Storm collapses Kennywood's Whip - 1 fatality

Wow, I'm speechless. My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims, their families, and the park.

And to all the Buzzers in the area, I hope all is well with your families/friends and properties.

This is a terrible tragedy. I'm sure that there were a lot of children there at the park today. My prayers for all of them, especially the injured and the family of the deceased.


Given the havock that has been wrecked here in the Oakland section of Pittsburgh, I can only imagine what the entire area has experienced (especially in the West Mifflin (Kennywood) area).

Those of us who are still at work in the hospital have been asked to remain at our locations and not to leave until the current situation has been downgraded. Given my clinical experience, I have also been asked to remain here until they downgrade the situation (as I'm still waiting to get paged).

*** This post was edited by Neil on 5/31/2002. ***

I was in Subway and heard it on the radio and was absolutely shocked. Looking at the footage from the helicopters in our city, I am still amazed that there were not more deaths than this. There is 16 cars with about 2 people per car, one employee, and maybe 10 people or so in line at the time. That puts around 40 people inside or right next to the building at the time. I am very pleased with the emergency plan that Allegheny County has and the fact that this city has 4 major trauma centers in it to handle multiple injuries. God Bless to everyone involved.

I noticed a storm with very high winds pass through my area earlier today - it lasted about 5 minutes and it was sunny immediately afterwards. When I looked outside, the rain was falling nearly horizontally. I knew if I wasn't going to experience a tornado, someone else was.

This is a tragic occurrence. This should serve as a reminder to us all how fragile life is.

I am saddened by this. My thoughts and prayers go out to the familys of this freak accadent. I am glad more people didnt get injured

There seems to be some confusion about Me. I am not a 17 year old male. I am a 21 year old male. Steve Wilkerson.
GAAP opens june 6th!
Visit this classic park!

Photos from Kennywood are here.

Another thought (here I go thinking again).. exactly 17 years ago today was when the tornados hit western Pennsylvania.

AIM: Pritti Kittie

This is very sad. Are there other deaths from the Pittsburgh area at places other than Kennywood, or was the only death at Kennywood? I feel bad for the injured and especially the child that got killed. I wonder why they were running the rides if trees were falling over and there were huge winds. It seems odd that Kennywood would take this risk. Just how was the weather when this happened? Was anyone from Coasterbuzz at the park?

*** This post was edited by SFGA2001 on 5/31/2002. ***

Injury count is now 40-60, Rosemeyer says that the only one left under the collapsed roof is the fatality.

SFGA2001 said:
"I wonder why they were running the rides if trees were falling over and there were huge winds. It seems odd that Kennywood would take this risk. Just how was the weather when this happened?"

I think the storm hit the park so quickly, that they didn't have enough time to react by closing the rides. I'm not sure what the weather was like before then, but I doubt Kennywood would put their guests into any danger by not closing rides when they need to be.

Joe Cernelli
Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard
"If you want to follow me, you've got to play pinball."

Jess, the tornados that hit Mt. Washington occurred on June 1, 1998. That was the date of my 8th grade class trip to Cedar Point.
Wow...those photos are awful and much worse when you actually see them. I hope that all injuries are minor and that the family of the killed can cope through this.

My two favorite coasters are named Superman.

CoasterBoy: I believe she was talking about the tornados that hit Beaver county, I was only about a year or two old, so I don't remember them, but I've heard it mentioned on the news several times tonight.

Joe Cernelli
Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard
"If you want to follow me, you've got to play pinball."

Thanks to Karl DeAngelo, Jess, Cernelli, BBSpeed26, Neil, and Lynch for taking time to give us up-to-date developments on this situation in my former hometown. Much appreciated!
Not just Beaver county, but all of us up here in Mercer county too (and all the various other counties in the western Pa area). May 31, 1985... I'll never forget that day, as I'm sure most people won't ever forget this day.

AIM: Pritti Kittie

I wonder if word has spread at Stark Raven Mad about this yet??? Talk about a way to bum out enthusiasts at this event.

My two favorite coasters are named Superman.

I was thinking the same thing astrosgp. I'm sure one of them will be calling home tonight and naturally the word will spread like wildfire. The last three WPXI pictures actually mine.

Joe Cernelli
Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard
"If you want to follow me, you've got to play pinball."

*** This post was edited by cernelli on 5/31/2002. ***

The level 1 situation has now been lifted here at UPMC Presbyterian. As it stands now, the majority of the cases brought to our hospital are minor. I'm hearing conflicting reports of more serious cases here and next door at Children's hospital. But now it seems as though things here are under control.

My heart goes out to the family involved in the fatality, and prayers go out to the injured.

After a long evening, I now need to go and see if any damage has been sustained to my house.

Kick The Sky's avatar
Wow, this is a serious tragedy for the people of Western Pennsylvania. My heart and prayers go out to the family of the little girl that was killed. I seem to remember that some park in PA was damaged last year by storms. Was it Kennywood then too?

Bob Hansen

A proud CoasterBuzz Member
"We are not responsible for anything the Demon takes or breaks"

There has been a confirmed tornado. My friend from pittsburgh said it was terrible. 60 injured and 1 dead.

Closed topic.

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