Suggestion to Improve Quote feature


Something just popped in my head that would make the quoting feature easier and also encourage people not to quote the whole passage when they only want to reply to a snippet of it.

If the quoter could select the text he/she wants to quote before pushing the quote button, it would be nice if only the selected text appeared in the reply box.

Don't know if it's even possible to work into a future version of PopForums, but thought I'd suggest it.

I get the feeling there's a conspiracy over at King's Island to remove anything that has "K" or "C" in its initials.

MooreOn said:


Something just popped in my head that would make the quoting feature easier and also encourage people not to quote the whole passage when they only want to reply to a snippet of it.

If the quoter could select the text he/she wants to quote before pushing the quote button, it would be nice if only the selected text appeared in the reply box.

I get the feeling there's a conspiracy over at King's Island to remove anything that has "K" or "C" in its initials.

You mean like I just did with yours by deleteing the middle paragraph? If so, all you do is select quote and you can edit the quote anyway you want to.

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Jeff's avatar

It is possible to do what you suggest, but nearly impossible to make it work in all browsers in both the rich and plain text boxes. Not an easy task at all.

If people would just trim the quote life would be grand. It's not that hard to do.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -,
"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

Is it possible for it to automatically not include the signatures?

Or perhaps you could have a reminder on the actual quote page that tells people to trim off the excess.

or a small pop up window that appears everytime you click that link. annoying? yes. but less annoying than those long quotes.

Many people probably dont even realize they are doing something wrong. And others just dont know how to manage the tags.

"Looks like you've been missing quite a bit of work lately"
"Well, I wouldn't say I've been MISSING it, Bob."

I like all of Jdancisin's ideas.

I was pondering this "problem" myself and I just came to the same conclusion jeff stated. It is very difficult with the amount of different browsers used.

However, A popup window with a reminder would be nice. I would not mind having to close a small popup then to have to sort through peoples misquotes and so on.

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