Small Coasters That Pack The Biggest Punch?

Mamoosh's avatar
Coming late to the party here, but here's my list of those about 100 feet tall and under that "pack a punch" [many of which are in my Top 20]:

Raven, Phoenix, HSTC, Blue Streak, Big Dipper, Giant Dipper, Belmont Dipper, PNE's Coaster, CI Cyclone, Joyland's Coaster, Zingo, Exterminator, Thunder Run, Wild One, CP's Wildcat, and KW's Racer, Thunderbolt, and Jack Rabbit.

Knoebels Phoenix.

Also, for its size, that first drop on Lakemont's Skyliner has some wild ejector seat air in the back seat.

"I wasn't always this cynical, but then I started kindergarden..."

How about the Scorpion at BGT?

Superman: Ultimate Escape


Coasterman Mike
Now, a card carrying member of ACE.
Total rides on Pittfall: 255
Total rides on uperman:UE : 633

*** This post was edited by Coasterman Mike on 2/11/2002. ***

Superman:UE, Roadrunner Express, that mine ride at PKI, Flight of Fear. and Big Dipper are all great small coasters.



Did someone say coasters?

sfne guy said:
wildcat at lake compounce.

LOL, are you joking?  The only punch that ride gives you is the one you get in the station from the attendants putting you in.  Wildcat, was a classic, then was reconstructed into a pile of family bordum(If you don't know Wildcat, it's the exact ride setup and experience as the Grizzly@PGA, including the trims)

Mamoosh's avatar
Vertigo - LC's Wildcat does have its moments, tho.  When I rode it during ERT at Preservation Con it was FLYING unlike I'd ever experienced it before.  But I can see where on a bad day it could leave you wanting more.
Im gonna Say the Thunderbolt at Kennywood(this would be considered a small coaster right)

racer, Kennywood

Exterminator, Kennywood

and Racer, PKI...

Fear the Wrath of the Phantom! Phantoms Revenge, Kennywood park, West Mifflin Pennsylvania.

I'm surprised nobody mentioned Wizzer at SFGAm, wow that ride gives intense twists and turns, truly Schwartzkopf magic!
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Suicide is NOT a solution!
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Definitly the Hurricane at the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk that thing is more intense than most hyper coasters!
"My dream is to ride Janet Jackson on X"
Why would ANYONE say Whizzer? It's a tame, borderline, kiddie coaster! I mean I like Schwarzkopf as much as the average man hates Celine Dion, but Whizzer is NOTHING to write home about.

Anyway, OL:FoF, Jokers Jinx, Mad Corba and Poltergeist before lapbar retrofit all packed the biggest punch...I'm talking like Roy Jones Jr.!

And now with the bars, FoF is my favorite steelie under 80 ft.!
--and Eric, dont be messin wit' my woman!

nasai's avatar
Jeremy, I am Rob Jones Jr. and I love the Spaghetti 'em.  I have a really cool pic of the restraints in Japan on Mad Cobra, if you want to see 'em.
I want to see! I want to see!
By the way, The High Speed Thrill Coaster isn's necessarily a kiddie coaster.  It was built in the 1950's.  I live about 40 miles away, and when I was 6 and went on it I cried.  Now I don't go to knoebels without riding it.  If you're looking for the next step higher, I'd have to say either Superman Ultimate Escape or Two Face The Flip Side at SF America.
I have to third on that comment on Viper at SFAstroworld.  Also, Road Runner Express at SFFT, and the defunct Excalibur back at Astroworld.  The one mentioned at the Amarillo park is fun too.  Looked a little scary and fragile, but no-frills fun none-the-less.
john peck's avatar
Screechin' Eagle @ Americana
I'd hafta say S:ue    Small,  Compact and offers a pretty good thrill...

You really need to get some more BRAN in your diet

nasai's avatar
Nate, I will try to e-mail them to you tonight.  E-mail me with a reminder allright?

Mamoosh said:
Vertigo - LC's Wildcat does have its moments, tho.  When I rode it during ERT at Preservation Con it was FLYING unlike I'd ever experienced it before.  But I can see where on a bad day it could leave you wanting more.

Funny thing is on my vist to LC last june it was Wildcat delivering the wild rides and BD was sluggish all day.
Chuck, who hopes to get these insane rides people are talking about next trip :)

Charles Nungester
167 coasters asn hopes to be over 200 by the end of 2002

What's a small coaster here?? Under a mile in length and not quite a hyper?  IMO, I just don't get how B:TR can be considered small.
Under that definition, you could call SFGAM's Iron Wolf a small coaster that packs a punch.  And punch it does (right in the ear)...with tight, nasty transitions you'll never see B&M build again.
But since I don't consider either of those small...
LC's Wildcat--for those wonderful laterals at the bottoms of hills.  This is what I thought CCI's trick-track would do.
DP's Thunderhawk - for all-around senseless-but-interesting violence.
DP's Laser - Never mind the loops. Try sitting on the side that gets you on the low end of the first helix.  I forgot which side that was....but I sure didn't forget getting smacked over sideways by the wicked lateral G's.  Nice.
VF's (late) Wild Rails - Imagine CP's Wildcat, only smaller and tighter.  Actually, this was CP's Wild Mouse until they replaced it with the current extended-length model.

*** This post was edited by CoastaPlaya on 2/13/2002. ***

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