The "homer vote"...

Ok, some of the followups to my CoasterCon trip reports have started to degrade into low-grade flamewars. This was never my intent.

In the interest of turning it into a fair discussion, I'm moving the conversation here.

A HUGE factor here is that people tend to have two reactions to their home park. They either dislike their home park and go elsewhere (a local at Knoebels who told us about how much he loved Disney fits in this category; Pittsburgh locals who complain about prices at Kennywood would be another example, although they obviously don't go to many other parks if they think KENNYWOOD got expensive ;) )

Or they get defensive about it, understandably so. I'm calling this the "homer vote".

Not to pick on Intamin Fan, because (s)he's been level-headed about it (especially compared to some responses to my mostly-positive Dorney report), but this line sums up the situation perfectly:

I'm at the park once a week

In an online forum like CoasterBuzz, it's easy for things to get read wrong. Now add in that people tend to be defensive of their home park, and that it's easy to shrug off problems when you're there all the time (I'm the same way, to an extent, about Kennywood, as this thread shows: ), and the net result is that it's sometimes dangerously easy for things to get out of hand. Not that they necessarily have in the threads I'm citing, but the potential is ALWAYS there.

Remember, everyone, parks are there for our enjoyment. If someone doesn't have a good time, there's usually a good reason for it. Even if it's a bunch of small stupid things that add up in the course of a day -- sometimes the small details make all the difference in the world.

Go forth and ride, and everyone try to have fun...

Jeff's avatar
The part about the "enjoyment" is what I think gets really lost in all of that. There was a recent post where someone dogged Cedar Point each coaster at a time. Regardless of whether or not the rides there are some of the best-in-class, who goes to any park and really dislikes them all? I remember feeling indifferent about most of the coasters at PKD, but I'd go again in a heartbeat because it beats the hell out of being at work (or deleting stupid posts from CoasterBuzz).

Where has the fun gone? I'm honestly not sure I'd want to visit some parks with some "enthusiasts" because it really sounds like all of their worldly coaster experience prevents them from having a good time. What's up with that?

The other thing is separating the experience from the rides themselves. I've had some pretty bad times at certain parks, but it didn't change the fact that I love the coasters.

The day that I spend more time analyzing the rides than screaming my head off like a moron is the day that I hope someone will kick my in the love sausage and tell me not to be a moron.

Webmaster/Admin -
Not sure if you want to keep this post open or not, but since you opened the can of worms...

A few things I have noticed (and really bug me)are
that some "enthusiasts"...

- have an attitude that if it isn't new or big, then it isn't worth it.

- seem to hate to admit that some of the older rides are just fun. It is almost as if they are afraid of not looking "cool" if they say they like some little less than thrilling wooden coaster in some out of the way park.

- consider certain coasters "not worthy" (or in their terms "they s***") simply because a new coaster has been built that is 2 feet higher or has a drop that is longer by a foot.

- see things in only black and white. They either "love it or hate it", no middle ground.

- are too obcessed with "what park has more" coasters. I don't care if a park has 1 coaster or 20 coasters, I will still go (granted, will not travel quite as far for 1, but I still would not pass it up if I had the chance).

- as said above, defend their home park to the death, throwing all logic aside... especially if that home park comes into a direct comparrison with a "rival" park.

- have a very limited span of attention and are never quite satisfied. Again the love it / hate it syndrome. They will heap praise on their favorite ride / park, and pick apart everything they can possibly find about a non favorite ride or park.

- seem to consider themselves experts on coaters they have never ridden or parks they have never been too.

- (as said above), take themselves WAY too seriously.

In one post somewhere, someone said that they did not want to go to a certain park in a certain state, because a coaster at another park in another state was better. What the heck kind of logic is that?

Personally, I never met a coaster I truely hated. There are some I like less than others, but none that I truely dislike. There is none out there that I would "never ride" (a few that I would ride only if the wait is not long).

(sorry for just adding and repeating what has been theme of the above two posts... that was just something that has been bugging me for awhile and I was just trying to find the appropriate place to say it)

"I wasn't always this cynical, but then I started kindergarden..."
So jeff, in other words:

" A bad day of coaster riding is better than any day at work!"

PointMan said:
" A bad day of coaster riding is better than any day at work!""

I second that!
I am, by no means, an "experienced rider". I have been on 70-something coasters, but there are a LOT more coasters out there that I haven't been on than ones that I have been on. I know that there are people who post here that have ridden 100, 200, 300, perhaps even more. Does that make them "experts", or "professionals"? Maybe, maybe not.

I ride coasters for fun. Judging by my experiences here, I can safely assume that most people do that, and nothing more. But then there are people around here that argue everything to death, as if their pride, their lives, and the very core of their enthusiasm depended solely upon them being right. To each his or her own, I suppose, I understand that everyone has a different way of showing their enthusiasm. But is it really neccesary to take it to such extremes, especially when all it does is create a bunch of noise, and thus anger and resentment?

As Pointman stated, a bad day of coastering is better than a day at work. As SLFAKE mentioned, is there such a thing as a coaster to HATE? Everyone who has posted to this topic so far brings up some excellent points... ones which are much better than mentioning how one-train operation led to a horrible day at SFKK, or how Cedar Fair will kill Michigan's Adventure.

Sorry to ramble, I just felt I needed to state my agreement with these 'Buzzers who truly know what its all about.

PointMan said:
A bad day of coaster riding is better than any day at work!

Well said!

--Greg, who just got RIF'ed for the first time in his 10+ year career, and is currently planning what parks he'll hit next week before he goes to a new job...


PointMan said:

" A bad day of coaster riding is better than any day at work!"

Exactly! I haven't been to a park I wouldn't revisit! I know I can sometimes be biased towards Knott's Berry Farm, but I always try hard to have fun at the parks I visit, even in spite of bad incidents. I have yet to have a "bad" day at a park. (unless it was my fault i.e. me going to SFMM with a very large fever... ;))
On the contrary, SLFAKE, the most annoying enthusiasts that I've ever met are those "woodie" fans who "don't count" steel coasters, because they're "not real coasters." And anyone who doesn't think likewise isn't a "real" enthusiast.

I've also ridden with enthusiasts who don't scream or yell "Whee!" or whatever on rides; they just give a running commentary of how the ride is performing in a calm voice: "Now last week I got more air on that drop...annndd it looks like the trim brake is on...(click click click)...yep, that'll hurt the helix at the end..." and so on. Yikes!

I third that. And their isn't a single park I have been to that doesn't still excite me when I drive up to the gates, SFWOA and SFEG included. There's nothing more off putting to me than coaster and park snobs. I saw this wonderful cartoon once(someone posted it to rrc) where I guy with his nose up in the air hops on a rollercoaster, and preceeds to have a monster good time on it. After he exits, he explains to his friend, "It was too short, not enough airtime, lackluster layout and it's not in my homepark, it was "ok". He then walks away nose still in the air. While this is a pretty extreme example, something does seem to happen to people somewhere between leaving the park, and then writing their TR. There's this need to try and impress by holding back emotion and comparing everything. I could give a crap whether you thought Montu was better than Raptor. Just tell whether you enjoyed Raptor or not.
Remember, your relatives had no choice in the matter either!
After I made my last response to your trip report last night, I realized that I was getting very defensive about SFA and I don’t even work there! Everytime I’m at the park and hang out without other enthusiasts we always seem to have a good time. I get dissapointed when other people don’t have as good of a time, although that’s completely out of my control. I’m especially excited this year because we are starting to have a good collection of coasters including the newest addition, Batwing. I'm also encouraged that maintenance is doing a much better job this year of keeping the major attractions running after breakdowns. Yes I do go to SFA once a week, but I have also traveled to several other parks in my lifetime including HP, KW, BGW, WDW, CP, DP, SFGAdv., and PKD. I do intend to do some traveling again this summer. 2Hostyl aka Jeremy says I should be the unofficial, unpaid park spokesperson and show up at “work” everday. Sorry, I didn’t mean to come off so angry.

Den said:
"On the contrary, SLFAKE, the most annoying enthusiasts that I've ever met are those "woodie" fans who "don't count" steel coasters, because they're "not real coasters." And anyone who doesn't think likewise isn't a "real" enthusiast.

I read a few comments by those folks on various sights. And I agree.

I've also ridden with enthusiasts who don't scream or yell "Whee!" or whatever on rides; they just give a running commentary of how the ride is performing in a calm voice: "Now last week I got more air on that drop...annndd it looks like the trim brake is on...(click click click)...yep, that'll hurt the helix at the end..." and so on. Yikes!"

I have been fortunate enough to never have ridden with one of those types. That would drive me up the wall.

"I wasn't always this cynical, but then I started kindergarden..."
Don't worry, I totally understood your side of things. We've all been there.

Jeff's avatar
Greg: Not sure what "RIF" stands for, but it sure sounds like a layoff. Bummer. I'm sure you'll find work soon.

Among the types mentioned above, there are two types. One is the "experienced" rider, who has been on hundreds of rides, and is entirely too logical and often arrogant about what constitutes a "good" ride. The other is the person who has been on a couple dozen rides at most, mostly at their home park, and is convinced there couldn't be better rides anywhere in the known universe. Both are the kind of folks we used to not have here on CoasterBuzz.

The initial attraction to this site wasn't by either of the above groups. It was the middle ground people, who regardless of the number of coasters they have been on are nuts about the "hobby." That's in stark contrast to other various forums, which are strongly dominated by one of the above two groups.

I beg that our members try to find that middle ground. It's a lot more fun to be in that boat.

Webmaster/Admin -
It was fully my intent to let this topic fade into obscurity, but since our illustrious webmaster (no sarcasm intended) graced it with his comments, the "Amen Corner" has been roused and now I have to say something.

First off, if a bad day anywhere is better than a good day @ your job, I suggest a career change. Me, I actually like my job (heaven forbid).

I dont much mind people saying why they liked Raven over The Legend or Raptor over Fire. Actually, those comparisons are what drew me into these sites in the first place. But I do tire of some of the negative nit-picky posts. I cannot stand reading quotes like "the line was 10min...but it should have been a walk on! (bleepin) Lazy ride ops!!). Did you get to ride? When you got off could you get back on? Let that be the end of it. Stop all this bytchin and moaning that "I only got 10 laps in" Honestly, it makes my*****tired.

Even moreso than having this attitude during the regular day, the ERTs can actually get worse! Some SRM attendees complained about the lack of double rides. Some PPP attendees last year griped that there were too many "GP" members there. And some Coastermania attendees lamenting that it's not Exclusive Ride Time, but rather Extended Wait Time. Well who in the Francis Underwood Cato Kevin do these people think they are? You have extra time to ride the rides you profess to love so much, but still you whine? Adapting a line from "The Great Outdoors" (John Candy RIP) I'd like to blow them outta my (donkey)!

Now all arent bad, most of the ones I've talked to for more than a brief moment have been interesting folks. At SRM and CM some of my favorite memories have little to do with the coasters but rather the conversations...especially when they drifted away from parks.

I guess I'm not a "real enthusiast", actually, I never was. I'm not a hardcore rider. I dont feel a burning desire to run to all the local 'Jeepers' to bolster my coaster count. I like the rides, and if they are there, I'll likely ride em even if I dont like em much (see Hurler & Mean Streak). Even rides I say I dont care much for (Raptor Hulk) I dont dislike, I'd just rather do something else.

As far as the "homer" vote goes, look at my nickname, I'm hostyl. I like controversy. I like to think that when people are evenhanded about their experiences I am as even-handed in my replies (perhaps I'm not...) But when someone critizes one park for every-little-thing, then compares it to another park as if that other park is the ultimate nirvana, my "love for the little guy" kicks in and I'll roast them. Sorry, it's my nature.

And it really amazes me (sorry for getting specific) that people have such HORROR stories about SFWoA, SFKK, and SFA; especially since I've managed to have fun at each park even though there were things about them that were (putting it delicately) "less than ideal". And then conversely, these same people have a great time at CP, Holiday World, and Knoebles for example. When they start comparing the two I start to wonder if this is what they really felt, or is it just "en vogue" to feel good about certain parks and lambast others. So I'll test them, and make them show their true colors. (Same principle applies to Arrow bashers)

Whatever! This post has gotten way too long. In conclusion, my only suggestion is for everyone to strap up their waders. It's only knee deep in muck where you can find the good pearls. Happy sifting!
J No
DJ play my mutha(bleepin) song!
janfrederick's avatar
I'm glad someone brought this up. I'm rather amazed by the number of "enthusiasts" who are not really enthused by the majority of coasters they go on. Man, I love just about anything with wheels on a track.

I agree that some coasters leave a bit to be desired...with trim brakes, uncomfortable retraints, long waits, etc. But there's no need to get so worked up over it.

And thank goodness enough people like them that they would spend tens of millions of dollars that they may offer you a day off blissful coaster riding. Cooperation is a wonderful thing! Hooray for coasters!

Forget about it. It can't be THAT bad!

Jeff said:
Greg: Not sure what "RIF" stands for, but it sure sounds like a layoff. Bummer. I'm sure you'll find work soon.

Reduction In Force. In other words, a mass layoff (although in the case of a startup, "mass" is a pretty small group ;) )

Thanks for the encouragement. I actually just signed and returned an offer letter. This is a fast moving business...

I beg that our members try to find that middle ground. It's a lot more fun to be in that boat.

Excellent comment. I'll admit that at times it probably seems like I'm drifting into the "experienced snob" category, but in reality that's not the case (at least I don't THINK so ;) ). I ride coasters to have fun. The little parks in the middle of nowhere, like Lakemont, get me just as excited and pumped up as the big guns like Cedar Point or Six Flags Xyzzy. Now, there are definitely some rides I enjoy more than others, but that comes down to personal preference, and as long as someone enjoys riding a given ride, then the existance of that coaster IS worth something.

I just go to parks to have fun, and that is what everyone should do. Certainly there are parks that are not as good as other parks, but that does not take anything away from the individual ride that I am on. I will ride anything from MF to the Junior Gemini and all the spin and spews inbetween and have fun on them all. I don't care which park has the most, or has the best coasters, I just care that the park that I am at has everything up and running when I am in the park.

In my opinion SFWoA is not as good as PKI or CP, but that did not mean that I did not enjoy the Villian, X-Flight, or BKF. I loved all those rides plus the other coasters and rides at at WoA (even RWB!!)

Jeff said:
"The part about the "enjoyment" is what I think gets really lost in all of that. There was a recent post where someone dogged Cedar Point each coaster at a time. Regardless of whether or not the rides there are some of the best-in-class, who goes to any park and really dislikes them all? I remember feeling indifferent about most of the coasters at PKD, but I'd go again in a heartbeat because it beats the hell out of being at work (or deleting stupid posts from CoasterBuzz).

Where has the fun gone? I'm honestly not sure I'd want to visit some parks with some "enthusiasts" because it really sounds like all of their worldly coaster experience prevents them from having a good time. What's up with that?

The other thing is separating the experience from the rides themselves. I've had some pretty bad times at certain parks, but it didn't change the fact that I love the coasters.

The day that I spend more time analyzing the rides than screaming my head off like a moron is the day that I hope someone will kick my in the love sausage and tell me not to be a moron.

Amen Jeff! I rarely even enjoy going to parks with coaster "enthusiasts" anymore because they seem to be so picky about the rides that they forget the real reason they are there, to have a good time! I may dislike some coasters but if someone offered me a ride on my most hated coaster or a day at school, I would pick the coaster!
*** This post was edited by Kevin on 6/27/2001. ***
When I actually get into a park, I never mention Coasterbuzz or anything, I usually look for the old-school type enthusiast, and those are the guys I like talking with. They never mention too many rides, and always go oh, wow when they get on and off. The "older guys" are the coolest:). I have yet to meet another coaster rider that I followeed around or talked to "about things" that was too close to my age or younger than I. Something about these non-internet types, I can't pinpoint it. I get bored, and have to look at these things on the 'net, they conserver all thier times and energies. Plus, they don't suffer from thinking too much.

And what about trolls? I hear you guys always say something about them, and I know your definition of noise is kept down, but can't being paranoid of the trolls make 'em come out from under the bridge? Not that anybody's being paranoid about them, trolls are enetertaining in thier own, and they are a fad or something to get sick of easily, IMO I find it humorous:), the word, not the trolls. I know why they're hated.....

And while I'm at it, I didn't mean to offend anyone with that post about AC, yo! I was being serious, the ride did kick me between the legs, it all has something to do with wording, I guess I hope it means I'm not some kind of troll. BTW, my home park's the MB Pavilion(50 minute drive for my "drug").

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