Stages of a member

I think it wold be cool to have stages as a member. Like Jr. Coaster as a newbie and 4D or a ArrowBATic Extreme as a big kahuna person.
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Interesting idea. Would each different level get to post more or something like that.

"Roller Coaster favorite ride , let me kiss you one last time" Blink 182

Member "classes" will never be a part of CoasterBuzz or POP Forums because they promote sensless posts. People would start saying "Me too!" and "Cool!" just to get them to the next class.

Matt Lynch
Co-Webmaster : Kennywood Boulevard

I agree 100& Lynch. I posted in another topic about "most posts" that it is the quality of the posts over the quantity. I consider myself a very good member and a "high stage" (if you say so) member of Coasterbuzz because I always make quality posts instead of "me too" posts. I have been here for about a year and I have only made 225 posts or so..... which is small considering that I'm on Coasterbuzz everyday. It's always quality over quantity. I hope that there is never stages of Coasterbuzz because people like Stealthf5m3 would be one of the top members even though a lot of his posts are 5 words or less. No offense Stealthf5m3, he has been here a long time and dos make quality posts at times but most of his 800 posts or so are less than 5 words. Quantity of posts is not that important and maybe Jeff should do away with the total number of times a person has posted. That would help IMO because new members think that a member is better than others if he has posted more..... which is what I thought too in the beginning. But that is not true at all, new members will find that out later.

*** This post was edited by ACE15 on 8/30/2001. ***

Jeff's avatar
I could care less about how many posts someone makes. I once went to a non-coaster site that bragged about the number of topics and posts they had in their forum. It was all noise. What's the point in that? What good are hundreds of thousands of posts if most of them are pointless?

Participation in a forum is best encouraged by good conversation, not the amount of it.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -
"From the global village... in the age of communication!"
Watch the grass grow!

I wouldn't do it by posts, but by how long they've been a member...
George Dubya: A Master in the art of "Golfery"

I have to admit, creating different "stages" of membership would encourage many people to retain their names and not switch them when they simply get tired of them, or get kicked off of Coasterbuzz because of misbehavior.
To use stages based on how long you've been a member is an interesting twist, but one thing I've always liked about Coasterbuzz is how streamlined the format is -- not overloaded with graphics, dozens of different "smilies" and so forth. Some forums have it, some don't, but for what it's worth I really don't think Coasterbuzz needs something like this to enhance the site. It's not a bad thing (I'm on another forum that does have them, and it is cute) but to start at this point would probably be more hassle than it's worth.

Po!nt of View: A different look at Roller Coasters.

In regards to "that other site" that went with this type of membership, it was just plain annoying to see people who had been members for two weeks with 1,157 posts.

I also think that it would encourage the "I've been here longer than you" type rhetoric that you see on other boards.

Just my two cents.



force312 said:
I wouldn't do it by posts, but by how long they've been a member...
George Dubya: A Master in the art of "Golfery"

Go to the members' info and it'll tell you when they joined.   That way you can find out how long they've been a member.

Bill Yost a.k.a. THE BEASTmaster

I like the way the site is now, without the ratings, or stages. Look at the forums at the popular site that closed its doors, and then reopened as a different sites coughThrillRidecough and look at someof the people that have been a member since June or July of this year have 2500 posts. There is a lot of noise in those forums just for those reasons. Hey, even I had pointless posts because of the rating system. I got over that though :)

Nitro: The Most Explosive Coaster on the Planet explodes at Six Flags Great Adventure in 2001.

The date joined is useless if you want to change your name.  You have to nuke your profile & sign up again with a new name. Mine is 7/7/2001 whereas I actually joined as CoasterGod sometime in November last year (member #2615.)

Plus if your ISP ceases to exist, you won't be able to log on with your email that no longer exists. That means you have to sign up again which happened to me! :(

It would be nice if the date joined reflected the actual date I joined for the first time.

Jeff's avatar
No... you can change your e-mail address at any time. It will generate a new password and send it to the new address. Now, if you mis-type the address, then of course you're in a world of hurt.

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin -
"From the global village... in the age of communication!"
Watch the grass grow!

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