
Which Stand-Up coaster do you prefer? As you can probably tell, I like Riddler's. I also like Chang. What's yours?
Jephry's avatar
One without a Bicycle seat ha ha. I can dream. Mantis I guess

Best Coaster: Millennium Force
Worst Coaster: Project Stealth *** This post was edited by Jephry on 2/28/2001. ***
Mantis. I went to CP for my first time back in August of 2000, and it was a fantastic ride, my 2nd favorite in the park. I'm sure you can guess what was #1...;)


"Hold on tight, with all your might, and enjoy your flight on the Raven!"
Doesn't King Cobra at PKI and Shockwave at PKD not have bycicle seats?

Six Flags Great America #1 Park!!! AOL Im ScreenName : RollrCoastr00
Yeah, I think B&M Stand-Ups have bicycle seats. BTW, who makes those other stand-ups?
Togo, its some japanese company known for making mostly crappy rides, although king cobra wasnt that bad. I would have to take Mantis though
Chang all the way King Cobra wasn't bad, but, MANTIS blows it out of the water! LoL.

MF Drops-15
SOB Rides-2
Soggy's avatar
Riddler all the way. Actually, it's the only standup I really enjoyed.

"X" marks the spot in 2001!
Oh yeah! I remember now. TOGO were the ones who made that crappy ride known as Windjammer. I miss the soap box derby racers...
BTW, isn't Georgia Scorcher a B&M Stand-Up or was it a Sit-Down?
Mantis, mainly because it's the only standup I've ever been on.

2001: Camp Snoopy [MoA], Big Chief, Elitch Gardens, Valleyfair, Six Flags WoA, and Cedar Point
Riddlers4Ever--Georgia Scorcher is a standup.

My favorite standup is probally Mantis.
I have ridden Vortex[PGA] and Riddler's Revenge.
Vortex sucks for a B&M but, there are no bad B&M's but its real short and when it is getting fun it just ends. It is part of what I call the first generation B&M standups, GA Scorcher, Vortex Brothers, there is more. They are smaller and shorter but the new generation after B&M built big rides, just abosoulty rule! Chang, Mantis , Riddler's Revenge, I think Riddler's is the best ride at SFMM and is the best standup! Hopefully B&M builds more!
Stand-Ups don't really do anything for me. I've only ridden King Cobra and Mantis. Out of those two, I would pick Mantis to be the better. It has great transistions that can catch you off-guard and a really nice diving loop. Those aside, the rest didn't really do anything for me. It was fun without a doubt and not to be missed, but something about it dissapointed me. Also, when I visited SFMM, I didn't get a chance to ride The Riddler, the line was neary 2 hours and I was pooped.
I'd have to say Mantis, but keep in mind the competition is Iron Wolf and Batman the Escape.

"I'm not crazy, I just don't give a darn."
Riddler's Revenge at SFMM!!!
Riddler's Revenge is my fav. The incredible flowing inversions, the hangtime at the tops of the loops, the double dive loops, it's all good.

"Yes if by crestfallen you mean KILL US!" -- Homer J. Simpson
The only two stand-ups I have ridden are Mantis and Riddler's Revenge, and I'd have to say I prefer RRv.


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