S:ROS MAXIMUM height?!?

The Everly side of my family is larger from the waist up than down, and that trait came through in me. I'll tell you, I thought for sure I was going to lose some fingers heading into that second tunnel on MF.

Matt Lynch, who, thankfully, is typing with all ten digits...
Co-Webmaster, Kennywood Boulevard
Instead of losing fingers or amrs, why don't all us tall people just keep our arms down. . .esp. when it looks so close?! It must just be me, because I've never seen the thrill of having my arms up. First drop, yes, but whole ride, nope! ;)

Intamin2K said:
So as a conclusion from all of this useless information, your height may in fact and most likley does effect your arm length.

Now that is true in some respect,height will in the end influnces you arm legth. However it is not always exactly the same for every one of the same height. Example? Allen Iverson has a ridiculous wingspan ( I think I heard 82 "), and I bet he would loose his arm if stuck them out.

And For the record, I am 6'5" and can't reach MF's tunnels. I guess I have short arms.

*** This post was edited by Joe E. on 2/22/2001. ***
Hey, there is a height requirement at SFNE for S:ROS. When i went last year i wwas waiting in line next to a preety tall guy and when we were ready to take our seats, they said he couldnt go on because he was too tall. He was really mad. I can't see why there would be a requirement at SFNE for S:ROS except for mayb the the misted filled tunnels, right after the first drop and near the end of the ride.

Do all 3 S:ros's have the height restricitions, or only the first two?
I'm 6'7" and I had no problem with Superman at SFDL, I didn't have any problem at Cedar Point either.
You guys keep talking about hitting your hands on MF's supports in the first overbanked turn, and the tunnels. Well, I do not see how this happened. I'm 6'3,(at only 15 years old I might add;) ), and I had my hands all the way up the whole ride, and my arms are quite long, and I didn't feel like I was going to hit anything. But then again, I may of come close and I just didn't notice...it was my first trip to CP and my first ride on the Force after all.:)


"Hold on tight, with all your might, and enjoy your flight on the Raven!"
I am sure people had their hands in a "different position" than you may have... they didnt nescisarily have to be straight up for them to hit....

For example, on S:ros if you put your hands out you will hit the supports. I am just under 5 ft. 10" and my arms are quite short and I ab able to hit the supports on S:ros

Alan Jacyszyn

SFDLnet opening March 15th on Coasterbuzz!

I also remember m,y dad got hit by a MF support on the first turnaround during Millennium Mania.

Hosted by the Atomic-Online Network
Well, for once I'm kind of happy to be short.

"How you doin?"
-Matt LeBlanc

GigaCoasters2K said:
"I also remember m,y dad got hit by a MF support on the first turnaround during Millennium Mania."

That seems to be the place where "everyone" hits their hand. Oh well, guess we have to keep our hands in next time!

Millennium is spelled with two N's ;)
Who is at fault here Intamin for building the ride like that or the rider who did not follow intructions to keep hands and arms down. As I see it both are at fault, one for being boneheaded to build a coaster where someone can get hurt, do you think they would close superman or MF is someone shaters there hands(remember loss of hands is a big money winner in the civil suit courts). Also would the rider have a complaint when he has been told to keep his hands down.

Army rangers lead the way *** This post was edited by supermandl on 2/24/2001. ***
All Vekoma SLC's have a Maximum height limit.
"Put out an APB for a male suspect, driving a... car of some sort; heading in the direction of, uh, you know, that place that sells chili. Suspect is hatless. Repeat, hatless."- P.C. Wiggum

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