Strangest coaster experience

Well, this isn't exactly strange, but it wasn't pleasant. I was on my first ride on the stand up Vortex at PGA, right after it first opened. We were going into the corkscrew element having a good ole time when all of the sudden the seat thing that you straddle jerked upwards and caught me in the you-know-what. Needless to say, I wasn't a very happy camper for awhile after that. ;)

Also, just this past year on Grizzly at PGA, we were going down one of the crappy drops and of course I HAD to have my mouth wide open for a bug to deposit himself in. Let me tell you that swallowing a bug at 30 or 40mph isn't a very fun experience. It wasn't a small bug either. Peace. :)
Medusa at Marine World: the best in the west!
Well, it really wasn't the coaster ride that was strange, but at Coastermania, my friend and I were delusional. We had been up from 2:00 am, and It was around 12:30am the next day. We had been in the park 19 hours, and the day had taken it's toll. When they got the station full, and we stopped moving, I couldn't feel my body. It was really weird. But once I felt the power of the ejector seat, I was revived!
john peck's avatar
When I was riding Shivering Timbers I would come up off my seat as we would crest the hills! Whew!!!!
Riding the Beast I noticed a cute little groundhog on the track in front of us. I will spare the gruesome details of what happened next!

2nd weirdest thing was getting stuck on the Milennium Force lift for 20 minutes. That itself isn't strange, but that fact that the train seemed to roll back almost a foot before it hit the saftey dogs. I've never felt a train roll back that far on a lift hill stop, nor have I heard that loud a bang on a lift hill stop!

Yes 1badgmc, it is from Office Space. I saw it the other night and loved it.
Ummm Yeeeaaaah... I'm going to have to have you come in on Saaaaatuurdaaay... Greeeeaaaat...
My strangest experience has to be from Williams Grove. We had a small lunchbox with us since we didn't want or trust their food. When we got on the Cyclone we sat the lunchbox near the enterance queue. The ride op asked us if we had any beer in it. We didn't but if we did I think he would have taken one. After we got off the Cyclone the guy runny the merry go round asked us the same question. He later tried to pick up my girlfriends friend.

The grossest experience had to have been my girlfriends ride on the Woodscock Express at Dorney. We had to borrow some kids to ride and the girl she borrowed must have just peed her pants. She reeked of urin. The funny part was she didn't smell it until the ride started.
2000 stats: 135 coasters in 26 parks
Not Too Shabby For A Summer
once, I was on Viper at SFGAm and some guy in a car in front of me was very, very musty. And worst of all, he raised his hands through the ride! and the smell went right at me going 55 MPH. uughhh! I tried to hold my breath and the whole ride was spoiled. Boy did that sure suck.
Once i went on disaster transport and kinda liked it

"One good thing about all this, with all this fresh air we're gonna sleep like babies"
Phoenix-A great town and a great coaster
not really a coaster experience.... but on Epcot's Test Track the car I was riding in came to a dead stop outside on the speed test part. going thought we were going to die because I didn't know if the cars behind us had stopped too.

the funny thing is is that we told the ride ops that the car stopped and they were like "huh?". you would think with a high tech ride like this they would know if something like that went wrong.

On the big bad wolf in bush gardens VA, I pooped my pants at the top of the hill.

Peace be with You-Waldo Heraldo Faldo(Family Matters)
Sex or riding a Coaster?

Im going with the Coaster!!!!

LOL Coastergasm. Hahahahahahahaha! That must have been a fun ride. My strangest coaster experience is when I went to SFGA this summmer with my family and my dad lost his keys on a ride. I was so mad at him. So then, he went over to public relations or something like that. I went and rode about 5 rollercoasters in 1 hour with out him. It was pretty funny.
Jack, who can't wait for Opening Day 2001...
Hey SFSL,I had the same thing happen to me on Test Track.We stopped on the banked turned in the back during the speed test.All the cars stop if something goes wrong.It was the car in front of us that had a problem.As soon as it stopped there was a ride attendent over by there car doing something.Then when it got back to the loading station they took that car out of the ride.I was kinda bumbed we didnt get to hit full speed,but the let us go again which was cool.

I also got stuck on Journey to Atlantis but thats a whole nother story.
My strangest coaster experience would have to be at Rye, Playland. Me and my friend were the next to go on the Dragon Coaster when the train overshot the station brakes and went back up the lift hill! The poor guy who was running the ride, was left alone and he had to operate both brakes. He couldnt make the dash to the lever so the riders ended up getting a free ride! After our ride all the people on board wouldnt get off because they didnt get a free ride too! The strange part is that the same thing happened again to us when we were next in line! Again, the train overshot the brakes and we ended up waiting for the same train to get back to the station. Thank god they were not running more than one train or there might have been a serious accedent. I also feel that the fact that Playland demolished a zamperila one-loop coaster becaue it was to intense, pulling an amazing 4 g's. ;)
Here's the strangest one:

On my first ride on Mean Streak, the trims didn't grab at all!

"Hey, this water is wet!"
From the brilliant mind of Michael Q. Sharkey~Cross Country Camp 2000
hockeyman, they let us go again too.
On the giant drop at SFGAm, it stopped for about 5 seconds 3/4 of the way up, then it started going again
Why don't you ask Fabio this question??


Coasters...the best natural buzz available.
A couple of years ago, my wife and I were riding the Beast at PKI. We were riding towards the back, and midway through the ride, a guy towards the front had his hat blown off. Somehow, my wife ended up snatching it right out of the air. (She doesn't usually ride with her hands up, and I don't think she had them during this ride.) When we were stopped on the brake run before the station, she asked "Did anyone up there lose a hat?" The guy turned around, shocked, and said he had. Then the whole train gave her a round of applause!

A group of my friends once teased a ride op @ Tower of Terror @ MGM about his bellhop monkey suit... He stopped our car in the dark for about a minute, quite terrifying if you didn't keep a clear head like me ;)
I'm 2 for 2 so far!!!
For the Test Track story, it could have been a handicapped person boarding. That happens on Disney rides from time to time.

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