SooperDooperLooper (that's right its a luv thread)

You saw it on the internet, you thought it was going to be cool, you rode it, you're surprised, you loved it. 

C'mon, with that tunnel, and the little out and back section, and the hidden helix at the end?  Who knew?  We've been talking about it a little, and raving about it a lot, and I know you're out there.  Profess your love for the SooperDooperLooper here.  :)

Father Lucifer, you never looked so sane. You did always did prefer the drizzle to the rain

I'll let you know after July 17, 2002.
You can't spell "dishonorable" without "honorable."
It was my first looping coaster experience.  At the time, I was in shock to find a mere lapbar!!!  My mom got me on that one and it's been trouble ever since.  :)  This summer I shall turn the tables, and get her onto the Millennium Force.  She doesn't realize fully the consequences of her action!  Muhaha.

SDL, great ride at a great park.

Coasterman Mike

Total rides on Phantom's Revenge: 49
Total rides on Pittfall: 255
Total rides on Superman:UE : 633

There is definitely love here!  One of those rides that doesn't make a huge impact on you at first but grows on you in time.
I like SDL, but I wouldn't cry if they had to remove it because of space limitations for something else. It's a great starter coaster though.
If you have to figure out how to ride a coaster to be comfortable, then that's not a coaster worth riding.
I sure do have some love for the SDL because it wasmy first upside roller coaster. I could not believe there was only a lapbar, and the ride was pretty fun. Then I went onto the Great Bear. I was so scared that I did not open my eyes until I was pulling into the brake run. I don't remember any of the ride at all. But I just remember that is was a scary thrill for me at the time.


Oh yeah!  SooperDooperLooper is one of my favorite coasters!  I get airtime on that back section, the G's are insane in the loop, and it's just an all out fun ride!  Plus, it's always a walk-on!
Bomb Squad Technician

If you see me running, try and keep up!

I don't think that there will ever be the need to remove it because of space limitations... after all, Great Bear was literally built over it!
It would such a better ride if the mid-course brake weren't on so hard (same with Comet)

Also i don't think it will be taken out anytime soon since they made just an effort to keep it when they built The Great Bear

Well, I used to have a lower opinion of the old looper, however last year sort of changed my mind.  Rode it in early May during a light rain and it really moved!  Also rode it in late October in the dark.  Again, it was moving pretty fast... even the mid course breaks didn't really slow things down that much.  (same with the venerable old Comet... the breaks on the 2nd turn seem to be a little less severe than in the past).

Still a fun ride after 25 years of service (1977).

"I wasn't always this cynical, but then I started kindergarden..."

I can't wait until my junior high band trip to Hershey in the summer!!!
movies+coasters= the most fun you could ever imagine!
I think the layout of this baby is great it looks very orignal. The dont make them like this any more.

*** This post was edited by B&R-The Chiller on 1/23/2002. ***

Man, do I disagree with you. Hershey's an amazing park, my hometown, and I love it. But because of that hunk of junk it ranks just a notch below Knoebels in my list.
Top 5: 1.MF
3.Steel Force
A memory of me almost falling out on that ride when I was 6 years old.. ahhh the memories, lol.
rollergator's avatar
Last time I was at Hershey, the ride wasn't even there yet...but I will be there this year, and then I'll have to dig up this thread to let you know!  Based on the rcdb pics, I'd have to say it's probably pretty similar to my beloved SSSSSSScorpion here at BGT...
PoTP acolyte - remove fear to reply
Son of Drop Zone - PKI CoasterCamp I Champions!!!
No, it isn't much like scorpion (which I like more).

SooperDooperLooper is great. To call it a "hunk of junk" is pretty lame, consindering Anton is a genius. :)
"Go banana!"-Ralph

Sooperdooperlooper is a great coaster. I have so many great childhood memories on that ride. It was also my first looping coaster. I feel lucky to have Hershey as my homepark. I am hoping rollersoaker is pretty cool, but I have my doubts. We'll see.

*** This post was edited by Coaster Fantom on 1/23/2002. ***

I love SDL it is a great ride and a great classic, And well worth a ride.
Alright Alright, sorry about referring to it as a hunk of junk. I guess maybe my generation can't appreciate the revoultionary rides such as Sooperdooperlooper. Your memories are on Sooperdooperlooper, and Revoultion, mine are on Millenium Force and Raptor. I apologize.
Top 5: 1.MF
3.Steel Force

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