arrow fan and the wife is becoming one as well. And the Tornado is everything that all the old Arrows have; intensity, bulky trains, and extreme air. Except this time, they left out those pesky rough transititions.

I'll take a Thunderhead and a Tornado over any Intamin rocket anyday.

On topic though, I'm really eating my own words as I was one of those people that had a strong feeling that KingDa Ka would run much better than Dragster's inaugural year. Hopefully it can run for the rest of the season without any mishaps.

~Rob "Who still can't believe that any more Tornadoes were built" Willi

rollergator's avatar
Did Intamin *really* give anyone reason to believe that they had learned from their previous mistakes? If their restraints and their braking systems require *several incidents* before they take "corrective measures", why should the hydraulic launch system be any different?

IF (huge huge IF there) I get one lap on Ka between July 28 and August 6, I'll be very thankful....and then I'll go back to Chilla... :)

To all the naysayers that said it wouldn't be open until next season.....nyaaaahhhhh!

Oh it will be open again soon, and I'm suprised a few people are saying that to be honest, but I dont know why you're getting excited, as it will probably only be open for a week until it brakes again(Come on, this is Six Flags after all)

I still cant believe Six Flags went ahead with this project though, Cedar Point must be creasing with laughter with every day that goes by with Kinda Ka closed

"Did Intamin *really* give anyone reason to believe that they had learned from their previous mistakes?"

No, but do they ever? Do they make a public announcement saying that sorry we screwed up, but we learned from that? No.

Do you guys every stop gripping whining and complaining, some of you are a buch of ungrateful, fantasy world living, hypocritical, spoiled brats. My god are you people ever happy. Some of you people around here are worse then my freakin mother, negivtive, don't want to hear anything postive then you wouldn't have anything to rant/rave whine, and complain about. Do you type of people like to be happy, It seams like if I ranted/raved, whined and complained as much as some of you around this internet my head would of been exploded. From a stress induced migraine, stress iinduced heart attack or something, it just doesn't seam healthy to rant/rave, whine and complain all the freaking time.

Anyways no ones putting a gun to your head forcing your through SF parks gate nor are the forcing you to ride any Intamin rides. Some of you really need to get over yourselves and realize nothing these parks/ride manufacturers do involves you. They could care lese about you, you are just a very small percent of there concerns. Trust me none of use are making or breaking these parks, if all of us stopped going to any of these parks they would still do just fine. So to sit here day after day and rant/rave, whine and complain is just stupid and sickening.

end rant...........NOW I have a migraine Damn it

Well said. Bravo, seƱor.

[Nitro Dave -- Track Record: 231 coasters] [url=""]A Rapturous Verbatim[/url] & [url=""]A Tournament of Lies[/url] -- my blogs...they're blogtastic.

PaulD said:

To all the naysayers that said it wouldn't be open until next season.....nyaaaahhhhh!

Oh it will be open again soon, and I'm suprised a few people are saying that to be honest, but I dont know why you're getting excited, as it will probably only be open for a week until it brakes again(Come on, this is Six Flags after all)

I still cant believe Six Flags went ahead with this project though, Cedar Point must be creasing with laughter with every day that goes by with Kinda Ka closed

Actually, Cedar Point wouldn't be "creasing with laughter" because(and believe it or not)the folks that run amusement parks aren't that immature. They don't point fingers at each other and laugh when something goes wrong. Especially if they have a ride just like the one they "would be laughing at." Some of you people need to get a grip on realtiy and realize the actual amusement idustry is all friendly competition when it comes to building rides. Oh, and if you're going to try to make Six Flags and their parks look and sound bad, atleast spell the names of the rides right. It's Kingda Ka.:) *** Edited 7/21/2005 11:18:34 PM UTC by mudinthevayne***

Sorry for the double post but there is now confirmation that Kingda Ka is testing.
They were testing today with the blue train(the one involved in the accident).
Just as a fyi...

Kingda Ka was testing this evening during park hours and appears to working okay. As far as I know, this is the first testing they have done in front of park guests so they must be fairly confident that it isn't going to have another "incident".

This article was in todays Daily News and I wonder how someone that pays $85 for a pass to a park and goes to that park 3 times (which means that the pass has paid itself off already) but because of one coaster, feels that the pass has not been worth it?

It was also nice to see the park thinking about how to reward season passholders for their patience, not that ERT Fridays was not good enough.


An Old Coaster fart that refuses to grow old, I just wish many of my friends could have as well!

rollergator's avatar
.....hmmmmm. Somebody is smilin' on the gator, I have TWO Fridays coming up in the area before flying out of...Philly.

All I want is one lap....anything more is....
GRAVY! :):):):):)

P.S. Is anyone else wondering if it will last the season? ;)

rollergator said:
All I want is one lap....anything more is....
GRAVY! :):):):):)

I always knew gator was that type of enthusiast. We are going to meet you next week with signs proclaiming, "WIDE LOAD". :)

We will see if we can get you some Gravy!!!


An Old Coaster fart that refuses to grow old, I just wish many of my friends could have as well!

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