Stark Raven Mad - Lets talk people!

rollergator's avatar
Absolutely Insane (TM) also includes loading times that defy of the benefits of a great, no THE GREATEST, ride-ops (don't look back...KG is right behind).  Also, since it's an all-enthusiast event, everyone knows HOW to load the train VERY quickly.  Did I mention they allow us to slap hands in the station?  It gets pretty loud...can't imagine Legend with TWO shiny-new PTCs.  Can I request just a slight drizzle during the day, or is that just plain greedy?
Florida needs an Intamin and/or CCI soon...PLEASE!
Son of Drop Zone - PKI CoasterCamp I Champions!!!

Patrick K said:
Okay, Seriously - What is absolutly insane (tm) mode?

Ok, Here it gose and I almost didnt believe it when I first heard about it.
ABSOLUTLY INSANE MODE IS?    The maintence at HW is impecable on any given day.  The tracks are well greased and the coasters are great normally!   Now for special occations a certain mainence man will take a paint roller and roll the entire surface, top, bottom and siderails so there is almost no friction at all to slow these two badboys down.
Throw in a dash of rain (We all know coasters are faster in rain)  and you have a ride that ends faster than it began!   Sometimes brake adjustments are necessary!
Chuck, who went into a hysterical fit from my rain rides.

Charles Nungester
167 coasters asn hopes to be over 200 by the end of 2002

rollergator's avatar
I had heard about that...perhaps we could "borrow" one of those rollers for that poor dual-track CCI squeaking along at SFKK...j/k!
Florida needs an Intamin and/or CCI soon...PLEASE!
Son of Drop Zone - PKI CoasterCamp I Champions!!!
Charles - WHOA BABY!  Are you SERIOUS?  That sounds crazy.  Is that true?  It sounds sweet as h*ll.

Patrick K said:
Charles - WHOA BABY!  Are you SERIOUS?  That sounds crazy.  Is that true?  It sounds sweet as h*ll.

Uhm yeah :)    Jeff actually times the coasters from drop to finish.  He trys to get that badboy under 40 seconds (Legend)   One day he will succeed! 
The PTC's are heavier trains and Jeff says he thinks they will be faster.
Chuck, who is foaming at the mouth now :)

Charles Nungester
167 coasters asn hopes to be over 200 by the end of 2002

Patrick K said:  My question is, is there anything to do around the Holiday World area?  Something relaxing thats not too expensive?  Thanks

Hi Patrick--
Actually...Abraham Lincoln grew up just a few miles away. There's a wonderful national park, including a living historical farm. Check out our country's tourism website: for more information about what else is available in our area.
Thanks,  Paula

Paula Werne
Director of Public Relations
Holiday World & Splashin' Safari
Santa Claus, Ind.

Sean F. said:
 Speedos huh? Hate to dissapoint those waiting to see me in one of those things, but it ain't going to happen anytime soon. That would even freak me out. LOL!  

Good, because if you did, Sean, I'd have to poke my eyes out.  And that won't be a pretty sight (rimshot). :)

Bill Yost of Cincinnati, Ohio: Where we KNOW the Bengals suck!

Thanks Paula, I appreciate your help, and look forward to seeing everyone at the event.
Do NOT go to the ZBW ERT if Sean will be there! I warn you again! Do not go! There is no pair of sunglasses that will be able to prepare you for what you will see! Just imagine what it would look like if someone was floating around like a ghost, and that is what you'll see when Sean takes his shoes off! This will be my only warning!

SRM is going to ROCK as always!

-Jon Smith
"See ya in the back"

Ummmm...well...Sean can leave his shoes *on* then...
Remember, it'll be totally dark inside ZOOMbabwe -- maybe Sean will glow! Cool effect!
Paula :)

Paula Werne
Director of Public Relations
Holiday World & Splashin' Safari
Santa Claus, Ind.

Well lets just say that I will more than likely never attend SRM again. I first attended in 2000 and it was an absolute blast, tons of coastering on the greatest woodies ever. The ERT  on the Legend and Raven were top notch, but then came 2001 and I was totally turned off. Way to many people attended the event and the number of laps was greatly reduced. Yeah I know the night rides are the special kick but If its any indication of last year, this year will be even more nuts. So I am declining to attend SRM this year but will still visit the park during normal operation and I can't wait to ride Legend with the new trains.



Raven Maven said:
Ummmm...well...Sean can leave his shoes *on* then...
Remember, it'll be totally dark inside ZOOMbabwe -- maybe Sean will glow! Cool effect!
Paula Werne
Director of Public Relations
Holiday World & Splashin' Safari
Santa Claus, Ind.

LMAO!!!!  Good one, Paula.  :)
A glow-in-the-dark coaster enthusiast. :)

Bill Yost of Cincinnati, Ohio: Where we KNOW the Bengals suck!

Well lets just say that I will more than likely never attend SRM again.

That's certainly up to you...

But in case you haven't taken a look at this year's flyer (, please let me point out a number of changes we've made to help enhance the SRM experience in 2002:

1. Two nights of ERT;

2. More non-coaster rides running during the early hours of nighttime ERT; and

3. Two trains on The Legend.

We sure hope this helps!


Paula Werne
Director of Public Relations
Holiday World & Splashin' Safari
Santa Claus, Ind.

rollergator's avatar
Paula, certainly can't speak for everyone, but I *do* feel the two trains on Legend will be a HUGE hit...and with the additional non-coaster rides, AND the 2 nights of ERT, AND ZOOMbabwe...

no one in their right mind could say you folks at HW don't go "all-out" for the enthusiast community...happy to be among the 33 states represented in '01, and REALLY hoping to be there in '02...and beyond!

Florida needs an Intamin and/or CCI soon...PLEASE!
Son of Drop Zone - PKI CoasterCamp I Champions!!!

I agree.  Choosing to not attend an event due to the crowds is a personal thing, but the crowds don't "ruin" the event at all.  You may not get as many laps as in previous years, but that doesn't make it any less enjoyable.

In my humble opinion, of course ;)

"The collective women in your life have more baggage than a Samsonite factory..."
My page

Mamoosh's avatar
GregLeg, R'Gator, Paula, and anyone reading - I have to agree.  IMHO anyone who goes to SRM "just" for the coasters does not understand what SRM is all about.  I know I didn't "get it" before I went.  My first SRM was in 2000.  It was a fluke that I went that year.  My opinion had been "why would anyone want to go all that way just for two wooden coasters?"  Now I know better, and SRM is an event I just won't miss, no matter how crowded it gets.

Its hard to explain to anyone who has not been to SRM but there is definitely something in the air...its palpable.  Everyone is laughing, cheering, slapping hands, yelling, screaming, whooping it up!  This is the best natural high one can get, and the feeling leaving the park after a night of ERT is almost post-coital! 

Frankly, being in line with all those great people, laughing, joking, getting to know new people, *AND* riding the coasters is what its all about.  Funny but I never noticed how long the waits were because there was always something going on in line.


 Well, after all, I was one of the 'glowing' enthusiasts last year thanks to that glow stick.  However, that is no match for . " Mr. Snow Toes" or whatever name fits.  Thanks for warning people ahead of time Jon.


 I fully agree with you bud. I never really paid any attention to the lines during last SRM. That was probably the most fun line I had ever been in. Now, if someone was at the event and didn't have anyone to talk to or is not into the whole association part of SRM, then I can easily see how someone would dislike the event. Not to say anyone had that problem, but just an observation.


I'm up for it no matter what the lines look like.  Actually I think if it was non-stop rides, it would be worse than a small wait.  I don't want to ride anything non-stop, it would get boring.  Don't get me wrong, I have alot of faith in these coasters, I'm just saying I don't mind small waits.
If you want to *just* ride the coasters, I'd suggest spending the day there on Friday before SRM. Last year we got a dozen rides on Raven and 6 on Legend with never more then a one train wait, and still did the rest of the park at a liesurely pace. 
Then, spend the night hours in the queues with the  "Absolutely Insane (TM)" coaster wierdos, or whatever we are. After all, it's the event itself that makes it fun.

*** This post was edited by Chaindog on 2/22/2002. ***

Look, there is nothing that shines brighter than a brand new CoasterBuzz shirt! :) Now those will be glowing! And speaking of was hilarious to see nothing but small glow-in-the-dark squares in the woods during last year's ERT!

The lines will increase year after year since word keeps spreading about this incredible event. But there are plenty of enthusiasts to meet and pass the time with, not to mention better capacity on my baby!
Don't.....look.....back! The Headless Horseman awaits you in 2002!
Model coasters and rides

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