Tea Parties, Glenn Beck protest Muslim Family Day at Six Flags Great America

Posted | Contributed by Jeff

Since 2000, the theme-park chain Six Flags has held an annual "Muslim Family Day" at its Chicago park. The event, co-sponsored with the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), includes halal food and modestly dressed entertainment for local Islamic families. This year, it falls on September 12. The timing, along with the ongoing controversy over the proposed Islamic cultural center planned for lower Manhattan, has made this year's Muslim Family Day a cause célbre of the Tea Party Movement and certain Fox News pundits.

Read more from The Atlantic Wire.

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birdhombre's avatar

^^ Damn, where's that "like" button again?? +1

I see no problem with this unless it's one big protest against the U.S. Most parks have a christian day so I see nothing wrong with an islam day.

By the way, I don't really watch any other news channel except Fox since I see that channel mostly on whenever I go places. It doesn't seem racist IMO.

Mamoosh's avatar

Nothing worse than not being able to change the channel. Someone should invent some kind of remote-controlled mechanism allowing TV viewers to change the channel. It would be even sweeter if you could use it to adjust the volume or mute it entirely.

Tekwardo's avatar

Or at least one to turn this thread off or mute it ;).

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Mamoosh said:
Nothing worse than not being able to change the channel. Someone should invent some kind of remote-controlled mechanism allowing TV viewers to change the channel. It would be even sweeter if you could use it to adjust the volume or mute it entirely.

What if I don't like the other news channels?

Look, while I don't like some people's points on Fox because they are too conservative, I also don't like how liberal some of the people are on CNN and MSNBC. And yes, I do think Beck is strange, but the only point I do applaud him on is for being patriotic and loving our country. Other than that, I think he has some obsession with Woodrow Wilson or something.

Tekwardo's avatar

Horse Kicker, party of one...

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Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.

My friend showed me this thread. I once worked for an ICNA mosque as a youth counselor. I no longer associate with ICNA. I consider myself a moderate Muslim (see Center for Islamic Pluralism). To a lot in the American Muslim community the ICNA would be comparable to the militia movement or like. They are considered very extreme. Many in their leadership have had ties to very bad groups (Jamaat e-Islami being one of the worst, but Hamas more popular here). The FBI has investigated them for terrorist ties, money links, and like. After 9/11 I was no longer comfortable associating with them.

I do not believe that Six Flags is aware of the dangerous links the ICNA has to extremists. Or they would not want this event. ICNA members may not know what their leadership stands for, but I find this hard to believe. Just past December the five U.S. Citizens detained in Pakistan were all memers of ICNA mosques. They are known to not be what they pretend to be.

Since 9/11 they have moderated their public image and speak moderate. They denounce terrorism, etc. But their conferences feature speakers who preach Sharia Law, Jihad, etc. They were the only major American Muslim group not to join the March Against Terror.

If you are interested. Just Google Search Moderate Muslim's views of ICNA, and you might get an idea of what they are about.

As a moderate Muslim, this is one event I will not be going to.

Tekwardo's avatar

Still, that's not the point of this thread. Regardless of the beliefs of the ICNA, they have the right to go to Six Flags for a Muslim centric day. I doubt Glenn Beck is attacking just this entity, in fact, he seems like he'd be upset if ANY Muslim group had an even there on the 12 of Sept.

And again with the horse kicking.

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rollergator's avatar

Nonetheless, it's GREAT to see that there is diversity of thought and opinion within the Muslim community. Helps put to rest the notion of some of the less-enlightnened that Islam can be painted with one broad stroke.

Aamilj, thanks for posting. It's the voices of people who think like you do that help to change the (too-often negative) perceptions of what the majority of Muslims stand for....and against.

You still have Zoidberg.... You ALL have Zoidberg! (V) (;,,;) (V)

ApolloAndy's avatar


Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

Mamoosh's avatar

Ccron10 said: What if I don't like the other news channels?

Ah, but that isn't what you said:

By the way, I don't really watch any other news channel except Fox since I see that channel mostly on whenever I go places.

If you only want to watch Fox News, fine. But own up to it.

I do not know enough about Glen Beck to comment on his heart. I have no time to watch him. I know he is a popular CNN anchor. I wish he were not the focus of the story, as there are more important informations to get out that pertains to life and death.

I just know the ICNA. Just last year Jamal Badawi was a prominent speaker at their convention. I once sat through a speech of his where he explained when it was appropriate to hit your wife. I forget the details, but I remember it was never ok to hit her in the face. Please search his name if you will. This is just one of many examples of the uncomfortableness I suffered while trying to maintain an ICNA association. I know there are others who would like to get out, but for many reasons cannot. There are good people there, but there are a lot that are not, especially in leadership positions. I always felt they were after money. When you dig a little deeper, where some of the money goes is crazy scary. At this time, those that remain are either by force (parents pressure and like) or they support what the ICNA does, not what it says.

I know ICNA and the amusement park have the right to hold any event when they want. But as a moderate Muslim they represent all our American brothers have tried to defeat. I wish more persons were informed about ICNA’s goals and motivations. If a more moderate group was sponsoring this event, it would not have been held on September 12. We would move the date to respect the life lost on that terrible day 9/11. Knowing ICNA, they either picked this date on purpose, or never gave a thought to the sensitivities of non-Muslim American's.

Tekwardo's avatar

But the ICNA isn't the focus of this particular story, Glenn Beck has been from the beginning. I'm not saying you're wrong abut the ICNA. I don't know nor care enough about them to have an opinion on their motives. But regardless, they have the right to hold an event when they choose.

Glenn Beck isn't just attacking the ICNA. He's attacking any Muslim that would go to this, moderate or not. To sign up just to be ICNA on this site is fine, but that doesn't negate the fact that Glenn Beck is an idiot who wants to infringe on the rights of others.

never gave a thought to the sensitivities of non-Muslim American's.

If it weren't for a few people who are anti-Muslim pushing this in the press, no one would know nor be sensitive. I know and I still dont' care. Doesn't mean 9/11 didn't affect me any more or less than anyone else glued to the TV that day.

Last edited by Tekwardo,

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ApolloAndy's avatar

And for what it's worth, Beck is on Fox News, not CNN. I think both Beck and CNN would gag at that mistake. ;)

And yeah, what Tek said. Beck didn't say, "It is in bad taste for extremist Muslim organizations to have community events on Sept 12th." He said, "It is in bad taste for any Muslim organization to have community events on Sept 12th." So if your moderate Muslim organization wants to have a picnic in the local park on September 12th, you better get it approved by Beck first.

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

Lord Gonchar's avatar

ApolloAndy said:
And for what it's worth, Beck is on Fox News, not CNN. I think both Beck and CNN would gag at that mistake. ;)

Beck was on CNN before Fox stole him in 2008.

Mamoosh's avatar

I remember watching Beck on CNN, thinking, "Well...this is an odd match."

Jeff's avatar

I watched him a couple of times when he was on CNN, and while still leaning right, he didn't come off as wacko the way he does now.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

Carrie M.'s avatar

I'm still having a hard time understanding why we would support the oppression of an entire organization that we're told is comprised of good people as well as bad. Isn't that the same concept we've been fighting against as it relates to the entire Muslim community?

"If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins." --- Benjamin Franklin

Tekwardo's avatar

We don't support the oppression of an entire organization. Just the Muslims.

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Mamoosh said:
I remember watching Beck on CNN, thinking, "Well...this is an odd match."

But isn't that half the problem? Nowadays all these "news" networks provide little more than 24 hours of the same slant without the expression of any opposing viewpoint. Actually, there are occasional differing viewpoints attempted to be expressed, but usually they're either shouted down or presented as little more than comic relief that there are "those" people out there who actually think that way.

The idea that there is no longer any separation of news and viewpoint by both sides is another issue. Can anyone remember when news didn't take sides and just reported what happened?

Cropsey, going back 5 pages or so, but you're still missing the point. You took my opinion that your experience with Muslims at your workplace shouldn't be used to make a broad statement about the entire Muslim population as a statement that I'm anti-Muslim and against having a Muslim Day. Again, point out where I actually said it, not where you inferred that simply because I disagreed with you.

I'm still finding it amusing that there are many people warning against making generalizations against an entire group, yet there are still statements that the entire Tea Party movement is racist, and all Tea Partiers are stupid.

Here's some more food for thought. The idea that abortion is a social not an economic issue is not entirely true. Current aging and birth trends indicate that where at one time there were 10-12 people in the workforce for (supporting) every retiree, in the not too distant future, that number will drop to 2-3. Where will the money come from to support SS and Medicare with the number taking from the system approaching those who put in? Start spinning.

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