steel coaster poll results

kRaXLeRidAh said:

How about because X has had low rider exposure among the general riding public?

Also, you obviously did not see how well EGF did last year before the ACE trip this year. Although it was just one rider short of being "official," Exp.GeForce still placed second in the world with a mere ridership of 4. X had many more than that!

Sean, who was ID'd when buying RCT2.
Nitro, Gemini, Laser, Ice, Thunder...The American Gladiators!
The only Coasterbuzz member with Ridgeline Racer in the Track Record.

*** This post was edited by astrosgp on 12/16/2002. ***

ApolloAndy's avatar


I was expecting the top 3 to be more like this :S:ROS(SFNE) MF & maybe Nitro but this is a real surprise to see a european steelie take the top spot.

I've heard nothing but great things about EGF. I'm not surprised at all that, with the help of the ECO, it took #1.

On another note, I am totally surprised that Silver Star rated so low, especially looking at Nitro, which has a fairly similar layout and the other two B&M hypers way up there.

It's also interesting to hear that X beat MF and Nitro, but lost to the S:RoS clones in head to heads.

Be polite and ignore the idiots. - rollergator
You must be this dumb to ride Viper. -SFGAdv.

ApolloAndy's avatar

On an unrelated note, on the wood coaster poll, 2003, #9 had a worse win % than #10. Can someone explain this to me?

Be polite and ignore the idiots. - rollergator
You must be this dumb to ride Viper. -SFGAdv.

ApolloAndy's avatar

On another unrelated note, I tried downloading the steel poll head to head spread sheet and all I got was an empty zip (and this lousy t-shirt). Anyone else having problems?

Be polite and ignore the idiots. - rollergator
You must be this dumb to ride Viper. -SFGAdv.

ApolloAndy said:

On another note, I am totally surprised that Silver Star rated so low, especially looking at Nitro, which has a fairly similar layout and the other two B&M hypers way up there.

The trims Andy, the trims.

Nitro kicks arse yet again...wha what!!!

I'm not surprised at all that X ranked #7. Enthusiasts still prefer hypercoasters to any other steel.....period. X is still the highest ranking looping coaster on the planet. I'm really glad to see SFMM's Goliath getting some love, ranking just below SFH's Goliath. It continues to move up each year. It looks like more and more people are starting to like those high Gs!

Nitro is kicking some serious booty! Yet I get the feeling that with this poll enthusiasts are sending out a message loud and clear that the US needs more of these Intamin hyper thingys. I'd concur...

Superman:The Escape(1997-2002) May he one day fly again.

*** This post was edited by DWeaver on 12/17/2002. ***

ApolloAndy's avatar

Antuan said:
The trims Andy, the trims.

Nitro kicks arse yet again...wha what!!!

Is it really that bad? Nitro has at least one trim as well, so it's not like Silver Star couldn't be Nitro if they just eased off the trims.... Is this the whole "family" thing, again? Does Europa just kill the ride? (I know there was a topic all about this, but I was thinking it was ~#20 bad, not #76 bad.) Also wondering if it's so low because of it's potential that it didn't live up to. I mean, it still has a solid 200+' drop before any of the trims.

Be polite and ignore the idiots. - rollergator
You must be this dumb to ride Viper. -SFGAdv.

*** This post was edited by ApolloAndy on 12/17/2002. ***

*** This post was edited by ApolloAndy on 12/17/2002. ***

rollergator's avatar

I tend to think of coasters that LOOK great as suffering extra-low rankings due to the "anticipointment" factor...if it looks like a PoS and runs like a PoS, I think the rankings more accurately reflect the RIDE itself, whereas something that gets you "jazzed up" and then totaly disapoints gets *punished* for its good looks...

bill, saying that's what happened, for me at least, on Timbers and Steel Forceless (and Bull for those playing our home game)....;)

Bill, I think your version of the home gam *is* bull!

lata, jeremy

--who notes that RB did decently in the poll even without his help.

Silver Star ended up a lot higher than I expected.. too bad. Expedition GeForce is a just winner though. Just one hell of a ride!

Dutch Coastin' :: European coasters, thrills and theming!

Re wood poll:

#9 had fewer losses and trounced the #10 in the head-to-head [really badly]

What happened was #10 had more riders, and picked up a bunch of easy wins against coasters in 100s that the #9 didn't get and almost certainly would have won.

So it was given to #9 on merit.

rollergator's avatar

2Hostyl said:

--who notes that RB did decently in the poll even without his help.

Well, I didn't *hurt* RB either....didn't do the steel poll, just couldn't find the time and inclination to try and sort out all that steel...wood's more *important* to me anyway...;)

Was there a bigger loser in position over the past three years than WT? (was #33 two polls ago) I would hope this would be a wake-up call of sorts.


The CPlaya 100--6 days, 9 parks, 47 coasters, 2037 miles and a winner.....LoCoSuMo.

rollergator's avatar

Wake-up call? Time to get up and install more trims I guess....;).

Teasing you 'Playa, we all know trims are an effective way to reduce wear-and-tear, and maintenance costs....also reduces the amount of money you spend advertising a top-ranked coaster, ROFL...

ApolloAndy's avatar

WT being Wild Thing, not Wicked Twister, I take it.

Be polite and ignore the idiots. - rollergator
You must be this dumb to ride Viper. -SFGAdv.

I any of you had only a fraction knowledge of the buisness, you would know how much respect B & M earns. Intamin is all about money!
boblogone's avatar
When one is looking for a wild ride, respect is far from ones mind. The best rides are always going to cost you in some way.

I can't believe SFDL's S:ROS got 5th. Thats not bad considering all the wear that has been taking a toll on it.

I really don't understand why Wild Thing gets hammered in the rankings more then any other morgan hyper when (and this isn't counting Phantom's Revenge btw) all the Cedar Fair morgan hypers are operated the same. Personally, I think Wild Thing's first half makes it the top hyper in the Cedar Fair chain (and yes I've been on all of em).

Maggie is the only hyper that gets to run loose in the Cedar Fair family, and I think this is probably based on Morgan or whoever is in charge of CP's maintainance needs to get in contact with Dorney, Valleyfair, and Worlds of Fun.

0-60mph+ in 2.5

I think WT is hurt by it's trims. I rode it a year ago for the first time and there was NO air for me after the mid-course. I can only imagine how awesome it must be un-trimmed!

- Peabody

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