"Six Flags says it will keep Magic Mountain rolling"

What would have more attendence per year a mall put there if the land is sold or Magic mountain
There is a mixed use retail development being built right next to MM as it is (some roads are built so far), plus there is a really nice indoor/outdoor shopping district a few miles down the road in Valencia. The new development will benefit quite a bit from being MM's neighbor.
Yeah again who is going to have greater attendnce?
Between a place that doesn't exist and one that does? Between a known configuration of a theme park and any number of variations of retail districts? Seriously?

Pete's avatar
I wonder about the name Six Flags Coaster Crunch ice cream. Makes me think Six Flags coasters like to crash.

I'd rather be in my boat with a drink on the rocks, than in the drink with a boat on the rocks.

Mamoosh's avatar
Six Flags Coaster Crunch ice cream

The crunch comes from tiny ground up metal and wood pieces of Astroworld coasters ;)

I would bet that whoever ends up purchasing SFMM will probably purchase the rest of the parks in the chain SFDL, SFEG, EV, and the water parks. I would also think that they will start to clean house with all of the coasters at those parks that are maintenance nightmares (READ: Deja Vu, X, Flashback, and maybee a few others). Also you may see some of the coasters from SFMM moved to some of the other parks. I would think that they would want all the parks to have like 7 or 8 coasters in them instead of one with 15 and the others with 4 or 5 or 6. It could be very interesting.
I think Shapiro just may know what the hell he is doing with this park. Ugh I am becoming the person I hate lol. I love him now because he isnt chooping SFMM to realty. I actually now that i use my brain some of his decisions are not half bad. I have faith that he will save the chain and return it to its former glory :)

Look Out Its Medusa Man!
Shapiro seems to know what he is doing with every park but Great Adventure.

We dont need another kids section.

We need inbetween rides for the people who cant ride the major coasters but are too big for the kiddy rides.

Things like flats and disney like dark rides (six flags has loney tunes and dc comics characters for the dark rides)

They went in the complete oposite direction from the last management. Lets say were making it family oriented btu instead make it kiddy oriented.

i hope to go here someday! seriously, as long as it remains what it is or better, as opposed to astroworld's fate, does anyone really care who signs the paychecks? just keep it open, that's all that matters
Major tom is right. Shapiro seems to know what he is doing. The parks he is trying to get rid of do not fit into the new SF thinking with families in mind. I say that even with SFDL being my home park, but I accept the park's fate for the greater good of the company (SFI) and hopefully the greater good of the park.

Now, all of the parks could use more kids sections. If they are trying to attract families to the parks, then kids sections are big with families. I'm sure that the next wave of attractions will be those "tweener" rides that the kids graduate out of the kiddie section to. I say just give it about 4-5 years and all remaining SF parks will be headed in the right direction.

majortom1981 said:
Shapiro seems to know what he is doing with every park but Great Adventure.

We dont need another kids section.

We need inbetween rides for the people who cant ride the major coasters but are too big for the kiddy rides.

Things like flats and disney like dark rides (six flags has loney tunes and dc comics characters for the dark rides)

They went in the complete oposite direction from the last management. Lets say were making it family oriented btu instead make it kiddy oriented.

Seems to me like Shapiro is doing the exact same thing the previous management did...give new cap expenditures to only three or four parks<ironically the same three or four parks that Burke did> & leave the rest high & dry for years on end.

^ You're only saying that because Six Flags America got shafted. AGAIN. Get Over. It.

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