Stop being anti enthusiast

don't delete messages asking for support of endangered events!
stoogemanmoe's avatar
lol.. You just won't stop will lmao!  Why don't you add something constructive to the forums instead of complaining? Maybe we might WANT to read it.
Beer, My Baby, and Coasters. Is this a great country or what?

*** This post was edited by stoogemanmoe on 2/18/2002. ***

stoogemanmoe said:
Why don't you add something constructive to the forums instead of complaining?

So you're telling me that the cancellation of Great Adventrures Coaster Celebration is DIDDLY SQUAT????

I cannot believe that this site is full of people who don't give a rats*****if a longstanding coaster event is cancelled!



LOL you said diddly squat


anyways maybe who ever deleted it did it by accedent And didnt mean it or maybe no one cares but you! Try puting it back up or IOW make the topic again and if it gets deleted then live with it. Its not that big of a thing, you know? So chill out!

Out of the coasters i've ridden here is wat i rank them overall:(ive been to canobie lake and SFNE)
1. S:RoS 2. Yankee Cannonball 3. Riverside Cyclone 4. Canobie Corkscrew 5. Thunderbolt 6. Galaxy 7. Mind Eraser 8. Dragon coaster 9. poison ivy's tangled

I understand your complaint and I agree with you.  I just don't know why you are taking this to extreme proportions.

mamba said:
I understand your complaint and I agree with you.  I just don't know why you are taking this to extreme proportions.

I just cannot believe that a site the purports to cater to rollercoaster enthusiasts would DENY their own readers the opportunity to assist in saving a threatened coaster event.

stoogemanmoe's avatar
You know Sam? I give a rat's *** about all parks! It's just people like you that give this site a bad name. Why don't you just chill out and be cool? You are just looking for someone to harrass and Jeff is not the one.
Beer, My Baby, and Coasters. Is this a great country or what? ;)

You are just looking for someone to harrass and Jeff is not the one.

that is the last thing I want to do, ALL I want is for your readers to have an opportunity to respond to the threat against this longstanding event!


Which was deleted intentionally, as rumor...

If I didn't care, I wouldn't be wasting my time voicing interest in this topic.

I'm simply shocked that so many coasterbuzzers could care less about the event....  and rather than try to help support an enthusiast event, you attack ME for an earnest effort which has been treated like crap, by your webmaster

stoogemanmoe's avatar
What event are you yapping about? GEEZ.
Beer, My Baby, and Coasters. Is this a great country or what? ;)

It's just people like you that give this site a bad name.

and that is constructive?

stoogemanmoe's avatar
lol.  Hey Jeff, can youclose this? i'm tired of arguing with this  wooooooooohooooooo....rotflmao!!
Beer, My Baby, and Coasters, AND FREEDOM!! Is this a great country or what?

*** This post was edited by stoogemanmoe on 2/18/2002. ***

Well, don't complain when coaster celebration is cancelled, you where warned...
Flying High Again.
Actually I agree with Sam. Too many interesting topics get deleted and the forums have really become dull in the last half year. Maybe its the time of year or something but recently Ive only looked at the news. I can never get a topic in anymore. If I have a question this is the last place I go cause I know it will get deleted. You guys have really changed my perception of forums. Its all good though. Keep bringing in the news!
I don't agree with this kind of thread being deleted, but the "interesting topics" are usually "Favorite Coasters" and such, and they usually lead to flame wars. The reason i think a thread like this should stay is because I can already see people complaining about Coaster Celebration being cancelled. It may not matter to those who don't go, or don't live in the area if this event is cancelled, but I for one would hate to see it go.
Flying High Again.
stoogemanmoe's avatar
Agreed Ozzyhead, but once a forum is deleted, people come on here and start crying "why did my forum get deleted"? WWAaaWwAaa....
Beer, My Baby, and Coasters, AND FREEDOM!! Is this a great country or what? ;)

Closed topic.

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