Temporary Posting Ban??

Why not set up a temporary ban for somone who keeps posting "most", "est" or just plain pointless topics or causes repeated wars in the forums?

A good battle/ argument is good but when people just get flustered and start name calling thats when all hell breaks loose.

It could work somthing like:

First offense: 1 day

Second: 3 days

Third: Do we even need a third?

I think it could cut down on alot of unwanted noise in the forums.

*EDIT* Also post they users name up on a banned list and the reason why. That way when they can post again we won't be bombarded with topics like "Why was I Banned". Plus it could act like the Jackass of the day/ week. :)

Visits to Knoebels in 2002: 6

*** This post was edited by coasterpunk on 8/17/2002. ***

Jeff's avatar

Why this sudden interest by everyone to start punishing people. I don't have time for that.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com, Sillynonsense.com
"Let's stop saying 'don't quote me,' because if no one quotes you, you probably haven't said a thing worth saying." - Dogma, KMFDM

Is the electric chair legal in Ohio?

signature withheld for no apparent reason

I think Ohio uses lethal injection. Although, I'm not sure what that has to do with anything.

Also, why a temporary posting ban? For some, that would give them all the more reason, and for others it would just about be the equiv of a permanent ban, because they wouldn't come back. This is kind of like time out, which is just stupid anyways. I know some of the people on here are quite young, but Time Out?


"Air time is not a crime. Take a click, you're a prick" - Kris Allen (Jul 2002, HW)

*** This post was edited by eric.walton on 8/19/2002. ***

Jeff said:

Why this sudden interest by everyone to start punishing people. I don't have time for that.


You sure have enough time to close and delete topics though.;-)

why, someone already deleted my account becasue i did site advertising even though after I found out that I shouldn't have (within 5 min) i edited it so it just said "sorry, site advertising" and that was it.



eric.walton said:

I know some of the people on here are quite young, but Time Out?

The use of Time Out's are a debated thing nowadays. I say use them, but make sure that the game situation warrants it. If it's early in the game, don't burn one on an extra point try just because you have too many men on the field. Take the 5 yard penalty and go from there. You only have 3 per half in college football.. you need to make them count! You never know when you might need them just before halftime or just before the end of regulation! Just trying to help!

Why do we fear Mack trucks, but not Mack Wild Mouse coasters?

Coasterpunk....haha. What a punk. How old are all of you 30? I mean geez c'mon. If you have to result in banning then that is just down right lame. And I know most of you are above the age of 29 so don't give me that "Oh, see that is exactly what I am talking about bull." Oh, how bout the time I got harrassed by a lot of people about my comments on the "Pardon Our Dust" Sign a PKI? Did I cry! No. Like it or leave it I say.

Jeff, I think you and the other moderators do a heck of a job. Coasterbuzz wouldn't be Coasterbuzz without the mods. People learn with time and if they get "Booed" and "Hissed" at enough, they will figure out what not to do. We can only offer the newbees advice on how to act around here and hope they will listen sooner od later. I don't think banning people is the anwser.

PKI fan, I want to appoligise about my "laughing at you" comments durring the whole "Pardon our dust" charade. They were uncalled for and I acted like a know it all. I have been trying to be less of a BIGHEAD lately.

And for the record, I am 28. Why does that mean anything?

-KoRn is the Millennium Force of ROCK-

rollergator's avatar

Brian, don't you guys need to burn Time Outs when your coach's Depends Undergarments fail to perform up to expectations...;)


I'm not really too sure what age has to do with anything. You can find my age by looking at my "Info." ;) Anyways, Brian......what? Dood, we're not talking about football! LMAO! What's your problem? LOL. Bill, I'm not sure what your talking, I'm not sure I want to know though!.

Eric "Holiday World is "da bomb" Walton

"Air time is not a crime. Take a click, you're a prick" - Kris Allen (Jul 2002, HW)

Dex , I just find it odd that men or women at that age would come and spend time talking about roller coasters on the internet.... but it only bugs me when them men and women gang up on you and use their age against you....kinda like bullying...ya?

(While typing this I am in a good mood with a goofy grin on my face. No offense is intended.)

It's ODD that ANYONE would want to spend time talking about roller coasters on the internet. I'm here and I'm odd. I have and am planning to work in the amusement industry. I read Amusement Today. I like to know what's going on in the amusement industry and CB is a great place to discuss these topics and get the latest news. Besides, no one I know in my personal life knows MF from SOB. None of my friends even LIKE parks. They would rather be struming their guitars or writing an electronic dance remix.

pkifan, maybe when you are my age you wont be wasteing your time on message boards like me and the other OLD people around here, but unlike you I do not see being an enthusiast reserved only for younger people.

I also listen to rock bands (like KoRn, Disturbed, Linkin Park, just to name a few), as do many of the OLD people around here. So maybe I'm not as old as my age indicates.

I would think that you kids (no offense, I call myself a kid all the time) would like haveing us OLD peoples perspective on things.

Like I said before, I am trying to stop being such a jerk when I post sometimes. We all need to realize that we all know different things and we can share our knowledge and opinions to gain a better understanding on what we are talking about. We also need to realize that some people may not know something. Everyone was young at one time.

And to tie all of my ranting into the subject, I am aginst banning people. They will learn in good time (and this is not directed at you pkifan).

-KoRn is the Millennium Force of ROCK-

rollergator's avatar

eric, college football is the KING down hyeah, esp. once the parks close for the season....Homey G. was merely speculating regarding the usefulness of "Time Outs" (times outs?)....football and hoops are all we have, and all we really need, now that baseball is gone....again!

I insinuated that his coach ("Sweet Lou" Holtz) is SO old that he has to stop the games to go empty his *adult diaper*....bill, laughing now while I can.....

If you're not watching "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart", you're just watching the news....

Closed topic.

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