
Riddlers Revenge Is number #1 in my book
Again, seeing that I've only been on two- Riddler's Revenge and batman the escape, I will most DEFINITELY have to go with Riddler's.
john peck's avatar
Out of riding King Cobra, Iron Wolf, Banshee and Chang, I must say I enjoyed Cobra over the rest of them.
I haven't ridden any stand ups yet, but from reviewing on-ride videos on CP's website and Riddler Revenge on coaster DVDs, I think Riddler is probably the best stand up. Following Chang or Mantis. Chang & Mantis both look very good, but I don't like how on the drop, you turn 180 degrees before diving. On Riddler's Revenge, the train executes a banked dive, like on their inverted coasters. But I geuss I can't judge until I ride them! *** This post was edited by SROS221 on 3/1/2001. ***
Riddler's Revenge is my favorite. I love how there is inversion after inversion. That would be followed by Mantis.

X-Flight @ SFWoA
Bad weather can't cancel this flight!
Mantis is the only stand-up I have ridden, but wow, what a great ride. I love the straight drop when you just fall into the harness, which, by the way, I found to be comfortable enough. The rest of the ride was a tangled mass of beautiful twisted track. I loved the transitions from hard banked left to hard banked right turns. B&M is the only company that execute those kinds of maneuvers with such finesse. I also loved the inclined loop which is in my opinion the second best inversion type, beaten only be the Zero-G Roll on Kumba.
beast7369's avatar
I have been on Iron Wolf, Chang, Mantis, Shockwave, and King Cobra. Out of those...Mantis by far.....Chang in second place.

What is life without it's ups and downs
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Of the stand-ups I've ridden, I'd put them in this order:

1) Mantis
2) Iron Wolf
3) King Cobra
4) Riddler's Revenge
5) Chang
I've ridden three: Mantis, Shockwave (PKD), and Shockwave (Great Adventure, now Batman the Escape at Astroworld). Unfortunately I only rode the Intamin/Giavinola designed Shockwave once and that was a long time ago, so I'm giving the thumbs up to the other Shockwave at Kings Dominion. I know it's a Togo but I find the bicycle seat a lot more comfortable than Mantis which caused me pain for the rest of the day even though it was my first coaster at CP. And no I didn't sit on it but it still rubbed against my inner thighs. It was the first B&M I would never ride again. *** This post was edited by Intamin Fan on 3/1/2001. ***
I liked the phantom standup, Shockwave, that existed at Great Adventure for a brief spell. It was my first complete circuit multi-looper coaster. Frankly, I could careless about the stand-up part.
In ranked order, the ones I've ridden: Chang, Irow Wolf, King Cobra, Mantis, Shockwave (PKD), Vortex (Carowinds). Please note, I only really LIKED Chang, IW, and KC. The rest I could take or leave.
HE HATE ME (this is an XFL reference to those who dont know, I'm not accusing anyone of hating me)
I've ridden Iron Wolf, Mantis, and King Cobra, and of those Mantis is by far the best. I put it right up there with MF as the best CP ride. I will likely ride the Chang at some ACE event this spring (don't know the details, someone else is arranging the trip), and I'd really like to get to the Riddler's Revenge or Georgia Scorcher sometime.

BTW, what makes the King Cobra better than the others? It's a decent ride, but for me it simply lacks the excitement of the newer ones, probably because its layout is so uninteresting. It seems like another Magnum-like ride that people love because of its history.

StandUpFan said:
"BTW, what makes the King Cobra better than the others? It's a decent ride, but for me it simply lacks the excitement of the newer ones, probably because its layout is so uninteresting. It seems like another Magnum-like ride that people love because of its history."

I could bot care less about KC's history. I just though it was very fun because of the bunny hops. If B&M would put a few of these into their coasters they would be untouchable.
Soggy's avatar
Riddler has a bunny hop. After the first flatspin (corkscrew) there is a bunny hop/small camelback. I rode in the rain once, and you could feel some serious floater air!

"X" marks the spot in 2001!

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