Six Flags Parking Pass jacked up to $40.

Depends on wether you picked up on Coastings insinuation or not I guess.
a_hoffman50's avatar
I picked up on it, but he never said you were a child. He could have been talking to me. (I am very childlike btw and do not mind being called a child because children learn at a faster rate than adults. Children are way more fun than adults too.)
Trust me. Growing up in the most sarcastic family in America, I know a lame attempt at sarcasm when I see it.
Gotta go now. Barney's on. That purple SOB makes me laugh. *** Edited 4/20/2006 4:43:05 PM UTC by Coasterphan***
a_hoffman50's avatar
Way to double post and not add anything to the conversation! Bottom line... nobody on here has labelled you (except for my one post after to you said I labelled you). Unless a person directly comes out and says, "Coasterphan is acting childish," then they are not labelling you. It is all in how you read it. Perhaps he was telling me that I was acting childishly for arguing with you. You read it as him calling you a child.
sirloindude's avatar
Coasterphan, referring to your comment about everyone at WCB stealing, that I think is an incorrect claim. If there's no one at said toll booths, with no explanation as to why, then perhaps you all got let off the hook (READ: PERHAPS). Now I'm not saying that if parks leave loopholes, milk them for all they are worth, but in that particular situation, I'm not sure I could justify sitting in a line of cars at a tollbooth for hours on end until they finally showed up. In that case, I'd say they owed you a refund for the morning ERT you would have missed out on. Now if you got to the park before the specified toll booth opening time, you and everyone else who snuck in early were technically stealing then, too. Mind you, I think I read that the park had made the mistake of not supplying parking attendants for the toll booths, which is basically their problem, not yours.

However, we're talking about you pulling into the toll booth, lying to the toll booth person, and scamming the park out of $15. You stole from the park, indirect as it may have been. You didn't necessarily remove $15 from their cash holdings, but you prevented $15 from entering it. If you didn't have the parking pass money, perhaps you should have waited until you did.

Sirloindude, who says if one is going to obtain a service that requires payment, pay for it 100% of the time. *** Edited 4/20/2006 5:18:51 PM UTC by sirloindude***

13 Boomerang, 9 SLC, and 8 B-TR clones

Well then congratulations to the most honest person on the planet.

Well, to be fair, I was only being honest because I clearly had no choice. ;)

rollergator's avatar

sirloindude said:Mind you, I think I read that the park had made the mistake of not supplying parking attendants for the toll booths, which is basically their problem, not yours.

IIRC, the last three WCB events have all had "free parking". I don't think that was a mistake on the part of the park, merely a perk for event attendees...

sirloindude's avatar
Ah, OK. I wasn't totally sure, but I wanted to at least get the point across that they weren't stealing. Thanks for the info, though.

13 Boomerang, 9 SLC, and 8 B-TR clones

ApolloAndy's avatar

Coasterphan said:

So basically my, unethical, not wanting to ever work with me, should give into price gouging because I need to conform with the rest of the world, way of cheating only happened at SFA.

The point is that you acknowledge this is wrong and glorify it rather than apologizing for it.

Everyone does stuff they later regret or that they later decide was wrong. Heck, I'm sure everyone does things they know are wrong at the time. How a person responds when he/she knows he/she is wrong is one of the truest tests of character.

On the other hand, I wonder how many of us download music illegally. *** Edited 4/21/2006 9:23:45 PM UTC by ApolloAndy***

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

Legendary said:
I'm not sure I follow your line of logic, phan...since when is it wrong for companies to raise prices on a service or product? And from what everyone is saying here, they raised it $10! That is so miniscule I honestly can't even believe you're moaning about it. Like other people posted in this thread, there are many more parks with much higher parking pass prices. Six Flags charges $15 to park one day, I'd say $40 is a great deal for an all season parking pass. Hell, I'd say it was a good deal even if parking was $5!

I love the "enthusiast" mentality. Let's spend as little as possible at the parks that bring us the coasters we love so much. That makes about as much sense as some misfit coming on a coaster msg board telling people how to steal from an amusement park.


My, how times have changed... ;)

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