Support Americana

Mamoosh's avatar

I know this will sound preachy, but its just my excitement showing:

Now that the semi-official word is out that Americana will open on Memorial Day weekend [ ] I firmly believe that as coaster enthusiasts [or coaster lovers or fans or whatever you call yourself] it is our duty to visit the park this year. I also think it is a good idea to take a moment to stop by guest relations and introduce yourself and tell them how glad you are the park is open. No need to be elaborate, just a short introduction and comment is all that is needed.

Yes, I realize not everyone will be able to get to the park but those than can, should. Americana should be open the weekend of SRM, so many of us will already be in the area. Also Stickler's Grove has a public day on the July 4th holiday weekend, and those two parks are not far from each other. While saving Whalom might not be possible we *can* save Americana.

I realize some might look at Americana and think "well, its just a small park with one old woodie...there's no B&M or Intamin there, so why bother?" I know I used to think that way when I was younger. I'd plan trips and only hit the major theme parks since they had a lot of rides. As I've gotten older I've come to appreciate [and prefer, actually] the small, traditional park experience. It is a link to our history, and its important that it be preserved.

This is the best news we've had all year. I hope nothing happens to change this. See you all at Americana ;-)


2002 - the year we save Americana!!

*** This post was edited by Mamoosh on 4/16/2002. ***

What you said isnt exactly true, ive been to 3 parks and i prefer Canobie over SFNE because of the enviroment and the classic atmosphere, and mind you i am only 15, but i do love SFNE also...

Im the #1 Canobie Lake Park Fan!!!These are my top 3 coasters:
1. S:RoS @ SFNE 2. Yankee Cannonball 3. Cyclone

...just wondering why you needed to start a brand new topic when you already have it somewhere else...

Different Parks this year: 12+ Different Coasters: 80+

Mamoosh's avatar

Mike - I know not all kids like the big was a generaliztion based on what I read here and on RRC and also based on myself when I was young.

Marimba - I started a new topic because I wanted to expand on what I said in the other thread. I have since deleted that post so my thoughts are not repeated.

2002 - the year we save Americana!!

*** This post was edited by Mamoosh on 4/16/2002. ***


Just to clarify, the park is still hoping for a Memorial Day opening but that could change.


Mamoosh's avatar
Thanks, Sean. I know things can change...I'm just excited! My apologies to everyone if I've jumped the gun here.

2002 - the year we save Americana!!

Sombody post the americana date for june second and july 5th. Also add Strickers for july 4th to the meeting calandar. Im not a member so I can't.

Chuck, who knows many are going to IB june second but PKI is closed that day so if anyone is going Cincy way after SRM check out, THE GREAT AMERICAN AMUSEMENT PARK at Lesordsville Lake.

Charles Nungester
Americana (Now called The great americana amusement park at Lesourdsville Lake) is opening in 2002. Indivdual visits are very improtant to the parks survival.

That's "Strickers Grove". Not trying to be a stickler! :)

I am emailing everyone I have ever known on God's green earth, suggesting them to pay this wonderful park a visit on Sunday June 2nd, if it is open. This is a perfect date since it is a weekend, and is also on the way back from SRM for many. Please consider this, and I also like the suggestion about telling the GR people how you feel! This is truly a great month.......a 1937 Vettel is being restored, X won an award, and the Screechin' Eagle is sharpening its claws once again! Life is good......
Brad Sherman
Don't.....look.....back! The Headless Horseman awaits you in 2002!
Model coasters and rides

SRM and Americana fans:

Please note that PKI will be closed on June 2nd, this should free up your day (if it wasn't freed up already) to spent some quality time at Americana.

David Bowers
Mayor, Coasterville

rollergator's avatar

Good advice! Our support of the smaller parks really is the difference many times between survival and not...

BTW, a small thing I was wondering if someone might now. I'm a *stickler* for spelling and about as much into SEC football as coasters. Dan STRICKER from the Vanderbilt gridiron squad was a punter a couple years' back. His hometown was listed as Cincy, and I know oftentimes players' listed hometowns are "the closest place you might recognize". Well, is Stricker's close to Cincy? Wondering if there might be a "connection"....

Wanting to get to Stricker's ever since I first heard of the place...owning a similar place would be a dream come true for me....

Any resemblance between this post and humor is purely coincidental. No robots were harmed in the filming of this episode...The sarcasm filter default has been left ON for your enjoyment.

Prepare for another "Hostyl special with fries..."

Mamoosh said:
"I firmly believe that as coaster enthusiasts [or coaster lovers or fans or whatever you call yourself] it is our duty to visit the park this year."

You may believe what you wish, but I'm going to catagorically disagree right now. I, nor anyone else, is under ANY obligation to visit a park, irrespective of it's size, location, or percieved historical significance. If I as a park lover decide that some other park will impress me more, then that is the park I will go to and bypass the, IMO, inferior product. We make these types of decisions everyday. Seriously, how many people here have stopped shopping at Walmart, Target and Meijer just so that you could "help save" K-Mart from closing its doors for good? If Americana/Whalom/Canobie/Visionland/Jazzland were *really* selling what people wanted, they would stay in business even as smaller parks (see Knoebels, Holiday World, Silverwood, etc). It is not *my* "duty" to save their failing business. I have no vested interest in it.

Then 'moosh emitted: "I realize some might look at Americana and think "well, its just a small park with one old woodie...there's no B&M or Intamin there, so why bother?" I know I used to think that way when I was younger. I'd plan trips and only hit the major theme parks since they had a lot of rides. As I've gotten older I've come to appreciate [and prefer, actually] the small, traditional park experience. It is a link to our history, and its important that it be preserved. "

Well that just reeks of a form of elititism! It's a if you are saying, "Oh I'm older, so I know better than you youngin's". Why dont you just come out and say that "Y'all are just babies and dont know $#!+" (Okay, maybe that was a bit too dramatic :)). But really though, you seem to be making the connection of youngstas with big parks and the "more mature" with traditional parks. Well that's just not the case. I can remember my parents (who are just a *bit* older than you are) saying that they didnt like SF Great America, not because it was too big, but because it was TOO SMALL! They lamented that it didnt nearly have as much to do as Cedar Point and was thus a rip off. Why is it so impossible for you "traditionalists" to believe that some people actually LIKE the hustle and bustle of big parks. If I wanted restful and relaxing in a park, I'd go to Yellowstone!
Besides, if we were really shutting down people we disagreed with, would Jeremy (2Hostyl) still be around? :) I think not. - Jeff 1/24/02

Jeremy, everyone can apreciate your opinion, Moosh was just saying what I have found to be true to me.

Last year, Besides large parks I hit like SFGADV, SFNE, Universao/IOA, Dorney, BGT, PKI, CP, SFWOA, I hit these small parks as well. Quassy, Lakemont, HW, IB, Lake Compounce, Camden, MiAdventure, Delgrossos, Knoebels, Wild Adventures

I have found that in many cases I had more fun at the smaller parks than the corprate mega parks, Also sometimes the small parks have better coasters HW, Knoebels, LC, IB than many of the parks that have 10 coasters IMHO. I also find some of these parks to have rides you simply don't find at corprates any more, Camden has a killer whip and totally unique log flume and two NAD coasters plus a bumper car that has old spring guardrails perfect for inline bumper cars, Knoebels has bumper car that is insane (Skooters) plus two great coasters and a host of good old and new rides. First cable ran scrambler I have seen.

I also felt that a couple of these parks might be in danger, Camden has closed at least once, Lake Compounce has been around forever but they don't tell you there were seasons that only opened one weekend or something and also there was nobody there on our visit. IB is just unbelievable, HW is possibly the best operated and run park I have visited, Quassy was found by accident from a sign on the highway that just said Amusement park this exit and Im glad we stopped, A giant Mad mouse, A very old Carousel and a increadibly beautiful setting made Quassy more than worth the $5 bucks we spent there, They also have a beach on a beautiful lake.

We are just saying stop bye Americana if you can fit it in your plans, It has a great log flume, Killer Scrambler, Rock o Plane (Very rare) A good whip, A classic John Miller airtime filled woodie, A Galixy on the lake a great Tilt a Whirl and flyers that I will find a way to snap! The park is definetly worth at least a half day visit and is extremely affordable $2.95 to enter $1 ride tickets or $14.95 all day ride pass and can easily be fit into a PKI visit that is only 20 minutes away. :)

Remember, many times the difference between a fun day at the park and not, is the company your with.

Charles Nungester
Americana (Now called The great americana amusement park at Lesourdsville Lake) is opening in 2002. Indivdual visits are very improtant to the parks survival.

rollergator's avatar

So I take it jeremy that you're not particularly fond of the government "bail-outs", etc., involving our banks, steel indutry, auto industry, etc. If I read you correctly, your philosophy is "compete successfully or perish". I have no problem with that, it's just like the NCAA tourney...

but I too am fond of the "less-rushed" experience I get at smaller parks as well as the "megaparks" where I can ride ALL day...and I absolutely LOVE the simplicity of the old flat rides like the Mangels' Whip and the Eyerly rides....

Any resemblance between this post and humor is purely coincidental. No robots were harmed in the filming of this episode...The sarcasm filter default has been left ON for your enjoyment.

*** This post was edited by rollergator on 4/17/2002. ***

Amen, brother hostyl. A few enthusiasts are NOT going to save a park in bad financial condition. My local hardware store is going out of business after decades. Why? Because Home Depot and Lowes are within a mile of each other, offer cheap prices, and thousands and, the I-Fan means thousands, of hardware/home supplies. Sure, the local guy may know every part in his small store, but can you get a toilet seat cover in 200 different colors and styles? No.
The word "definitely" is definitely the most misspelled word on the buzz.

Here is a link to Todays, Wensdays article in the Enquirer.

In addition to simply re-opening, They are putting three million in improvements and 10 new rides.

Charles Nungester
Americana (Now called The great americana amusement park at Lesourdsville Lake) is opening in 2002. Indivdual visits are very improtant to the parks survival.

Mamoosh's avatar

Jeremy [and everyone] - while I think you have misunderstood my tone I can certainly appreciate your opinion and your interpretation of my post. I meant no disrespect to anyone, regardless of age. I'm just VERY excited to finally have the chance to visit Americana, something I should have done BEFORE they closed the first time. Obviously my choice of words was less than stellar. I do believe in preserving our history and helping endangered parks do so, but I should not have said it was anyone else's duty to do so.

Sorry for the drama.

2002 - the year we save Americana!!

Charles Nungester said:
"Sombody post the americana date for june second and july 5th. Also add Strickers for july 4th to the meeting calandar. Im not a member so I can't."


I just added Stricker's Grove to the meeting calender for July 4th. Also Jeff, the webmaster, is allowing non-members that aren't in the club to post on the calender. I did post a date for Americana on opening day which is May 25, 2002. I will post another for the park on July 5th. See you guys at the park!!
Bill Yost
"I never rode a B&M I didn't like.":)

I have no quarrel with wanting to visit a park. If you'll search for "Phat Daddy Chuck's" first post about TPFKAA (The Park Formerly Known As Americana) even *possibly* re-opening, I was among the first to say that I'd visit. BUT, there is NO mandate or requirement that just because I happen to enjoy parks that I should make it my mission to try and save every one of them.

Really though, if it takes a visit from me, 600 miles away, to keep a park running, perhaps that park needs to re-think its business model. I'd be more willing to support Whalom Park "Buy a Whale" campaign as at least that makes more sense to me fiscally.

And RGW, I *am* a capitalist through and through. I'm not *completely* against government bail outs. Sometimes the government can help "level the playing field" (they *can* whether or not they actually *do* is a discussion best left off these boards ;)). But when you have an established business like say Canobie/Whalom/Quassy that has been around for years, but either cannot or will not adapt to apease the current clientle, then I say BURN IN HELL! If you are too stubborn to meet people where the are *at*, then they will tell you where you can *go*.

While I do not agree with Darwin's theory of Natural Selection as it applies to the Origin of Species, it works for me and business.
--who has personal experience with a business failing: wrong place, wrong time

Mamoosh's avatar

Jeremy - I actually agree with many of your points above and we always seem to be on the same wavelength in the past. Perhaps I just need to learn to calm down and choose my words more carefully before I post next time. Thanks for sharing your opinion and doing it with a sense of humor. I'm glad there are people here who can discuss the issues, even heatedly, and not take things personally.


2002 - the year we save Americana!!

Yea, Yea, Yea, Yea, Yea, Yea. I already have a small group of people ready to go. We will more than likely wait until July or August to go so that the newness wears off. I may need a bus by the time this is done. It has been 5 years since I have been there and can not wait until I get to go back. I have found a special attraction to small parks and have seen what the Pugh's have done at the State Fair and hope they bring that professionalism to Americana (I can't spell Lesourdsville)

Behold the Power of Cheese

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