Strangest coaster experience

What is your strangest coaster experience? While riding Thunder Run in Kentucky I noticed there were wasp nests all over the rails at the top of the lift hill. When the train would get to the top, the wasps would go crazy and fly all around. Luckily, no one was stung(at least while I was riding). Does anyone have a strange experience to share?
I had the same thing happen to me on the Rampage at Visionland during an ACE outing in October. It sucked! You couldn't anticipate the drop cause you were to busy swatting wasp. Although falling into the drop unexpectedly was pretty cool.

What is life without ups and downs!?!?
This expierience is both strange and horrifying.

During Fright Fest at SFGAm, I was riding the American Eagle. I was on the blue train shortly after leaving the station, my lap bar loosened so much that I could've slipped out of it.
For an ACEr like me that would be COOL!!! (As long as I didn't fall out!):)

What is life without ups and downs!?!?
I was at that ACE event at Visionland in October. I don't remember any wasps though.
They were bad around early and late afternoon before it started cooling off. Do you remember who I am? I was the one who e-mailed you about the ACE Membership Directory! Cool! Finally some one else from Mississippi has joined CB!!!

What is life without ups and downs!?!?
Having my harness unlock on Mantis.
Yeah I got one. One time on vortex at PKI, I was sitting in the back of the train. When we got to the first set of ending brakes we didn't move one even though no train was in front of us. So here I am sitting in the back while another train is starting to go down the first hill. I just watched it getting closer and closer. At that time I forgot about the brakes before the Corkscrews. But still just seeing that train getting closer and closer was pretty scary, and causes the strangest thoughts and feelings. But luckly the brakes to separate the zones worked so I didn't die. *** This post was edited by Sinker515 on 1/11/2001. ***
Picture it, a warm summer day in Brooklyn. Me and my friend decided to ride the Coney Island Cyclone - That ride was so rough that when we got off we had bloody knees and had to limp our way to the D train to go home.

These are completely strange..
This one happened to me..
My first coaster was Thunderhawk at Dorney and I was twelve.
I was wearing glasses at the time and through every turn, my glasses were making a cracking sound.
Then when the ride was done, my glasses just broke in half!

This one happened at Great Adventure..
We were waiting to ride Batman the ride when they closed the line down.
We watched 2 attendants walking under the ride looking for something. Security then followed behind.
We assumed maybe someone lost a cell phone, purse, shoe..whatever.
When we got to the platform after an hour we were told someone lost their glass eye..ewwww!

Coaster Chic
I don't know if this could qualify as strange, but it sure was painful. It happened on Batman: The Ride, at SFMM. Due to the fact that I'm skinny as a rake, the restraint did not come down all the way, and did not reach my stomach. The problem was, when entering/exiting inversion elements, the high G's would cause the restraint to literally slam down against my stomach, causing a most unpleasant experience. This also happened to a lesser extent on Mantis, at CP. Also, while in line for Face/Off, we spotted a brown toupee on the ground, near the vertical loop. Not exactly strange, but funny! *** This post was edited by Screamer on 1/11/2001. ***
I think out of all the parks I have been to, Face-Off had the most hats lying under the tracks.:)
I just thought of this one..standing in line for S:UE at SFO..this lady couldnt ride because the harness did not fit over her body..I think she was over 300 pounds..what an embarrassment!

Coaster Chic
I was riding the Mean Streak at CP early last year. When we reached the top of the lift, my side of the train kind of bumped upwards for a few seconds so it was at a very small slant. I don't know if it was just us, but this is impossible to happen unless the train lost something. Also, the Trims must have hit extra hard (or there really was something wrong) because we crawled over, almost to a stop over the 2nd and 3rd hills. It was the SLOWEST of my 30 some rides on MS ever.

When we returned to the station, they told the awaiting passenger not to get in because they were taking this train off.

Also, the Trims must have hit extra hard (or there really was something wrong) because we crawled over, almost to a stop over the 2nd and 3rd hills. It was the SLOWEST of my 30 some rides on MS ever.

When does that not happen on Mean Squeak? Anyway - I've had afew strange experience's on coasters, but one that sticks out in my mind was when I was standing in the queue for Millennium, and watched a train overshoot the breaks and bumped the train in the unload platform.
Its 106 miles to Chicago. We've got a full
tank of gas, half-pack of cigarettes, its night,
and we're wearing sunglasses! - Blues Brothers *** This post was edited by rOLLocOASt on 1/12/2001. ***
when i was on boomerang at knotts berry farm we were stuck between the two corkswrews. also on revolution my otsr came up.
I was on the steel phantom, when we came out of the final turn and up the little bump to return to the station, the next train was still in the station so they had to slam on the brakes for our train. everyone was jerked into the harnesses. (40-0 into 1 second flat) The next train left went half way up the lift then stopped,everyone had to get out and walk back down. This was the same summer they had the accident on the Thunderbolt, I was there for that day too.

All time Top 5: (1) Milleniun Force (2) Alpengeist (3) Hulk (4) Ice Dragon (5) Raptor
I was with my friend on a band trip to Myrtle Beach this past year, and the hotel we stayed at was within walking distance to Family Kingdom, I believe it was called. We got on the coaster, Swamp Fox and were the only people on the ride. It was a very odd experience because there was one person in the loading station running the ride, and just my friend and I riding it. It was a very pleasant surprise as well, I was not expecting much, but it turned out to be one of my favorite woodies.

Ummm Yeeeaaaah... I'm going to have to have you come in on Saaaaatuurdaaay... Greeeeaaaat...
When I was very young I was at SFoT riding the Judge Roy Scream. We got to the top of the lift and I fell out from under the lapbar. That was a bit scary! I got back into the seat and was a-okie-dokie! I've still never been scared by a coaster.

Hey, Poppy, is that quote in your sig from "Office Space"?
Once while riding Zeus at Big Cheif, I was the only person on the ride in the front seat, and a squirrel ran onto the tracks, and narrowly got out of the way in time.

Get wrapped in the coils of Viper at SFGAm.
rollerroller, boomers don't have corkscrews.
"God gave me a wake up call," RelientK-"Wake Up Call"

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