Stealth/SOB incidents

Crashmando said:
I was very let down with the piss pour lap bar design.

I have nothing to contribute more than laughing hysterically at this ... that's freakin disgusting, although it would be something appropriate to do to SoB - before lighting a match to it ... but that's just my not so subtle opinion - and I also thought Stealth was better than X-Flight.

Resident Launch Whore

Off topic, but when did you ride Stealth Brett? It had to be in it's inaugural year for you to think it was better than Xflight. If not, then somebody pass the courvoisier, I need a drink.
Lyrically, I'm supposed to represent
I'm not only a client, I'm the playa president!

All they gotta do is simply adjust the guage as needed to fit the train.

Or they could simply get custom trains....

Lyrically, I'm supposed to represent
I'm not only a client, I'm the playa president!

ApolloAndy's avatar
I actually liked Stealth better than X-Flight and Batwing, and I rode it just this August. Granted, the single train with terrible ops wasn't helping, but I really liked the swoop over the log flume face chopper. My favorite moment on any flyer (even better than pretzely goodness).

Be polite and ignore the idiots. - rollergator
"It's not a Toomer" - Arnold Schwartzenkoph
"Those who know don't talk and those who talk don't know." -Jeff

Of course,that horseshoe is just about the only element on a flying dutchman that really makes it worth riding.
It's really not possible to adjust the track gauge to fit the trains...wood coaster cars don't steer. What that means is that when they go around a corner, there must be some slop in the track, or the train won't make will bind up in the curve.

There was something else I was supposed to comment on, but suddenly I can't remember what it was... :)

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

Yeah but Individually articulated cars would and could help it, Not three bench tubs on two bench trains.

Charles Nungester.
It's official Lesourdsville Lake is closed for 2003

Antuan - it was this past June. Simply put, it felt faster, more forceful, and the corkscrews blow the inline twists away, along with getting rid of the "oh we need more length so we'll put this in here" helix at the end of X-Flight. Not that X-Flight isn't good, but I think Vekoma should have stuck with the "Mark-I" flying dutchman.

And I didn't experience this horrible one train op everyone talks about on Stealth - my Dad and I were there on a Sunday and it was two train op and just as fast as X-Flight in years other than this one.

Resident Launch Whore

ApolloAndy's avatar
My trips on X-Flight had massive delays (starting with 3/4 of the day of down time) and ending with a need to restart (or something that took a pretty long time) the coaster everytime a train came in (on single train operation). I much prefer the inlines to the corks, and the helix isn't bad. It's not great, but I'd rather have it than not have it.

Be polite and ignore the idiots. - rollergator
"It's not a Toomer" - Arnold Schwartzenkoph
"Those who know don't talk and those who talk don't know." -Jeff

I'd rather have just some flat swooping track in place of the inlines...those things actually hurt.

As for the helix it just makes the finale of the ride all the more better,now if they'd just get rid of the inlines & replace it with track similar to the section just after the post loop flip then I'd really be happy...oh & add at least 2 train operation 90% of the time.

Ok as long as we're debating things that we don't understand here; how can anyone think that the flying dutchman rides are either uncomfortable or hurt? The only time I have ever experienced any kind of pain on one was when I wrenched my neck too far trying to see in front of me instead of down, and that was my own stupid fault. I could fall asleep in those harnesses they're so comfortable, and there's nothing to bang your head off of, so how can you complain about roughness injuries? I just don't get it ...

Resident Launch Whore

Yeah, I don't understand the complaints of roughness on Stealth either. Those restraints were as comfy as can be.

Now if we're talking about The Flying Coaster, then that's a whole different type of ball game.

Is there a reason that such companys like arrow and vekoma, make about an inch space between the SF wheels?

I am one.
I am Turbo.
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ApolloAndy's avatar
Just because you didn't feel any pain on a coaster, doesn't mean other people didn't. Maybe it was running rough, maybe they were in a different seat/train, maybe they have a different body type, maybe they were on a different ride....

It's not like people make up roughness just so they have something to say.

Be polite and ignore the idiots. - rollergator
"It's not a Toomer" - Arnold Schwartzenkoph
"Those who know don't talk and those who talk don't know." -Jeff

Amen, plus as far as I know, the premeir ps'getti coasters and many vekoma slc's have kushy otsr's. That does not help when the ride is violent, with seismic jolts!!!

Lyrically, I'm supposed to represent
I'm not only a client, I'm the playa president!

*yeah Right*

T2 banged my head around.The OTSR Completely took care of that. The restraints were so close to my head , it didn't hurt.Those OTSRs really help.

Now for the premier....*bleeding?* , okay , they didn't help.

Gotta(heavy breath) get myself(breath)funnier for(breath) offseason.(breath)So unfunny(breath) must.....try....harder.

With Stealth, it wasn't the restraints that hurt. The way it rode felt the same as Grizzly to me, like it was running on square wheels. The "bam, bam, bam" on the sections where you rode on your back gave me headaches, since the pounding vibrations were felt throughout your entire body.

"Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it"

Den said:
I think the Beast is smooth and SoB is rough.

The Beast is rough laterally, like a wooden coaster should be. SoB is rough in a bumpy, painful way.

Sorry if this has been discussed... didn't read the thread. ;)

Guess thats why Beast Bounces the whole mid section and half the helix?

Charles Nungester.
It's official Lesourdsville Lake is closed for 2003

That's how Two face felt when I rode it on saturday,I swear my seat(row6 forward) haad a square wheel on the right side.

ApolloAndy said:
Just because you didn't feel any pain on a coaster, doesn't mean other people didn't. Maybe it was running rough, maybe they were in a different seat/train, maybe they have a different body type, maybe they were on a different ride....

Or maybe they just get on the ride knowing it's a Vekoma, and if the ride jolts one bit, it's instantly "rough." Maybe this, maybe that, of course people get different rides. But the fact is, I simply think some people tend to overreact to the roughness on Vekoma flyers.

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