Stand and Be Heard

I respect the fact that Jeff tries to keep the forum clean and in good standing, but he does not like difference on opinions and he will delete someone's reply if he doesn't like it. It happened to me a number of times and my comments were clean and not intended to be rude but to inform the public. Why Jeff Why?
Jeff's avatar
If I've said it once, I've said it a hundred times... I don't know anyone enough to dislike them or have anything personal against anyone. To say that I don't like differences in opinions is outright insulting, because frankly you don't know anything about me, and you certainly can't read my mind. We don't talk about world peace and curing cancer here, we talk about coasters. I really don't have the time or desire to delete what I don't agree with, let alone make time to respond to it all.

That said, I don't sit around all day waiting to see what I can delete. In fact there are no less than seven moderators to this site, most of whom moderate anonymously.

If you have any concern over a particular deletion, e-mail me directly. If you feel you're being unfairly persecuted, by all means stop visiting the site. It's your decision. No one is making you come here.

Webmaster/Admin -
*** This post was edited by Jeff on 8/30/2000. ***
Actually, i am being made to come here. They made me do it........they made me do it

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